I started on Genki I today, but I thought it would be nice, if there was a group going through the textbook together. Would anyone be interested?
I would be happy to set up a discord group, but would depend on what people want. Currently, I’m planning on doing 1 chapter a week, then workbook exercises.
I started in genki too! I mean, i did chapter 1, more or less already, but a study group would be nice
I don’t want to commit to a pace beforehand, but I think it would still maybe be nice to join a group. However, I’m still currently waiting for my delivery of the books which has been stuck in customs for weeks.
Would be more than happy to join you guys Ordered the books last week, should arrive on Monday.
I’d love to join! I just finished Chapter 2 so this perfect timing.
welp, set up the discord, and invite us along for the ride.
I’ll try my best to think checking discord!
I plan on getting Genki I once I make a bit further progress (probably mid-March or so). Would that be too late?
Not for me, I mean that would mean you’d be 2-3 chapters behind.
First chapter is basically x ha y desu, no en ka
Those are the chapters you can pick up in a few days, if you have any knowledge.
I’m thinking, if it’s comfortable, to do a discord ‘live’ from time to time, to discuss and talk? That’s the biggest difficulty anyway with selfstudybooks, not a lot of speaking practice (I mean, and knowing if it’s correct)
I’d like to join too! I’ve been kicking myself for not being able to commit to a pace going through the book (I’m only a few chapters in, which has taken months). A study group sounds like a great way to help give some consistency to my inconsistent study efforts.
Live chats to discuss grammar and build some speaking skills sounds like a good idea too, maybe help build overall immersion.
I’m a bit further along, in the sense that I can read and write things with grammar even up to about Chapter 9. But, my speaking and listening could use quite a bit of work.
Would it be okay for someone such as this to join?
Alright, that could work. The other reason for mid-March was due to me living away from my usual apartment due to the pandemic and getting mail up here is a nightmare.
Heyyyyy. I have the textbooks too!
I too am interested, but I’d have to start a bit later as I haven’t received my book yet.
I’m in a similar situation as @DelvinWolf. I’ve gone through basically all of the grammar points of Genki I through Bunpro, but I’m still working on practical utilization every week with my italki teacher, and my vocabulary is very…meh. I’d like to join, and if any of us get stuck on a practical point I can always bring it up during a teaching session.
Hi there! I have just started on Genki 1 this week so this is fortuitous timing! I’m a little nervous about joining a group online, haven’t really done anything like that before but I totally love the idea, especially for listening and speaking. I’m a total beginner, other than Wanikani and being mostly comfortable with hiragana (katakana however…)! Would you recommend getting the workbook too as I’m undecided?
A chapter a week sounds manageable and would keep me on target.
Look forward to seeing what comes from this!
Ugh, for some reason those katakana just don’t stick, except for a few that just look like their hiragana counterparts.
I have the workbook, and I like it, it’s just extra practice, it usually is a page per grammar point (it also has a kana/kanji exercise and so on).
I had trouble with some of those too. Like シ and ツ. I started to think of those as a smile and a smirk to differentiate
I’d love to join ! I’m on chapter 5 right now, but I don’t mind waiting. Actually I started it 2 months ago, but haven’t touched it for the last 2 weeks and worked on Kanji an vocab instead.
JPOD 101 had a great mnemonic for this.
tsu: all the eyes are on the Top
shi: the eyes are on the Side