Haven’t posted here since I joined the race at level 4 and now I’m almost level 11!
We’ve got this peeps! I’m cheering you all on ~
Haven’t posted here since I joined the race at level 4 and now I’m almost level 11!
We’ve got this peeps! I’m cheering you all on ~
Hey guys I’ve been thinking that I need to update my process. Currently I’m not using any kind of reorder script and just going in default order. But that results in a bunch of kanji all at once, and I worry I’ll get similar kanji confused if I learn them on the same day. I’d actually like to be able to move some vocab words up so that I can do a reasonable number of lessons per day.
TLDR: What is your favorite reorder script?
I use 2 things:
On my iPhone with Tsurukame I can choose the order of my lessons. I try to get 5 kanji and 10 vocab every day.
On WaniKani I use the Shuffle setting. It also gives a good mix of vocab, kanji and radicals.
I use this one. and this one:
They have slightly different uses. Reorder can reorder the items by level or type. Filter let’s you be more specific about the number of each type.
I second that. Those are also the two reorder scripts I use and with them you can do anything.
Thank you, these look interesting. I’m also trying Mari’s suggestion of using shuffle and it’s pretty fun so far.
I hope that your kid continues to be well
Congrats to everyone! Onward and upward!
Meanwhile, this:
I very much like that number in light blue
The number of guru items is a bit concerning, so I will take some time to review them extra, but the totals are just fascinating. I honestly cannot believe that I even made it this far
Extra grin, just cause
101 apprentice and 1001 Enlightened, looks good!
LOL, I couldn’t help but get a vision of your child busting into a room and going Mortal Kombat on a bunch kids.
The finisher has him ripping out some poor kids heart while exclaiming, “Your soul is mine!”
It’s really sad because my son actually has athletic prowess. He’s pretty strong and decently coordinated, and big for his age. If it wasn’t for his heart he might have the innate talent to go pro. Today he was throwing a toy football and snapping the shit out of it. Hes just over two!! I pray that science pulls through and gives him like a 3d printed heart out of stem cells. He loves to move and be active.
Congrats on your new job Zeus san I wish you the best for your new chapter
I admire your perseverance to stick with WK through major changes in your personal life.
Happy leveling
Ippo…Ippo…Ippo. Take one step, do one review a day until you feel better. It is human to have off days. Hope you feel better soon Abbas san
Congratulations Gemma san Welcome to the Painful levels. We are glad you are durtling with us
I am glad you are looking at alternatives to improve tank san. They are double edged swords.So, please be careful while using them. If you do decide to use them, may I offer an unsolicited suggestion? Please conduct a retrospective for every 3 levels just to make sure you are using it right. Despite good intentions, there are one too many stories of abusing the script unintentionally before WK became overwhelming. I am not trying to scare you, this is more of a reminder to keep in the back of your head. (As always, feel free to ignore my suggestion if it doesn’t fit you . In the end, only you know what works best for you.)
Congratulations and Welcome to the “Millennium Enlightened” Club Xae san
It goes to show how awesome you are Xae san It is a testament to your hard work and patience
I wish your son good health. Yeah, hopefully science will make a qualitative leap soon and come up with a solid solution.
Today is a special day for me on many levels It also marks my 200th day with Crabigator
In Feb 2020, I was looking at 5-10 alternatives to learn Kanji. I stumbled upon WaniKani’s introductory article and was impressed with it. Either way I have three levels to try for free before I pay, so I decide to give it a shot. The first month and half was a wanderer phase for me. I would log in once or two a day do some reviews and I didn’t even log into the forum. I started logging into the forum in April and didn’t make a single post. And then I had my fateful encounter.
I stumbled upon this Level 21 before 2021 thread. And everything changed. I found a wonderful and uplifting community. I started posting and learning with others (80% of my first hundred posts are exclusively in this thread). I enjoyed the camaraderie. I was encouraged by the kindness, perseverance and the gentle strength shown by the members of this thread. I can’t thank @Marifly enough for creating and guiding this thread. You, my friend, are a BONA FIDE ROCKSTAR
Everyone on this thread has added cheer and color to my life. Working together with everyone and moving forward has been a fulfilling experience. I am thankful for this experience of a lifetime.
Thanks for everything 皆さんありがとうございます You have my heartfelt gratitude 感謝します Looking forward to be in your care これからもよろしくお願いします
Thank you so much for being here! Looking forward to seeing you on level 21 soon, and then in the level 60 thread!
Thank you for the lil boost Jiro It really means a lot, seriously.
And Happy Anniversary!!
Dude this is huge! It looks as though the move’s gone smoothly. I’m happy for you my man
Yes, thank you, all went well. I should maybe specify a little bit, because when I said “moved” that wasn’t exactly true, just shorter to write. I started a volunteer year in another country, so I certainly moved myself but not my whole apartment. In that sense I didn’t have much trouble but the new work certainly kept me busy enough.
Congrats! I was just checking my numbers to compare (because you are one level above) and now I’m scared!
@monkeyshine89 I hope science advances enough to allow your child to be as active as he wants to be!
@KyokaJiro congratulations! I hope you have another 200 great days here on WK! I also always look forward to your kind words here on this thread! So supportive!
@Abbas099 you can do it! the is right there! But also make sure not to burn out
@Marifly you are also so so so close!
@Aikibujin congratulations on your level up! Also super close now! So exciting
@tankwidow those scripts are incredible! I love being able to reorder things and study them the way I want without disrupting the WaniKani system. I hope you find your groove as well!
@zEUs_Japanese Congrats on your move! Moving apartments is always supper stressful and messy, but in your case, you moved countries! that’s even more complicated sometimes. Hope you enjoy your new work
I’m mostly lurking the forums lately but I’m knocking away at my reviews and lessons everyday, hoping we all reach our goals!
Had to do a few days of 30 daily lessons to catch up but here we are. If I level up tomorrow I’ll have spent 8 days on level 19. Which is not bad for a few days of late reviews and a entire day of missed lessons. Hopefully by starting level 20 with a clean slate I’ll be able to get back to 7 days.
I really need to clean out leeches. My guru pile is getting quite close to 600. I really need to spend time drilling leeches. I wish there was a “review hospital” that could take leeches out of the main reviews and have a separate srs system to add them back into the main review que. That way leeches don’t bog people down to the point where they get overwhelmed and it allows for more practice.