キノの旅 Home Thread (Intermediate Book Club)

Join the Intermediate Book Club here!

Welcome to キノの旅!

Where To Buy

Amazon JP | CDJapan | eBookJapan

Furigana version available: (WARNING: has a different 4th chapter and other changes throughout the book!)
Amazon JP | CDJapan

Discussion Threads

Book 1

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13

Reading Schedule

Book 1
  • I tried to aim for logical break in the flow, so the last sentence might not be the last sentence of the page but the last sentence before a break.
  • Similarly, the page count may change a bit from week to week.
  • There are many illustrations, which inflates the page count. The schedule aims for 15 pages of text per week.
Week Start Date Chapter Until page (last sentence)
Week 1 March 9th Prologue/Chapter 1 (1/2) p.29 (その間、誰一人として見かけることはなかった。)
Week 2 March 16th Chapter 1 (2/2) p.45 (「さあね」)
Week 3 March 23rd Chapter 2 (1/2) p.62 (「[…]順を追って話そう。」
Week 4 March 30th Chapter 2 (2/2) p.78 (ヘルメスの正当な抗議を無視しながら、キノはアクセルをさらに開けた。)
Week 5 April 6th Chapter 3 (1/1) p.97 (老人はにやっと笑いながら、そう訊ねた)
Week 6 April 13th Chapter 4 (1/4) p.114 (台詞の棒読みのように言った。)
Week 7 April 20th Chapter 4 (2/4) p.127 (男は何も言わず、気を失て右側に倒れた。)
Week 8 April 27th Chapter 4 (3/4) p.142 (そして、撃たなかった)
Week 9 May 4th Chapter 4 (4/4) p.165 (そして、彼はもう一度だけ、森の向こうにあるはずの国を見た。)
Week 10 May 11th Chapter 5 (1/2) p.184 (「[…]謝罪しろ!」) *
Week 11 May 18th Chapter 5 (2/2) p.198 (でもそれは別の話だ。)
Week 12 May 25th Chapter 6 (1/2) p.219 ([…]ホヴィーが動き出すとすぐに消えた。)
Week 13 June 1st Chapter 6 (2/2)/Epilogue p.236 (わずかに残っていた炎は、消えた。)

* A slightly weird cut (just before the end of the page, in the middle of a conversation).

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter(s) and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the chapter and page number. Also, mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun!

Member List

Set your participation status here

Word lists - Learn the vocabulary for キノの旅!


This thread is 100% based on @seanblue’s amazing template


Are you planning to read キノの旅 with us?

  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • No
  • Not sure

0 voters

If so, what version are you planning to read?

  • Physical book
  • ebook

0 voters


Schedule looks good. How’d you pick the break points within a chapter? Were there actual breaks at those points?

1 Like

Wow, chapter 4’s a monster!


For all the breaks except the “weird” one, yes. I just went a bit back or forward, so we have sometimes 16 pages, sometimes 13… I hope it will be fine.
For the weird one, though, there was just no interruption in the text for pages on end, so I put the break at the moment where a character pauses before talking instead (such cliffhanger!)


Next time we should call all the authors and publishers and force them to add breaks at exactly 15 pages just for us. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


We have already such an impact on the market. They have to listen to us.


Y-You’re a mons-



Yes, let’s have them give 1 book away to one of the participants of the book club for every book we read.


Oh! @Naphthalene, this thread is not in the Reading sub-category.

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Whoopsy. Nice catch!

Just made the OP into a wiki too, just in case.

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I often just have the Reading page open :sweat_smile:


lebbs 'd. D:


Is this still a thing? I don’t see anywhere to set my participation status through the link.

You saw nothing. (It’s just the post below, anyway).


I’m sorry I’m a bit confused! Where can I set my participation status?

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There is a poll in the second post about if you intend to read the book or not, and once we start reading there will also be a poll in each discussion thread, where you can update your current status(just look at one of the chapter discussion threads for some other book if you want to see what those look like)


So, https://floflo.moe/kino-no-tabi/ is the vocab list? And I could use it as SRS if I wanted to? :thinking:


That should be correct, yes.

1 Like

You do need to register a free account with floflo first though, or you won’t be able to see past the first 100 words or so (and won’t be able to use the SRS).