November 26 Home Post
I was busy again today so just read a chapter of ブルーロック, things are interesting and I want to see where they go but alas I have work in the morning, so I’ll find out later
November 26 Home Post
I was busy again today so just read a chapter of ブルーロック, things are interesting and I want to see where they go but alas I have work in the morning, so I’ll find out later
Oh, I am absolutely feeling the fatigue. I’ve been out of town the past couple days for Thanksgiving, and got a minimal amount in. With finals coming up, I’m really feeling that final stretch.
Day 17 Progress:
お隣の天使様 三冊 - 25.53% → 35.56%
Holy Batman, it’s 4:30 AM.
Not a great reading day today. Sometimes you breeze through a few pages and feel like you’re actually reading, other times you get stuck on five lines for twenty minutes. Today was one of those latter days unfortunately.
Word of the Day: お
November 27th
Card Captor Sakura volume 1 or Aria: the masterpiece volume 2 – progress report
Yesterday: Read up to page 114 of Card Captor Sakura. / Began reading Aria: the masterpiece volume 2 and read up to page 20.
Today: Read up to page 129 of Card Captor Sakura, finished chapter 3. / Read up to page 38 in Aria: the masterpiece volume 2, finished chapter 10.
The first chapter of Aria volume 2 was pretty difficult – though not as hard as the one in the 1st volume – as I don’t think I understood more than 60% of what the customer (the old man) said. According to the corresponding thread in the bookclub, he speaks Hiroshima dialect which doesn’t make things easier…
Speaking of the old man, he certainly served as a reminder why I would never want to work in a service kind of job (e.g. shop clerk, waiter/waitress, customer support etc.) that entails dealing with all kinds customers all the time. People like him would make my skin crawl if I had to deal with them on a daily basis – and he’s a ‘tame’ example! Sure, he became more respectful by the end but still.
Oh no, I hope that you’ll have a mild case then. I hope you get well soon!
If you decide to play it at one point, the only thing that I need to tell you beforehand is that I would recommend you get the Rune Factory 4 Special version. It’s a remaster/remake of the 3DS version that has a tiny bit of extra content.
In case you go for the Switch version: note that while there are Switch games for which you can access the Japanese version by changing languages within the game itself or by changing your Switch’s language, Rune Factory 4 is not one of them: the European and American versions don’t support Japanese text, they only have the Japanese voice acting included. You’ll have to get the Japanese version for the full Japanese experience.
Word or expression of the day:
寄り道 - (よりみち) - dropping in on the way, making a side trip
Honourable mention:
放課後 - (ほうかご) - after school
I’m growing super impatient for shield hero volume 2. I read the first pages of 青ブタ10 so I could say I read today but I didn’t sit down with anything like I did the last couple days. But considering I read two whole books this week I’m not gonna lose sleep over it.
Nov 27, Sun of Week 9 of Fall 2022
The volume ends in December, last month of the year, so one more month left.
I listened beforehand, but reading is still a task, almost the same difficulty as before. Thinking about it, I don’t really have to choose either listening or reading as well. Listening isn’t going to be faster. I’d probably do 1x in any case. But, I wish that reading would get more comfortable, so time doesn’t count.
Haven’t played for a while, so end of school, starting dinner. I didn’t look up much so far.
Cheer up!
Forgotten ones
November 27
人間椅子 -
116 - end (187?)
30 pages
Start - 19
I’ll update in the morning. Gonna read until I fall asleep. Fun arc this one
20221127 - 吾輩は狸である progress: 84.48%
Again not much time today, so not much progress. This chapter also feels like it’s starting to drag a bit.
Japanese found under the leaves
鉢合わせ「はちあわせ」ー Bumping of heads; running into; encountering
Day 58, 27th of November
Today we’re reading through a tomatopasta recipe from DrDru. Not sure about putting everything together in the pastawater…
The next story was about some terrible child ruining dinner. I guess he doesn’t like the guest.
November 27th
(Home Post Link)
Read: ホリミヤ ch 9
超「ちょう」ー (prefix) super, ultra, hyper, extreme
V系 ー “visual style” a japanese music movement in the 80s and 90s, has some similarities to glam rock but is sorta its own thing. Maybe not even an actual specifiable genre of music so much as a social trend among musicians
いつまでも ー forever
素直「すなお」ー honest about one’s feelings (創太くん sure knows some fun big words )
発狂「はっきょう」ー madness, craziness
November 27th!
Today I read chapters 35 and 36 of Shadows House. Struggled a bit with it since I’m still ill, but I wanted to finish the volume so I stuck it out to read both chapters.
Planning to play a bit of Pokemon Violet this evening too.
November 27
Home Post
Last night after I posted, I did read more Loopers. Probably about 3/4 of chapter 6, perhaps a bit more. I finished it earlier today and probably should have started the next one, which will be the longest chapter yet for me in Loopers. But time has run away from me.
@Midnightblue Thanks for the heads up!
Home post Nov 27
The weekend-must-be-spent-writing-report break continues I’m finished now tho! I just don’t have any energy left. All the glares = 尽くす’d
Finished the ユージニア book club reading, and plan to do the 体育館の殺人 reading for the mystery book club before bed as well. This will free me up the rest of the week to work on 秋の牢獄 and other books I have trailing Working hard to get these books closed out!
I took a big break from the challenge due to schoolwork, but I wanted to return to it. I feel guilty because I was so excited to participate and then just… quit. But I came back and hope to read every day for the rest of this challenge!
I am currently reading 逆転裁判 逆転アイドル, which is the first book I am reading in Japanese all by myself (besides books from tadoku). This is probably not the best choice for the first book, especially considering my level of Japanese. However, I am just a bit obsessed with 逆転裁判 right now, so, while the text is a bit challenging for me, it is still a lot of fun!
During my break, I have been studying grammar and vocabulary, and this made a huge difference! After a lot of studying and several days of reading, my speed improved. One page used to take me about 30-40 minutes to read, but now it takes me about 14-20 minutes or less! While it is still a lot, this is a huge progress for me. I started recognizing a lot more kanji and grammatical structures, and even getting the meanings of words based on their context. Although there is still a lot to learn and work on, improvement in my reading skills makes me extremely happy!
November 27 Home Post
Well it happened, I finally joined the covid club @lucylavelle same hat, I hope you’re doing better!
So yeah that didn’t contribute to the best reading brain, but I still wanted to do something, so I ended up picking up Pokemon Legends Arceus again since that somehow felt like a lower brain level activity it’s still pretty smooth sailing all things considered, I didn’t play for a really long time because… yeah, but it was pretty chill. So yay, keeping it up somehow
My wife told me to read My Husband’s Penis Doesn’t fit. I haven’t watched the drama adaptation in a couple years, but as I read a lot of it is coming back to me. There are a few kanji I don’t know but haven’t impeded by ability to read which is a cool feeling considering the pages are pretty stacked in text compared to the stuff I have been reading recently. I only got through about 6 or 7 pages during my lunch. There is an audiobook too so I will probably listen to that too on the way home.
I accidentally passed out pretty early yesterday evening without having read anything. Did I need the sleep? Clearly. But I’m still annoyed with myself because I could have read earlier in the day, but I looked at ハイキュー!! and specifically decided, “Nah, I’ll just read while I eat dinner.” I did not eat dinner.
Today what reading I did was devoted to book club reads.
I finally got around to reading the 夜カフェ vol 2 あとがき, and… Kurahashi was ostracized and/or bullied in school herself, and that’s why she’s writing this series? That makes how she handled Risa-chan and Nacchan all the more baffling.
I read 4 pages of the second story of おばちゃんたちのいるところ. I get why I automatically pictured 濡羽色 as black: most Japanese people have black hair. But immediately afterwards, I was like, “What the hell color even is ‘wet wings’? Wings can be any color.” But, yeah, it’s the glossy black color of wet crow wings. Also, I’ve heard 父上 and 母上 before (I think only in fantasy? I don’t really do historical), but this was my first time encountering お父上 and お母上, and while I’m 99% sure they got the お because she wasn’t talking about her own parents, it was still kinda wild.
I wonder if all the stories are just gonna be weird. If so, I may end up dropping it… The weird of the first story and this second one so far isn’t really my kind of weird.
I also read SPY×FAMILY special mission 2, finishing vol 3!
Demon Slayer was my first encounter with this.
I’ve decided to let myself do (or not do) whatever for the rest of the year. It’s been a bad one, and if my mind wants manga and/or things in English and/or no reading at all for a month, have at it, mind.
If I feel like it, I’ll keep my one remaining goal as finishing 青桐. If I feel like it, I’ll stick to my planned manga queue as well.
Thanks for all the support over these last two months! I’m rooting for all your reading endeavors~