📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

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Day 18 Progress:
お隣の天使様 三冊 - 35.56% → 41.78%
スローループ - Chapter 10-11

Very slow reading day today, but not particularly because I was struggling, the portion I had gotten to was just that exceedingly boring lol. Some double whammy of the writing itself being bad + it being a cooking scene, I think. I do enjoy cooking stuff usually but only if can read it properly (aka it’s in English). Having to look up like fifty different cooking words I don’t know when I’ll ever see again really kills my motivation and focus.

Slow Loop has been good though, and has opened my eyes to the incredible number of fish-specific kanji out there (not that the manga uses most of them, but still)

After this week’s episode of Bocchi the Rock I want to get started on the manga but I don’t know if I’ll be able to fit it in with the rest of my readings and studies…

Word of the Day: かい - nonexistent; nil; nothing, etc. The placing of the ‘all’ and ‘nothing’ kanji side by side make quite a strong declaration of nothingness.


November 27 :heavy_check_mark: :rose:

ユージニア, 25-28%

I’m a little disappointed in my reading yesterday. I don’t know if it was me not concentrating properly, or the writing being slightly harder (it happens with multiple narrators), but I just didn’t progress as much as I’d like, and it certainly wasn’t because of lack of interest. In fact, ユージニア is the book I’m looking forward to the most, out of all the books I’m currently reading. Oh well, hopefully I’ll do better today.


November 28th

:maple_leaf:Home post:maple_leaf:

Card Captor Sakura volume 1 or Aria: the masterpiece volume 2 – progress report

Yesterday: Read up to page 129 of Card Captor Sakura, finished chapter 3. / Read up to page 38 in Aria: the masterpiece volume 2, finished chapter 10.
Today: Read up to page 68 in Aria: the masterpiece volume 2, finished chapter 11.

Not much to say other than that I’m satisfied with my reading progress today. :slightly_smiling_face:


I hope that you’ll have a mild case too! Get well soon!

Word or expression of the day:

照らす - (てらす) - to shine on, to illuminate; to compare (with), to refer to

Honourable mention:

ピカピカ - with a glitter; shiny and new

‘Extra’ honourable mention in honour of @javerend and @MissDagger because it showed up in chapter 11 and I didn’t quite know its meaning:

困る - (こまる) - to be troubled; to be inconvenienced; to be badly off


Nov 28

かがみの孤城 65% → 68% (page 321)

I read about 15 pages today! It was hard for me to figure out what some sentences meant at times (especially who was doing what), but looking through the book club thread cleared things up for me.

I feel like I wouldn’t be able to put this book down if I didn’t have to look up so many words, and puzzle through some sentences. Maybe a few years later I’ll reread it and be able to appreciate the story more fully lol.

But let’s see how much I can read of かがみの孤城 before the end of the challenge! I’m hoping to have time to finish 人間椅子 before the year ends as well, or start 世界から猫が消えたなら, but it depends on how much time I have. Perhaps if I didn’t procrastinate so much I would have more of that


Nov 28, Mon of Week 10 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

  • SHADOWS HOUSE Vol.3 Ch.36 (finished volume)

All kids are good kids.

  • かがみの孤城 (上) 86% => 88% (start of Ch.8 December)


Interesting vocabularies
  • 総動員(そうどういん) everyone got 動員(どういん)
  • 重鎮(じゅうちん) important, and calm everyone down, like tranquilizer (鎮痛剤(ちんつうざい))
  • 開花(かいか) as expected by Kanji
  • 接待(せったい) like 特待(とくたい), but direct (間接(かんせつ))
  • 終盤(しゅうばん) end… chess board (?). Compare 序盤(じょばん),     中盤(ちゅうばん).
  • 搬入(はんにゅう) bring in. First Kanji from 搬送(はんそう),     運搬(うんぱん).
  • シロツメクサ this flower. Kanji form is 白詰草(しろつめくさ).
  • (したが)える able to be (したが)う, so subordination, and accompanying along (()れていく).
  • 常夏(とこなつ) I don’t think I have seen this reading of 常, but makes sense when thinking of 永久(とわ).
  • 見透(みす)かす where a base vocabulary is ()かす. I think of すく as a sound going through. I realized the Kanji from 透明(とうめい).
  • もこもこ somehow, a meaning is ふわふわ, but on a winter clothing.
  • 陰険(いんけん) both dangerous (危険(きけん)) and hidden
  • 見咎(みとが)める where base vocabulary is (とが)める, and no Furigana… censured in the land of Toga.
  • (かたく)な just some Kanji being fit in for い adjective, of (かた)


  • 想像(そうぞう)がつく to be able to imagine

Forgotten ones

  • (つつ)む I hate it when vocabulary has multiple readings, and still no Furigana. Can also be read (くる)む (but first reading probably more likely).
  • 順調(じゅんちょう) alright tone, align with the plan. The word is probably quite common as well.
  • ()たす Keep confusing whether み or ま, but needing fulfill is not yet full (未満(みまん)).
  • (あん)(じょう) like 安定(あんてい)通常(つうじょう), perhaps. I just can’t recall this version of Kanji reading, of which another example is 勘定(かんじょう).


:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Autumn Onsen :hotsprings: :raccoon:

20221128 - 吾輩は狸である progress: 85.14% :door:

There’s a knock at the door - could it possibly be?
Yes, it’s another guest.

:fallen_leaf: Japanese found under the leaves :fallen_leaf:


矚目「しょくもく」ー Paying attention to; making note of; observing (more common to see it as: 嘱目)
魑魅「ちみ」ー Mountain demon


:maple_leaf: :turkey: November 28th :turkey: :maple_leaf: (Home Post Link)


  • ホリミヤ ch 10, 11. chs 12 and 13 are shorter, might do those after lunch just to knock out the volume.

I ordered ハピネス as a christmas gift for one of my friends who’s been trying to learn japanese (he already likes the series in english, don’t worry), so I might switch to read through that when it gets here so I can help if he has any questions. He and I were supposed to be the two japanese speakers in our group for a trip we’re doing in a few years, but he’s uuuuhh fallen behind quite a bit so I’m trying to gently but firmly encourage him. (I really really really really don’t want to be the only translator for a group of 10 people please god no) Series doesn’t look exactly like my cup of tea, but I’ll try out a volume at least.
I also finally ordered ホリミヤ16, I got the series as a set of 1-15 before the 16th volume was out and I kinda forgot you can just buy new single volumes on amazon.jp

Good Words

古典「こてん」ー classic, classical (here lit class)
話しかける「はなしかける」ー to talk to someone, to start talking to someone
却下 「きゃっか」ー rejection, dismissal
無条件「むじょうけん」ー unconditional
真顔「まがお」ー serious face
つかず離れず「つかずはなれず」ー maintaining a reasonable distance
塗れる「まみれる」ー to be covered
匂い「におい」ー scent, smell


:fallen_leaf: Day 59, 28th of November :maple_leaf:

:open_book: Back to my Home Post

Read some subtitles (and recognized surprisingly many kanji for how weird the font was) on a Minecraft video. I’m so tired so nothing much else.


November 28 :heavy_check_mark: :rose:

ユージニア, 28-32%

Or, 39% according to my phone. I’m used to seeing slight differences in percentages between phone and iPad, but that’s way too much. I wonder if it has to do with several kanji being in image form.

Anyway, finished this week’s portion of Eugenia. Still very intriguing. This book is brimming with unreliable narrators. It’s hard to know what to believe, if anything, and it’s so much fun trying to piece together the puzzle without even knowing what the full picture is supposed to be, or whether that puzzle piece is even from the correct set. :eyes:


:maple_leaf: :jack_o_lantern: :snowflake: :christmas_tree: November 28 :christmas_tree: :snowflake: :jack_o_lantern: :maple_leaf:
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Loopers :infinity:

I read a bit of Loopers earlier today. Starting the longest chapter so far in the VN. I’m not sure I could guess how far I’ve gotten, but I would guess max half of a short chapter (which this isn’t), so that is likely 20-25% of this chapter. More likely towards the smaller amount. (I do hope I read about a 1/5th at least. :sweat: )

The good thing with this chapter is that it’ll be the minimum amount aimed for with the 9-nine- VN club starting around new years, so I’ll get a better idea how long it will take me each week to read that portion. I’m scared. :scream:

Maybe I can speed up quite a bit in a month?!?!?! :sob:

And now I’m off to read some more Loopers. If I want to have a chance to finish this before my book club reading schedule blows up again :boom:, I need to spend a lot of time reading when I can.


@Redglare Btw, I often use the trick you spoke of at some point with the detail tag (temporarily deleting a bracket). I’m using it right now in fact. Thanks!

@natarin Get well soon! :green_heart:

Totally feel the same way. I’m glad you read it. I didn’t like volume 2 that much because of the amount of bullying, and after reading the atogaki that feeling just increased like tenfold. I would have expected someone who hadn’t been bullied to write such a picture of bullying and how to solve it… not someone who’d experienced it. So weird. (And harmful…)

:joy: :+1:

Just how many guests do they have right now? :face_with_monocle:

Hopefully I didn’t forget someone I meant to reply to. :sweat_smile:


Home post

Last week I finished 秋の牢獄 and made good progress with Flesh&Blood 7. I also started the week’s reading of Eugenia, but due to extended travelling and this chapter being somewhat tougher than the others, I didn’t make it very far yet. Maybe I should postpone it a bit until I have more brain capacity to tackle it properly?

This week I will continue Flesh&Blood and also read the week’s assignment of Eugenia. And I think with this week’s travelling and the upcoming JLPT + more travelling, I will be busy enough with these two as it stands.
On the upcoming weekend, we will start the new volume of the Saikawa&Moe club, and on the Monday after that we will start おいしいごはんが食べられますように which I’m really looking forward to.


Home post :bookmark: Nov 28 :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf: :snowman_with_snow:

・本好きの下剋上 14 (0% → 7%)

I ended up reading a tiny bit before falling asleep last night (even if I wrote I had ()くす’d all my glares), as well as earlier this morning. Not doing great, stress did something to my appetite.


Belated posting for yesterday and the day before.

Sunday looks like it was good but it was very easy reading. Yesterday was supposed to be good as it was a travel day - but then I got minimal sleep due to being called back to work at 5am, and then met people I knew both on the plane and the train home. Still, 2 pages is something.

27/11 1 page 夜カフェ, 16 pages God Bless the Mistaken (this week’s reading)

28/11 2 pages おばちゃんたちのいるところ

Today should be better. Though I’m not aiming for a massive amount this week, I’ll let myself fall behind a bit as the following week I’m on holiday! And will have reading time.


Got my volume two of shield hero. I read the prologue but passed out. I tried to break down the amount I was gonna read and I think I can finish by Thursday but will probably finish Friday.


November 28th!

Today I read a chapter of Mitsuboshi Colors, and half a chapter of God Bless the Mistaken.

(Home Post)


:fishing_pole_and_fish: Home :bacon:

November 28

人間椅子 -

20 - 75

I mostly read while waiting for my vaccine and then during that observation to make sure you don’t spontaneously keel over. I wanted to read more before bed but lovely Internet drama occurred…

If the majority of my friends weren’t long distance, I think I’d spend a lot less time online.


Finished the second story in 秋の牢獄. I don’t have much to add to the discussion that hasn’t already been said in thread. It was ok, but I liked the first story more. I did enjoy the twist with the serial killer. That caught me off guard and was quite a ‘oh wait this is actually a dark story now, huh?’ moment.

I’m not really in the mood to start the third story tonight so I have a choice of 自殺行往復切符 or 異世界の名探偵 if I want to do more reading… :thinking: Trying to wrap these books before end of year!


November 28 :maple_leaf: Home Post

Thank you for the well wishes :blush: I ended up doing a lot of random stuff today just due to brain state, but I managed a chapter of ブルーロック because I miss them :') but yeah it definitely felt like more of an ordeal to read than normal, can’t imagine why lmao. I want to read more but I think it must be rest time now :sleeping:



Today I finished HQ vol 33 and read 僕の中に君がいない. It’s a story where, due to a traffic accident, Subaru lost his memories… but only the ones pertaining to Soushi, his boyfriend of three/four years (I know they met in 高二, but not if they got together then; they’re college sophomores now). It was good. And Endou Enu’s art is so pretty.


27 November 2022

:house: Home Post

  • Satori Reader

28 November 2022