Probably half or more of everything WaniKani says I get “wrong” are because of stupid errors (like typing in the reading for the meaning), or just plain old phone keyboard typos.
Are there any ways or tips to reduce these kinds of silly, costly mistakes, or any sort of things (like third party plugins or the like) that can help catch them when they do happen?
Be more careful, check your answer before you submit.
There is a userscript that lets you resubmit your answer I believe, but it’s a bad habit to let ‘typos’ go unpunished. I have no clue how it’s called.
To clarify, the same sloppiness that let’s me type the reading instead of meaning, makes me confuse 札 for 礼.
In terms of things like reading for meaning and so on, you will probably find that you just subconsciously get much better at that. There are all sorts of little visual clues that your brain will gradually pick up.
Yeah, I second this. I hate doing reviews on my phone because there’s no re-order script and I always mistype words because then screen is too small compared to my PC keyboard.
One suggestion I can give is to change your phone keyboard. I installed a different keyboard (SwiftKey specifically) because it made typing in WaniKani easier for me. Depending on your phone, maybe just making the keys a bit larger will be enough, but play around with your options (while trying to have enough real estate on screen to still see the kanji). I can tell you that having the delete key right next to the enter key has tripped me up more than a few times even when I CATCH my mistakes.
But I can also contradict the notion that it goes away with time. I’m well into my WK journey and I still can make one or two typos per significant review session (say, more than 20–30 reviews at a time). I’ve found two things to help with this. First, be honest with yourself. Was it really a typo? Is it OK to just suck it up and push the kanji//vocabulary back down for more review? If the answer is that “yes, I really did know this one”, then the second bit is to have two browsers on your phone. I use Chrome for WK specifically because the pull-down refresh lets me skip or delay a kanji during a review sessions (like if I typo-ed on it already). Whenever it shows me the typo-ed kanji, I refresh/skip until I’ve completed nearly all the other reviews (down to less than 5). Then I switch over to the other browser (Firefox in my case) and complete the review session there. (I’ve taken this approach in part because I didn’t want to install a third-party tool.)
Android or iPhone?
I use WaniKani app on Android and it has an ‘ignore answer’ option. (Might not be what it’s called, but same thing). I end up using it a lot as I fat finger quite often.
Or Firefox on mobile (Android at least) does support userscripts as well.
While I agree computer is far better, that’s not an option for many people when they’re at work, on the bus, etc.
Touchscreen typos are my nemesis with reviews lol. My best advice which I also need to practice is to just slow down and double check your answers before clicking enter