Beyond Sleepy’s (pillow fort?) study log

Thank you :pray: I’m reading yours every day as well:)

I’ll speed up my Wanikani leveling once grammar and vocab stop feeling like the biggest obstacles to consuming Japanese media:) Until then just knowing a bunch of Kanji won’t help me much so I see no benefit in prioritizing speed on this platform just yet;) But I’m a Manly Racer so at some point (maybe in 2023?) I might try to go fast :dash:

That’s what’s called “experience.” It’s a coveted thing, you should treasure it :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks :pray: :blush:

She’s a gift! Have you thought about SRSing your repetitions? Watch once, wait an hour and write down what you remember, then watch a second time and look out for things you missed/got wrong, and then wait 5 hours or more before trying again and watching for the third time? I might give it a go if I think I can consistently make space for the first two sessions in the morning before class, and the last one in the evening…

Sure, I’d love to :heart: But I might not catch up to you in a while since we’re aiming for the same rate of progression. In any case I’ll tackle the first pages tomorrow and post about it, so I’ll see you then:)