📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Not sure what the context is but based on googling it seems like that’s just a name of a character in Cardcaptor Sakura, I’d guess it’s just somewhat inspired from the English pronunciation of water but with some flair to make it a fun name (though there could be some other pun going on as well, I’m not super familiar with Cardcaptor Sakura to say)


Home post

Day 49:

日本語: I read some of ミステリークロック and some of 機動強襲型令嬢アリシア物語1.


中国語: I read an intermediate entry on Mandarin Bean and one page of 擅长捉弄的高木同学.


Summary post

Day 50: February 19th

Time spent: 13 min
Today’s color: 鬱金色 (うこんいろ) - saffron yellow

Named for 鬱金 - turmeric (more commonly called ターメリック). Interesting tidbit I learned today - apparently when you’re dyeing things with turmeric, the color is different depending on whether you use an acidic or basic medium. Acid = more yellow, and base = more red.

Good words
  • 漢方 (かんぽう) - traditional Chinese medicine
  • あらゆる - all; every
  • 際 (さい) - on the occasion of; circumstances; juncture
  • 灰汁 (あく) - lye
  • 酸性 (さんせい) - acidity
  • 媒剤 (ばいざい) - medium (had to break out the J-J dictionary for this one)

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 8 min

Today’s reading was about 雨水 (うすい), a new period on the solar calendar. The first part of 雨水 is 獺祭魚, otters offering fish. The word 獺祭 (だっさい) can refer to:

  1. otters lining a catch of fish on a river bank cute :pleading_face:
  2. people making offerings (esp. of fish)​
  3. arraying a number of reference books in order to compose poetry; literary composition crammed with maxims, ancient episodes, legends, etc.​

What else did I read?
Amount read: 6 pages
Time spent: 30 min

Lots of fun and interesting sharks today! (I’m gonna put some more info on them in the spoilers, they’re all really cool :heart:) But I do have to highlight my favorite shark…
WHALE SHARK :durtle_love: AKA ジンベエザメ

I actually knew the name of this creature already, because of this cutie pie character

(I don’t remember how I stumbled onto him, actually…I just love him :pleading_face:)

Here's some more neat sharkos
  • ニシオンデンザメ - the Greenland shark, aka the oldest shark/oldest vertebrate ever. Apparently there is one that might be as old as 512 years old?? If you, like me, were wondering how they tell the age of these sharks, here’s an article about it xD
  • ウバザメ - basking shark, aka the shark with the big mouth xD Though perhaps not quite as big as…
  • メガマウス - the megamouth shark :rofl: A very weird and rare creature

The megamouth shark, the basking shark, and the whale shark are the only sharks that feed exclusively on plankton!

Good words
  • 脊椎動物 (せきついどうぶつ) - vertebrate
  • 話の腰を折る (はなしのこしをおる) - to interfere; to butt in; to interrupt someone
  • 爬虫類 (はちゅうるい) - reptiles
  • 北極圏 (ほっきょくけん) - Arctic Circle
  • 少なくとも (すくなくとも) - at least
  • 最高齢 (さいこうれい) - oldest; most advanced age
  • のろま - blockhead; dunce; dimwit; dolt; slowcoach; slowpoke
  • あくせく - busily; sedulously; laboriously; feverishly; fussily; worrying (about little things) (I love the kanji for this word - 齷齪)
  • 貪欲 (どんよく) - avarice; greed; covetousness
  • エラ - gills
  • 濾す (こす) - to filter; to strain
  • 目撃 (もくげき) - witnessing; observing; sighting
  • からと言って - just because; even if; even though
  • コバンザメ - remora (so…not actually a shark at all lol)
  • 吸盤 (きゅうばん) - suction cup; suction pad; sucker
  • 空白 (くうはく) - vacuum; blank; void
  • 微笑ましい (ほほえましい) - pleasant; charming
  • シロワニ - sand tiger shark (fun fact! 鰐 [ワニ] is an archaic term for shark, as well as the word for alligator) What if the Crabigator was actually…the CRABSHARK o::::

Well I certainly have no idea what you mean by that :sweat_smile: :eyes:
Now I’m curious who your new bias is :eyes:


Summary Post

Day 50: Today I read 9 pages of よつば&!and finished chapter 28!


February 19 :snowflake: Home Post

Oh I went absolutely wild with 999 today, love weekends :joy: It was really good! There were a number of times I kinda forgot I was reading Japanese until I ran into a word I didn’t know and was like “oh yeah I need to look that up” which is always a pretty cool feeling. I feel like a lot happened today, so…

~999 things~

Right off the bat there were some pretty good goofs:

八代(やしろ) absolutely WRECKED 淳平(じゅんぺい) for that, dude about died :joy: very funny though, 八代(やしろ)'s grown on me a lot (though I don’t exactly trust her but that’s a different problem entirely)

Then サンタ was サンタ as always:

I was so innocent like “what’s ヘルペス? …oh, of course he would” lmao

Then we ended up in this big room that freaked everyone out, and there was some cool wordplay!

Apparently 開放感(かいほうかん) is an irregular spelling of 解放感(かいほうかん) which means like a sense of freedom, but 開放感(かいほうかん) also means spaciousness, so it’s a cool sort of double meaning in this case. Especially with 心細(こころぼそ)さ there too there’s a lot of playing the spacial sorts of implications in these words, very fun :eyes:

At some point I came across うんともすんとも()わない and was like “what are うん and すん???” so I ended up on whole tangent reading about that, pretty interesting: 「うんともすんともいわない」の、「うん」と「すん」ってなんですか?? - ... - Yahoo!知恵袋

The last little bit I played had some fun one-on-one type conversations with different characters which was nice, in a not at all shocking twist I ended up with a screenshot from my conversation with サンタ:

I just love the energy of this lmao, 淳平(じゅんぺい) just like “wow I thought he was an entire idiot this whole time but maybe he actually does have some brain cells, who knew”

I’m glad I impulsively decided to play Zero Escape, it’s been a lot of fun! If you’d told me like beginning of January I’d be doing this I probably wouldn’t have believed you lmao, it’s wild how much has changed since then. Progress :muscle:


途方(とほう)()れる - to be at a loss
だだっ(ぴろ)い - excessively spacious, sprawling
茫漠(ぼうばく) - vast, vague
(うす)っぺらい - very thin, flimsy
(くさ)るほど - more than one can possibly use
いたるところ - everywhere, all over
二度手間(にどてま) - double effort
名答(めいとう) - correct answer
ぎこちない - awkward, clumsy

Oooh nice, that sounds super fun! Yeah I’m always like “uhhh I played… some? a lot? how do I quantify this” lmao

You know I’m starting to get the sense that slice-of-life-type things can be deceptively difficult :joy: like yes theoretically it’s more “normal” language people use regularly, but considering the amount of weird references and subjects that come up in day-to-day life? Kinda makes sense.

(Honestly even in 999 it’s not usually the sciencey-puzzley sort of stuff that gets weird, it’s when they keep talking about like the Titanic :joy:)



Didn’t manage to finish Chapter 3 :laughing: I’m about halfway through. Maybe I should allot a certain amount of time each day to reading, because otherwise I just barely fit it in. Fifteen minutes, perhaps?
I read pages 161-162 of 銭天堂 yesterday, and page 164 today.


Today’s reading was a film review of another film I haven’t seen: “境界”が次第に曖昧なものへ 永瀬正敏×奥原浩志監督『ホテルアイリス』の幻惑的な味わい|Real Sound|リアルサウンド 映画部

After reading the review and watching the trailer I don’t think I’ll be adding it to my watchlist.
I wrote out a whole rant and deleted it, but will leave it at I think unhealthy relationships can have a place in film, but glamorizing them is not that place.


:tiger2: :books: Homepost - Tigerdate: 20220220 :books: :raccoon:

Tanuki Scroll LI: 火事の知らせ方 :fire:

☆ Learnings ☆

New Words

かわや「厠」ー Toilet; Privy
かみしも「裃」ー Old ceremonial costume; Samurai costume
丸太「まるた」ー Log


Home post :house:

Day 44:

I read two pages of よつばと!today :four_leaf_clover::upside_down_face::four_leaf_clover:


And another week down. Beginning of the last week Homepost (43)

So this time around I read a little less.
Still working my way through Slam Dunk and am currently in the middle of volume 4. It’s still good but I have a long way to go till I’m done with all 20 :smiley: .
Other than that I did work through Tobira like I said and tackled the first 3 Chapters in the last week. Was a bit strange to return to textbook Japanese after all the manga reading I had done in the last while. Like I suspected it is a nice change of pace. It also keept reminding me of the propar grammar forms, should I ever feel like taking the JLPT at the end of the year. It’s interesting though to not have to look up nearly anything compared to when I’m reading random native material…
Doing the excercises from the Workbook also reminded me how rusty my Japanese writing had become. So I’m definitely glad to refresh it a little bit with Tobira over the coming weeks.
I’m also still reading 1-2 news articles (mostly NHK easy atm) every day to keep up with what are hot topics in Japan at the moment.

Other than reading I did a lot of listening this week. I’m obsessed with QuizKnock currently and it’s a hybrid of listening and reading for me. Currently there is also the Japanese Film Festival running in which I still want to watch another 3-4 of the films. So dividing my time between all these activities while living a normal live isn’t as easy anymore ^^.

So overall I think I’m currently striking a nice balance of refreshing some grammar, refreshing my writing, working on my listening and doing some lighter reading on the side. (30 min of Anki every day is a given)

I still like it to read all of your updates (especially the ones with the nice VN pictures) so please keep them coming. I will update next weekend again after the last full week is done.


Summary post :bookmark:

February 20

Progress: 63% → 66%

Yay, I managed to stay away from kpop and got some studying done as well :3

I replied in other thread :eyes: Don’t want to derail with super distracting kpop


Summary post

February 20 update:
Read the fifth story of きまぐれロボット today. This one was again not sci-fi, but something that I’m not sure how to categorize. Once again, I liked its pacing – it was building up intrigue for the first 4 pages or so, and then had a one-page “twist” scene and ended in maybe a two-sentence conclusion. There were just enough details to build interest and atmosphere, but no more than that. I think I’m regaining appreciation for short stories :grin: (Before this collection, I hadn’t read any for quite a while.)


Day 51!

Chapter 16 of 極主夫道 today. I got stuck on one word: 漢気 with the furigana おとこぎ. I I thought maybe it mean chivalry, since that can have the same reading, though the kanji is different(男気)but another member of the bookclub suggested it means something more like machismo, which I think would also make sense in the context.
I’m settling for moving on with the vague sense that it has something to do with manly pride!
I probably need to get better at tolerating ambiguity. Not being sure what something means makes my brain feel itchy. :sweat_smile:

(Home Post)


I got curious and decided to read up on it a little bit and that seems to be about right: 【男気】と【侠気】と【漢気】の意味の違いと使い方の例文 | 例文買取センター

Basically the gist I got is 漢気(おとこぎ) is like man’s man energy, the manliest of men :joy: (おとこ) can mean man’s man or man among men so it makes sense.


I am bored and have a little flex
I have read about 50 manga in the last 5 days


Yeah, I get you! The fact this VN (at least now while it’s still not approached anything sad yet) leans into comedy doesn’t help, both because that veers into odd topics or, you know, thrives on being a little absurd and unexpected. Checking comprehension gets harder if the intended statement is meant to be silly.

Summary post

Entering the home stretch! If there’s a bit of a break between threads, I’m going to miss this!

Took me a long time today, but I did make it ~3100 characters and 295 lines in. Part of that was me falling down a grammar rabbithole with the fantastically helpful grammar questions thread. One of those lines that I understood but it was weird to figure out how that piece of grammar was meant to exactly get me there. I can’t be alone in feeling like everything I do in Japanese in shrouded with a bit of haziness even when I’m getting it, heh.

Good times though, no complaints. Today was particularly frivolous, but I find it light and amusing. This time, we have a story in two panels:

The story

The appearance and subsequent chasing of a mosquito made the protagonist launch into some really far gone chuuni stuff…

But after about two lines of the VN treating it seriously down to the music and visuals, the small child in the room made him cut it out. Thank you, Umi.

Most interesting new word for me is 最期 (さいご), because it’s like the さいご (最後) I already know, but exclusively refers to one’s last moments/death. It would be nice if 期 used the reading I know (in 12 words WK only ever teaches this as き) but that is a problem basically every single day so we deal with these things :upside_down_face:

Also, I believe I’ve been reading it for 8 days, and I’m on page 78 of Zoo 2, 48% in. That is wild to me. :slight_smile:


Summary Post

Day 51: Today I read 4 pages of よつば&!


Home post

Day 50:

日本語: I read a lot of ミステリークロック (finished story 2 of 4 and started story 3, which looks to be the longest one).


中国語: I read an intermediate entry on Mandarin Bean and one page of 擅长捉弄的高木同学. The anti-streak of not doing my 孩子最爱读的中国民间故事 continues. :disappointed:

And one of the few remaining weeks has been knocked off!


Sorry this is off topic from reading but I keep forgetting I wanted to follow up on something that came up earlier with @pocketcat

On migraines

My fiancée found me some (annoyingly expensive, heh) glasses for migraines that I’ve been trying, since my problem is so clearly linked with light. I was already in the habit of regularly wearing some cheaper blue light glasses when at the PC, but that wasn’t quite doing it anymore. And thus far, I have to say, it’s been a real marked improvement! It’s the kind of thing I don’t want to overuse to the point of getting more sensitive, but I’ve been wearing them frequently just when at the computer, especially in the morning since that time was often worst for me, and I’ve had very few issues. Previously this was becoming almost a daily problem, so hopefully I’ve found what I need for my particular type :crossed_fingers:


Thanks. I did google the card and its English name is supposed to be “The Watery” and the katakana reading is supposed to be 「ウォータリー」。However, so far in volume 1, I’ve only seen 「ウオーティ」。Now I am wondering if maybe the mangaka changed the name later on in the series?
By the way, 「ウォータリー」is pronounced “uo-tari” and 「ウオーティ」is pronounced “uo-ti”, right? I guess this is what I originally meant to ask in my previous post, how the word was actually pronounced and not its meaning.