Day 51: February 20th
Time spent: 14 min
Today’s color: 桑色 (くわいろ) - light yellow though it looks brown in the book
Named for the mulberry tree (桑) - it’s a color you get from the roots and bark (vs. the berries, which is a different color)
Good words
- 質感 (しつかん) - feel (of a material); texture
- 黄褐色 (おうかっしょく) - yellowish-brown
- 煎じる (せんじる) - to boil; to decoct; to infuse
- 総称 (そうしょう) - general term; generic name
- 甘酸っぱい (あまずっぱい) - sweet and sour; bittersweet
- 根付く (ねづく) - to take root; to strike
まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 6 min
Today’s reading was about 蕗の薹, an edible flower bud that you have to eat before it gets too big (as it gets bigger, it started to get more bitter).
What else did I read?
Amount read: 6 pages
Time spent: 23 min
OMG it’s rays today, I love rays So glidey~
Here’s a shark and a ray high-fiving because they’re both cartilaginous why is it so cute D:
Apparently what separates sharks from rays is that rays have their gills on the bottom, while sharks have gills on their sides
Good words and good rays
- エイ - ray (any kind)
- シノノメサカタザメ - bowmouth guitarfish (I see these dudes in aquariums all the time, but I didn’t know that they are technically rays - they look like sharks with ray heads lol)
- カスザメ - Japanese angel shark
- ノコギリザメ - saw shark - rated 7/10 for cuteness by this website
- ノコギリエイ - sawfish, which is like a saw shark but…not a shark xD (It has bottom gills, while the saw shark has side gills)
- ポルカドットスティングレイ - polka-dot stingray (it’s so cute DDDD: So much polka dots)
- オニイトマキエイ - oceanic manta ray (so big “pandas of the sea” )
- ナンヨウマンタ - reef manta ray
- 癒し系 (いやしけい) - therapy; healing; rejuvenating; refreshing; soothing
- 板鰓亜綱 (ばんさいあこう) - Elasmobranchii (basically, the subclass of cartilaginous fish that includes both sharks and rays)
- 激痛 (げきつう) - sharp pain; acute pain; intense pain
- アナフィラキシーショック - anaphylactic shock
- 大群 (たいぐん) - large crowd; large herd; large flock; large school; large shoal; swarm
- 分かりにくい (わかりにくい) - hard to understand; incomprehensible; unintelligible