@momoni, @JollyTall
According to this video there isn’t that much of a difference between the second and third edition
Yah yah, when I went to Japanese evening classes a year ago they used both first and second edition and it’s almost identical to third so far! So don’t worry at all!
I will keep an eye on this incase a study group happens, but I have literally no idea how discourse works and with time zones and stuff (I am in the UK).
Discord is just an app for messaging of voice chatting over
And I’m UK too, so no issue there for me!
If you can afford it, I recommend getting a native teacher (via iTalki, since it is cheap and flexible)
Yes! I was looking at iTalki just the other day. I will definitely pay for some lessons at some point, but money is an issue at the moment unfortunately.
Have you considered looking to see if there is a local MeetUp for Japanese learners?
I have, and I am starting my masters degree in September, and am hoping that there is some university thing I can join in with, but for now I am in the middle of nowhere :')
I found Seth Clydesdale’s Genki Resources very useful for self-studying with Genki.
WOAH! This is incredible!! I didn’t know this existed and will 100% being using this going forward. Thanks a lot!
I’d still be interested in a discord to talk about Genki 1 issues or to talk about excercises
I’m UK so we probably have the same time zone. What was the other study group did you see? Was it for Genki 1?
Overall, don’t worry if you don’t understand everything at first, and just go through the book.
I understand that the blind leading the blind isn’t the best thing in the world, but sometimes I just really want someone to talk something over with or to go through a group exercise with. Thanks for the advice though! I’ll make sure to be wary of setting bad habits in my head!