よつばと! Vol 7 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

Yes, I noticed that too! (Was waiting till we hit the chapter to mention it). But I didn’t know it was an actual brand! Amazing!

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Sorry about that! I’m in the process of fixing my schedule so that meant not being awake at 12:00 :sweat_smile:

Discussion of Chapter 45 starts here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember you can always ask questions about previous chapters.
This chapter looks interesting, so let’s go! :smiley:
(Not because it’s a 風香 chapter or anything. :zipper_mouth_face:)


I completely missed it! But in the English version I noticed because of the text =^_^=
And fun fact that it exists! =D

And in case someone wonders what Shimau got translated to, Miss Stake (yes, in two words, as if it was a Miss Name :wink: Yotsuba on the other hand say Mistake to her, in one word) I think it was a nice and creative way of handling it =)


Chapter 45!

Page 81

ぱちしえ - no problems, I got it! It’s Yotsuba’s pronunciation of パティシエ, as per page 87, picture 3!

Page 85

スパイか…? Are you a spy?
ぎゅうにゅうやさんか…? {something} milk?

And ideas about that やさん?

Page 86

Okay, so the new girl’s name is しまうー? Which is the Japanese for “an action that has taken place unintentionally often with unsatisfactory results” and is often used to swear, as in しまった!, right?

Thank you @Abstormal for giving the English translation, Miss Stake, which is brilliant! But I wonder…… Is it really possible for しまうー to be someone’s name in Japanese? Even as a nickname? The only nicknames I’ve heard are just those where you shorten the name and add -ちゃん. Clearly, I need to get out more!

But likewise, I don’t think I’ve ever heard her family name, ひわたり, either. Is there by any chance any joke in there that I might be missing?

Page 87


Can someone help me break this down? I think it is the explanatory particle, then で, then “chef”, then the quotation particle, then the slang version of to say, then より.

“Because I’ll say something like a “chef”” is my best guess.

Page 88


So Yotsuba declares her love for Fuuka (oh, the power of ケーキ!) and then Miss Stake says, my guess, “ah, [but you] are already going out with someone”. Is that right? And what does っちゃいな mean?

And I love the picture of Ena popping her head round the door to ask if they are really making cake!


You did? I confess I thought it was a little bit perplexing. Possibly less perplexing now that I actually know some Japanese, perhaps…

牛乳屋さん. Milkman

No, that’s not really a Japanese name. Couldn’t say why it’s not - it just doesn’t sound right.

It’s not one of the hundred most common surnames in Japan, but neither is it completely unheard-of. For example.

Gonna need to get my hands on my copy before I can answer your 87 and 88 questions.


Brilliant! Now you say it, now I see it! (And hilarious too!) Thank you @Belthazar!

I didn’t think so! Thanks for the confirmation!

Brilliant! Nice one! Much appreciated! Thank you again!

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The other parts are important for this one!
よつば asks if 風香 is playing chef, and 風香 says:
“I’m not making hamburgers, and instead of (saying; calling me) chef, (I’m a) patissier!”

It may be that I just learned this and I’m trying to apply it to everything I see, but I think:
“Ah, go out already!”

付き合う - to go out with
ちゃう - to do completely
な - do (​imperative; used with masu stem verb)
“go out!”

I may also just be wrong, nothing new there. :joy:


There’s also his other manga, Azumanga Daioh, where a character’s nickname is Osaka, because well, she’s from Osaka.

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Thank you so much for all of that @Kazzeon! Really helpful, useful, stuff! Thank you!

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I’m used to nicknames in Anime. I’ve even seen stories where one character tells another the best way to make friends is to give them nick names to show familiarity (and they botched it by giving hurtful ones… ^^; )

Nicknames I’m used to from Naruto; Bushy eyebrows (I think they use it more than his real name, or at least Naruto does), Forehead (teasingly, she hates it), Fat (actually complimentary XD ), Mr. Octopus and so on. Those are just the ones I can recall at the top of my head, from one anime =P

Also, I love Potato Girl from Attack on Titan :rofl:
Eat a raw potato once, and it will forever be your nickname (and a running gag in the gag version)

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I can imagine! If I had a mate do that, I’d forever cal him “spud” for sure! I oughtn’t be surprised it’s the same in anime! Cheers @Abstormal!

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Our previous prime minister once ate a raw onion, skin and all. It didn’t earn him a nickname, but it certainly got him a gasp of collective national horror, and an internet meme.


The Swedish King, The word for “the King” is “Kungen” in Swedish. He managed to miss spell it once; Knugen
He is forever called Knugen now =P



Ok, finally read the chapter. That last panel…

I want to know how the cake tastes.

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Page 89

風香を姉ちゃん ケーキなんて普段 作らないから しまうーさん がんばってね

So, Ena is talking to しまうー and says:

風香を姉ちゃん - Fuuka
ケーキ - cake
なんて - such as; (things) like​
普段 - usually; normally; generally, etc​
作らない - does not make
から - because
しまうーさん - Shimau, “Miss Stake”
がんばって - do your best
ね - yeah, sentence ending particle

“Fukka doesn’t usually make cakes and stuff, so good luck yeah”

No questions here, just to say that at first the tone here was difficult for me to catch. To my English ears this was full of sarcasm, but on the other hand this is little Ena speaking, so she might just be wishing Shimau good luck in a non-sarcastic way, which I think is pretty much confirmed in the next panel.

Page 91

じゃあ よつばちゃんには 私の貸してあげるよ

“Well then, I’ll lend mine to Yotsuba”

Again, no problems here, but I notice from Jisho that 貸す means “to lend” and 貸して上げる also means “to lend”. Is there a difference between them? Is there a reason Ena chooses one rather than the other?

And the writing next to the speech bubble says __食エプロン. I’ve struggled with the first character but can’t find it. Any ideas?

Page 93

The funny thing is, I actually recognise the packaging of that butter, but never noticed the name before! Time to switch brands perhaps!


太る - to grow fat
はず - expectation that something will take place
だ - copula
よねー two sentence ending particles next to each other
ケーキ - the subject of the sentence has been placed at the end

Is that right?

Got to stop now, but this is a really fun chapter so far! Thank you everyone!


I don’t think it’s sarcasm so much as she’s disparaging her elder sister.

I mean, can you picture Fuuka being any good at cooking? :stuck_out_tongue:

Google came up with this - “the subject is doing something beneficial to the other person”


See if you can find that Koiwai-brand milk from a few volumes ago. Not the expensive one they’ve been enjoying recently, just the regular stuff. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds right, but from memory I think you might be missing part of that sentence. I’ll check when I get home, but they were commenting on the amount of sugar. “If you eat the cake (with seventy grams of sugar in it), you’re gonna get fat.”


It’s the thought that counts! :triumph:

Btw, do you agree on this?

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Yeah. With something of a tone of “yes, yes, stop being so lovey-dovey”, I think.


Yes, that’s the tone for that expression. :joy:

“If you love cake so much, why don’t you marry it?”


Thank you again @Belthazar!

Wow, I don’t remember that! I’ll have to look it up and go for a search!

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