June 28
As predicted, finished 鬼滅の刃2 on my train rides today. I think from looking back at my posts I started the first volume on the 24th so that’s about 2.5 days per volume which is pretty ridiculous tbh, It’s really cool to have found something that I enjoy enough that I want to race through (had the same thing with ボーイズ - although no furigana made that harder for me) but I do need to get better at remembering that reading in Japanese is still pretty exhausting for me and that I should stop before my brain starts hurting. I’ve definitely had a couple of times over the last couple of days where I was like “I’m pretty tired, I’ll finish at the end of this chapter” and then there would be some big dramatic cliffhanger or something and I’d end up keeping on going. I’m very much the same way when I’m reading in English…it’s just that that’s a lot easier and a lot quicker so I can get away with it! It’s been really fun and enjoyable and I’m really keen to find out what happens next but also I do feel quite tired by it, especially as I’ve been reading on an iPad which is a lot of screentime. That said, a perk of reading regularly in Japanese has been that it’s reminded me of how much I love reading! It’s easy to get out of the habit of reading for pleasure when you work a pretty reading intensive job like I do, so it’s been a really cool perk. No more reading for me today though! Going to play some Mass Effect instead