Welcome to the Painful levels.
Thank you!! I’m excited and concerned
Oh! I forgot to mention, I also just got my first few burns since resetting! We’re rolling at full tilt now, baby!
Have to say when I saw this Kanji in the lesson preview:
Was so disappointed when the pronunciation wasn’t:
On second thought, I guess the real reading is nearly as cool:
Hearty congratulations Jamuko san
Go burn those Durtles
I also reached the painful level start today!
Congratulations to everyone chucking away at those lessons and reviews!
I had exactly 20 vocab lessons left before doing the reviews I needed to level up. But decided to not do them so I don’t end up increasing my apprentice items too much. Now into the new radicals!
Let the pain begin!
Level 15 Complete!
This was actually an easy level.
Kinda makes me nervous about the next one though…
Level 10! Happy level up to me!
Also a bit terrified to be in the double digits now…
Thank you! I didn’t know that thread existed! I will post there to keep track weekly
Reached lvl 18 now!
It is the first time in my Wanikani practice that I have a constant and good progress. (10 Kanji lessons a day or 15-20 vocabularies) The motivation is huge currently, but I think I will reduce my speed a little bit, because I feel a little bit overwhelmed by my Guru amount. Before, I lacked the discipline and focus. Now I want to maintain it, but slow down a little to 11-12 days/level. As long as I am below 14 days I am happy.
Accidentally reached level 16 about two days earlier than expected.
すごい!Congrats on the level up!
Where’s @zEUs_Japanese at?
You ain’t slippin are yah? o _ O?
Congrats on your level up panda san (Love the pain reference
The world shall know pain - Almighty push
Woohoo Aikibujin san
Double the joy, double the trouble language_lover san
Congrats Teadrinker san You are within the striking distance of the goal. I admire your discipline to slow down
Here’s some encouragement from my favorite tea drinker
Serendipity congratulations on your level up Sagittarius San
Oh man, this really touched me. I didn’t post the last two levels and hardly visited the forums because I moved and started a new job, but I still kept on leveling!
To make it really quick: I reached Level 16 monday evening and now, as I look back in the thread, it seems you did too! At the same time even! Nice one.
To me the goal threads mean not only posting my own level ups, but also catching up with the others and that would have just been a bit too much for me these last few days.
Thanks again for reaching out, that was really cool!
No worries! ^ _ ^
I’m just glad to hear nothing bad happened and that you’re still keeping up with it!
This week was gobbled up by my kids heart catherterization so I’ve been only reviewing twice a day and didn’t even take new lessons today. Thankfully it’s just vocab left but that means I have a few days of pulling double duty catching up.
Oh no, that sounds scary! Please take care of yourself and your kid now! Not taking any new lessons is the best thing to do when Life happens.
Congratulations! It’s so important to find that sweet spot between going too slow and going too fast. It takes some experimenting but it sounds like you have a good system in place right now. That really helps! I’m also around 11-12 days per level right now around the same level as you and it feels like a good speed.
Congrats! Don’t be afraid to take a couple of extra days to get rid of the vocab from the previous level before starting the kanji and radical lessons on the new level if needed!
Oh it’s pretty routine, just a pia. I hate the hospital so much. Plus my kid is outgoing and always wants to be in the play room. But despite having heart disease he is very active and basically runs over the weaker kids.
Level 19! Almost 1/3 through WaniKani and so close to the top here. Feeling good so far!