April 26th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく: Community Reading Exercise

I Claim F

F Part 1: 結局 教授けっきょく きょうじゅであるって ことと……
F Part 2: 名医めい いであるか どうかは無関係むかんけい ってことだな……

First, ROFLOL @ Étienne’s use of the “Details” collapsing triangle feature. YOU get it…you see why I’m in love with that board feature. Wow!! BWA haha!

F Analysis

Part 1
  • 結局 (kekkyoku けっきょく) “In the end”. I am used to seeing 結 in marriage (結婚kekkon).局(kyoku) alone apparently also means “station” “bureau” “department” and “lady in waiting”(!).
  • 教授(mei i)である “being a professor”; I’m guessing that the で is marking “professor” for the ある. I don’t really understand why the phrase is constructed this way!! YanagiPablo, I totally understand what you said about this kanji in H…I saw the characters, I knew that I should know them, but then had to look it up again!!
  • って事とI split this off the verb ある, because it seems more like the user of ってas accentuating a phrase thing (事) said before by (by who the speaker is talking to). Is this final とthe conjunction “and”? Hmmm. Not sure. Actually, I feel more like it’s a QUOTE と, as in, “You said about the professor…” Nb: pointed out below by Naphthalene that it’s one of those quote-type "Aと言う事"⇒ “the thing that is A” どうもありがとうNaphthalene!
  • 名医であるか "(he) is a famous doctor
    どうかは along the lines of “what if” “whether it is so”
  • 無関係 (mukankei) Adj. irrelevant, unrelated.
    って事だな that thing which was said (whether he is a famous doctor) is this -な Adj., Irrelevant.

F Interpretation
Part 1: In the end, as to what you said about the professor,…
Part 2: it doesn’t matter whether or not he is a famous doctor…