April 26th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく: Community Reading Exercise

I’m sometimes completly lost noticing which reply is to which frame of the manga…

So it would be nice if whoever is mantaining the first message of thread updates with links to posts of claimed/done messages.

(Or I can do (I need it not to be lost anyway), but then it won’t be at the top; not on old threads anyways)


@YanagiPablo: Sorry, I’m not going to do that though. I update the first thread when I can but I’m not going to link each reply to each post considering I’m already hosting the activity daily for the last month and a half. When you’re hosting you can do that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Unless you mean what’s taken and available? In that case it’s been there from the beginning:

If you want to do it though, you can put the formatted messages with the code tags and I can then just copy/paste them in the first message.


That’d be good idea actually considering this is meant to be a community exercise, you could be in charge of that.

I Claim F

F Part 1: 結局 教授けっきょく きょうじゅであるって ことと……
F Part 2: 名医めい いであるか どうかは無関係むかんけい ってことだな……

First, ROFLOL @ Étienne’s use of the “Details” collapsing triangle feature. YOU get it…you see why I’m in love with that board feature. Wow!! BWA haha!

F Analysis

Part 1
  • 結局 (kekkyoku けっきょく) “In the end”. I am used to seeing 結 in marriage (結婚kekkon).局(kyoku) alone apparently also means “station” “bureau” “department” and “lady in waiting”(!).
  • 教授(mei i)である “being a professor”; I’m guessing that the で is marking “professor” for the ある. I don’t really understand why the phrase is constructed this way!! YanagiPablo, I totally understand what you said about this kanji in H…I saw the characters, I knew that I should know them, but then had to look it up again!!
  • って事とI split this off the verb ある, because it seems more like the user of ってas accentuating a phrase thing (事) said before by (by who the speaker is talking to). Is this final とthe conjunction “and”? Hmmm. Not sure. Actually, I feel more like it’s a QUOTE と, as in, “You said about the professor…” Nb: pointed out below by Naphthalene that it’s one of those quote-type "Aと言う事"⇒ “the thing that is A” どうもありがとうNaphthalene!
  • 名医であるか "(he) is a famous doctor
    どうかは along the lines of “what if” “whether it is so”
  • 無関係 (mukankei) Adj. irrelevant, unrelated.
    って事だな that thing which was said (whether he is a famous doctor) is this -な Adj., Irrelevant.

F Interpretation
Part 1: In the end, as to what you said about the professor,…
Part 2: it doesn’t matter whether or not he is a famous doctor…

Who am I kidding, I need my practice. I’ll claim G.

The “pre-formated” tag doesn’t handle multi-line blocks however…

Maybe you can just put a link to the index ?

This one:


note the shortcut: /t (as in “Topic”, /x (x replaces the thread title) / then topic number / post number within the topic)

And I’ll claim H



腕を磨き続けた人は 教授になれない…

(走 and 磨 I knew the meaning, but didn’t remember the reading of the verbs, so had to search; 教授 I supposed it was professor, but wasn’t sure (and didn’t remember the reading either). All other I could type directly, that feels good)

Regarding what’s what, maybe people could put the targeted letter at the beginning of their message like:


You understood xyz wrong.

That would allow people to know what us bring talked about instead of having me needing to constantly edit the first message.

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(only new)

  • 走り回る (はしりまわる) : to run around
  • 腕 (うで) : 1. arm, 2. (fig.) skills
  • 磨く (みがく) : to polish
  • 続ける (つづける) : to continue (transitive)
  • 教授 【キョウ・ジュ】: professor
  • なれない : なる (to become) in potential and negative.


=> “runing around inside the hospital for the patients…

note: as a motion verb, 走り回る uses particle を to tag the medium/path along which the motion is done)

腕を磨き続けた人は 教授になれない…
=> “people that continue polishing their skills… won’t be able to become professors…

(to fully understand the sentence, it has to be put in context with what Dekune-kun said just before (frame “G”))



Just think of it as one unit “である” and not as で+ある (even if historically/etymologically that is what it is).

It is the formal version of what is more commonly said as です/だ. Do you remember how the negative form is で(は)ありません/で(は)ない ?

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Re. F

Yes, I was really thinking of the “___ではありません” for “I am not a ____.”

Sadly って is not literally って :sweat_smile: It’s a slurred という. “Aという事” → the thing that is A.

Yes, it’s “and”

Putting it all together:

In the end (the fact of) being a professor and being a famous doctor (or not) is unrelated.



If you guys could start your message with your letter it’d be pretty neat.

Re. Naphthalene re. F

Wow! It never ceases to amaze me how I can so closely SKIRT AROUND a meaning! Mine was close, but yours is so much better! I treated the two sentence parts individually, so didn’t see that the relevance comparison was between the two parts! Happily, both of ours was closer than Google Translate’s: “After all, it is irrelevant whether you are a professor or not.” :smiley:

Naphthalene, I would greatly appreciate your continuing comments on these threads.

And as Fanboy: I saw your Book reading goals thing…“Noice!”

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Ahhh man, 今回失敗したのは僕です。
Even after seeing the Kanji you wrote it still took me like 5 more minutes to figure out the difference :frog:

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Re. E by @postliminal Part 2

I liked your interpretation, so I looked for an idiom about collecting arrows and found nothing!

When I put 確かに矢取してないよね into Google Translate, it said “I’m sure you haven’t taken a shot”… I think I saw this somewhere else before, where the arrow turned into the “shot”.

So maybe it’s “30 years without a mistake” “He didn’t even take a risk” ?? Then in my panel: it doesn’t even matter if he is a professor or a famous doctor. Then Zizka’s G will come out " become a doctor with an experimental PhD thesis" ??

Nope… I’m still confused… Sorry, not much help here.

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Because the manga says 失敗, not 矢取. It’s a different kanji, actually both are different kanji.
失敗(しっぱい) means „mistake“


I had a bit of trouble to understand that, as at first I read it as ウワサじゃの … (with just an elongated じゃ); and didn’t understand why the rumor was an attribute of the professor…

Until I realized that there is space (comma, pause) between the two:
ウワサじゃ, there is a rumor; あの教授の… … of that professor

(I put it here in case some other readers had the same reading difficulty as I had)

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As other have told you already 矢 (⿱𠂉大, arrow) and 失 (error, flaw, mistake) are not the same (for the arrow the 大-like part doesn’t cross the top horizontal bar; think of it as 𠂉 being the tip of the arrow (probably that is what was originally depicted).
Wanikani also names the 𠂉 element “gun”; I don’t like that name particularly, but as gun is a weapon, the same as an arrow, it may help you.

(The second kanji is different too, in “collecting arrows” 矢取 (やとり) the second kanji is ⿸耳又; while in “mistake” 失敗 (しっぱい) it is ⿰貝攵)

Well, I like, in those manga reading exercices, also try reading things that almost everybody just ignores: the writings in the landscape.

The machine at the rear has:


The last kanji is hidden by one of the bubles, but the 木 radical is visible,
so I supposed (rightly) it is 機 (machine)

食券 (しょっけん) : meal ticket
販売機 (はんばいき) : vending machine (販売=sales, selling)

Practice is actually a good thing, as it helps correct one’s errors.
At first I misread 券 (刀 (blade) radical) as 劵 (力 (power) radical),
but as 食劵 showed nothing on dictonaries I took a closer look and saw the difference.

And for 売, as I didn’t remember its On-reading, I searched it by components
on the components matrix at jisho.org … and was unable to find it…
Oh my! I had always written the upper part like this 土 (earth, bottom line larger),
but it instead like this one 士 (warrior, upper line larger)

True, I see how that could be confusing. I’ll add a space in the post.

I’ve added today’s thread in the reading subforum in case you guys are wondering where it is.

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So Shannon already covered some of this.

I approach this sentence in segments. First I identify what is the direct object of the sentence を: 実験(experiment):heavy_plus_sign:論文(thesis) is the direct object of the sentence. So far so good.

Then I can spot the verb writing in the 〜て form: 書いて. Am I right to say that the ~て form is issued here to link the verb with the rest of the sentence?

博士号【はかせこう】means a Ph.D. Is とり really とる in fact, “to take”? If so, why is it written と? I’ve always wondered about that.

So in the first part, there’s a discussion about writing an experimental thesis to obtain a Ph.D. I think.