Anki deck is slowly calming down, last two days only 80 and 60 cards came back.
As for Wanikani, leech situation isn’t looking bad. There definitely still are cards that drop down from Guru+ and become problematic. But after reading about some SRS study, that 10% of your lowest interval cards contribute to a 300% increase in your workload, I decided to do short self-study sessions in which I focus on Apprentice 1 and Apprentice 2. I only do those once per few days or when it’s clear some cards are causing me problems, and they don’t take me long either (maybe 20 minutes tops).
So far that’s working out, apprentice 1 and 2 has been in single digits for some time now. I should be leveling to 33 tomorrow, though some vocabulary from first batch of level 32 kanji, are still around Apprentice 3. Some of them are a bit weird and confusing, but slowly forward.
I had some more time to use Bunpro recently. I wasn’t supposed to start N4 yet, but the “synonyms” option on Bunpro caught my attention, and I thought learning a very similar grammar point at the same time could be a good idea sometimes (especially if they are both explained and compared in each of the lessons). I did that for two N4 points so far, there was one N2 one that I was considering learning too, but the sentences were next-level 

I will probably take it a bit easier in a few days to try and enjoy holidays, but still hoping to finish the 126 grammar points by end of December.
Leveling to 33 tomorrow, meant that I had to catch up on my future kanji deck in Anki. I only was halfway through the level 33 there, so I took around 30-40 minutes to learn the entire level.
Not gonna lie, maintaining this pace while trying to juggle gym, coding, business, relationship, family and going out is a bit crazy. There are moments where I feel i got no time to chill, which is not good and after completing N5 grammar, I might consider slowing down a bit. I think instead of aiming for 8 days per level on WK, aiming for 10 days is more reasonable. As for grammar, I want to reach the point where I can learn through exposure (reading) as soon as possible, even with the simplest stories / mangas. I’m really enjoying the 5 cards per day on Future Kanji Anki deck of mine, and I think doing something similar for N4 grammar points like setting a goal of 2 or 3 lessons per day would be a solid plan too. 
Final Note
I did say that it does feel a bit crazy and overwhelming sometimes, but it also does feel incredible that I have days during which I complete everything I set out for myself. And very often, I set a lot of tasks. This is only because near middle of November, I decided to drop video games altogether. I was clearly addicted to them and played them even during times, when I knew i had something else to do. I would easily get hooked on a game for months and disregard to some extent rest of my life. This study log is partially to keep myself accountable, but also to keep myself a little more “sane”, through this transition period and a new chapter of my life.
I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate, that some of you read these long posts of mine and leave a like on them. It does make me feel like I’m not alone in this, and motivates me to keep going. So thank you, internet strangers