Hey Guys!
I started to use scripts when I was Level 2 and I really LOVE some of them.
Therefore I’d like to interchange some experience about scripts with you.
Which scripts do you use?
Why do you use this scripts?
Are there scripts you avoid on purpose?
Did you make bad experience with scripts?
Okey, I’ll make the start:
My most important scripts are the Ultimate Timeline Script and the Ultimate Reorder 2 Script. Without them I would not be able to keep up the fast speed of 1Lvl / Week.
Of course I would never abuse the Reoder Script to neglect my vocab. Actually I always do all my vocab before the next level.
The next script I want to point out is Katana Madness. It converts the on’yomi readings into katakana. I really love this script, because I think it is very useful to know which reading you are learning. When I see a jukugo of only kanji without okurigana or a jukugo with okurigana I can intuitivly guess the reading. Actually I do my vocab lessons like: “Oh, it could menan this and could be pronounced like that”. If it’s right, I just skip it
I don’t understand why WK teaches On’yomi in hiragana
For me as a non-native English speaker the Close but no Cigar Skript is very valuable, because I repeat the correct spelling of English words. For example I always wrote “independAnce” instead of “independence”. I will learn about 8000 Japanese vocab, so I will repeat about 8000 Engisch vocab. And a “bit off” spelling is total useless for me. I would just remember the wrong spelling of English words.
I absolutely LOVE (!!!) the Auto Commit Script. If you type in the correct menaning/reading it will just commit it to WK and go forward. OMG, I did spend SO MUCH TIME checking my input!!! And despite that I always got typos in the okurigana. Or even better: In my head I got the correct reading, but my fingers just press other keys. For example this stupid “nn” for ん. Or I love to type いる instead of いろ (色). With this script I get faster through my reviws (about 50% faster!!!) and I got way less “fake leeches”. Before the script I got about 80% right, now I got about 95%!!!
The downside of the script: I get more than one chance. When I type something and its note automaticly commited, I start to think: may it use the other reading? What did I do wrong? And than I remeber: Oh, yeah this vocab used to read like that. And I think: yeah, I actually knew that, lets type it in
Do you think this is bad for my learning progress?
And there is one more little helper: The Hide Context Sentence Script. Its just useless, if you want to read a Japanese sentence and the translation stand just beneath.
The Leech Trainer Script looks interesting, but it doesn’t do much for me. I always have between 1 and 10 leeches when I get new vocab, but that is just normal. They will disappear after a few days, so I won’t train them separately.
Thanks to all hard working programmers of the scripts! You are AWESOME! Really, WK gets soooo much better with this scripts!!