げんき1 Study Buddy?

Hi all,

I’m on chapter 2 of Genki 1 and I was wondering if anyone in a similar position would like to get together (online) for doing the group/pair exercises at the end of each chapter? It’s a bit weird doing both parts on my own and only having myself to listen to!

I’m in the UK (in case of timezone issues) but if you’re in a different timezone feel free to reply anyway and it may be ok!

I do listen to the Genki audio but it’s not the same as having an actual person to chat to. I do have a teacher as well, but I can’t afford lessons every week so I’m doing what I can in between.



I Don’t have the book but i do have the full version of the book online.
My timezone is GMT +5:30. I could help you if that’s okay.

Hey I’m on the same chapter and also in the UK, I’d love to chat.
How would you like to get in contact? I’ve just started using the forum idk if you can PM me?

Nice idea, atm I’m on chapter 1 tho. If I’m able to catch up I’d be glad to help

Would suggest setting up a meeting on discord and just starting from Ch 1. It doesn’t take long to get through the early lessons anyway, so it’s best to have everyone start on the same page (literally) and if it’s remedial for you, it’s a good warmup exercise until everyone catches up. There are resources online that add new exercises for Genki lessons and I would recommend leveraging those to get the most out of virtual study meetups.


I’m be interested but I’m over in the PST timezone.

Would you link these other resources?

The only one I know of is this one.

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What I was looking for, thanks

Been wanting to find a study buddy for a while now and just got the Genki textbook recently so I’d love to join! I’m UK too so no timezone issues here.

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Oh and Tokini Andy also goes through genki and quartet for free on his YT channel. As well as some subscription stuff on his website.

Tokini Andy*


Awesome stuff, especially for autodidacts

This github resource for Genki 3rd Edition

Genki Exercises - 3rd Edition | Genki Study Resources (sethclydesdale.github.io)

TokiniAndy’s Genki 1 3rd Edition Lessons

【N5】Genki 1 Lesson 1 Grammar Made Clear | XはYです・Question か・の Particle - YouTube

The OTO Navi official accompanying app from The Japan Times

OTO Navi - Sound Navigator - Apps on Google Play
OTO Navi - Sound Navigator on the App Store (apple.com)

Should be a solid start

Edit I got sidetracked and forgot to actually post my draft, but others have mentioned most of this stuff throughout the thread


Thanks for the links!

Thanks all who have replied! Sorry for my slowness, I’ve been super tired lately so not online much. I think the easiest option for me is to try to sort something out with the couple of UK people who replied. Thanks though to everyone else, I appreciate it.

Not sure how easy it is to swap contact info though as I understand there’s no private messaging on here. Will see what I can do!

Let me know if the Discord channel will be opened.

A Discord server will probably be the best way to organise this

I’m on chapter 12 of genki but I could go back on the previous grammar to actually use it in conversation.
If this is still up I hope we can study together, I’ve been trying to find other people to practice with.

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