Personally I simply don’t try to learn things perfectly, and used Tadoku Graded Readers; rather than any Anki. Of course I don’t understand everything then.
Depends. There are two main methods, both of which split into several other branches.
If you prefer to go physical, the most straight forward (albeit expensive) method is ordering straight from Japan, this is usually done either through CDJapan, amazon japan, or MangaRepublic. All of these have their pros and cons, seeing what works would be the best here. Also there are certainly local options as well, depending on where you live, like Kinokuniya.
If you don’t mind reading digitally (most use this method), then the current main options are Bookwalker, amazon jp again, but digitally, and Kobo. These also have their pros and cons (in particular, bookwalker is made so you can freely order even as a foreigner, while amazon might ask you once to prove, that you are japanese, which a simple vpn can solve).
Whichever style you go with is your preferance. In general physical manga is higher quality, but digital manga is easier to search through, especially with tools like Mokuro.
The home thread for each book club almost always contains buying options, check that out if you want examples.
Probably amazon or bookwalker digitally. Japanese books are generally very cheap, they often go for a couple hundred yen, where the exchange rate is about 150yen = 1 dollar. For example, the next pick, “Shikimori’s not just a cutie”, seems to retail for 759yen on amazon and bookwalker (5 bucks) and in both cases, you get a significant portion of your money back in points, which can be used to reduce the price for later buys.
Since when is a dollar 150 yen? I’ve been happily dividing by hundred for months now, but it’s almost exactly that.
*For that though, I recommend going through the trouble and buying on Amazon. That way, you can download the file using amazon’s magical reader app on your pc, and then remove the drm from it. This is a legal grey area, so I won’t link to anything, but the keywords are “Amazon remove drm calibre”, if you care. After that you can run it through mokuro (linked the thread earlier) and then you can use it with your favourite hover over dictionary.
Sounds like a long process when I write it out that way, but once you get it down, it’s about 5 minutes. And of course, we are here to help with every step of the process.
There are two ways to go about that. If you’ve read something that you know you’ve enjoyed in English, it’s not a bad idea to revisit it in Japanese. That way you know the context, so no way of getting fully lost in the conversation, but also, it’s something you are actually interested in out of the gate (and believe me, reading something in Japanese makes it about twice as fun).
The other way would be the easiest Absolute beginner book we’ve had yet, which would be ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん. Very easy and diabetes inducingly cute.
If you’ve tried reading native material before and failed, this post covers that exact scenario.
Reading makes grammar easier to learn, remember, and internalize. However, you need a certain base level of grammar before you get into reading. To this end, if you haven’t already done so, watch the first five videos in Cure Dolly’s subtitledJapanese From Scratch series on YouTube.
Some people complain about the voice. Turn on subtitles, and if needed, increase the speed a little. Or listen on mute and read along.
The first five videos may cover material you already know from Genki and Bunpro. In that case, consider it review. You want to see if her teaching style works for you.
If you can learn from her videos, keep going with at least one video a day.
If you cannot learn from her videos, at least you know you gave them a try.
As Gorbit99 said, it’s the easiest manga we’ve read in the Absolute Beginner Book Club, making it a good starting place to get into reading and learning grammar along the way.
Caveat: If you don’t like cutesy stuff, you may not like this manga. That’s why I recommend utilizing the preview, which covers about 30 pages, before you buy.
Warning: The first few pages are the most difficult. It’s okay if you don’t really understand them. Use the Absolute Beginner Book Club’s discussion threads to help get the gist of it.
Utilize a frequency list to learn the most common vocabulary words in the manga volume.
Stick the highest frequency words into Anki or another SRS application and start learning them.
Focus on learning the words that appear at least five times.
If you learn the 50 highest-frequency words, you will know over 40% of the total words in the manga.
Learning the next 30 most frequent words from the list gets you to 50% coverage.
Spend one month on the above.
Review vocabulary a little each day.
Learn grammar a little each day.
Decipher your way through sentences from the manga a little each day.
See where you are after four weeks.
Unfortunately, a month will not be enough time to see meaningful progress, but it should be enough time to notice whether you’re starting to recognize and understand grammar.
From there, you can either buy the manga and continue with it, or switch to the preview of another manga covered by the Absolute Beginner Book Club.
Overall: Be aware of the amount of time you have available to spend on Japanese, and be aware of the amount of time you want to put into Japanese.
Bunpro gives you links to resources to learn grammar. Anki decks likely won’t have that. I expect an Anki grammar deck will be a worse experience for you. (I could be wrong, of course.)
MaruMari is worth it under the following conditions:
You enjoy using it.
You are retaining the grammar you learn from it.
You can afford it.
Unfortunately, the free trial is (I believe) only two weeks long.
What was the process like when you tried it before?
This is what makes the Absolute Beginner Book Club valuable. You get a vocabulary list to use to help with vocabulary lookup.
The aforementioned frequency list is also useful for pre-learning the most common words in the material before encountering them.
This deck will give you many words that you may never encounter, depending on the kind of material you consume in the future.
You won’t always have access to a frequency-based vocabulary list for material you want to read or listen to or watch, but any time you do, I recommend putting your SRS focus on the highest-frequency words from the material you plan to consume.
Going back to 「ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん」 as a reference, if you complete the 2K deck, those 2,000 words will translate into knowing 62% of the words in this manga. After completing the 6K portion of the deck, knowing those 6,000 words will give you 75% coverage of the manga.
If you instead focus on learning the highest frequency words in the reading material, you can reach 75% coverage by learning only the top 319 words.
This method lets you recognize more words in less time, allowing you to focus on learning the grammar.
You will unlikely find any native Japanese material that is N5 level.
That’s partly the reason the Absolute Beginner Book Club exists.
We go through the material slowly, build a vocabulary list, and discuss the grammar.
First-time readers are expected to decipher each line of dialogue to try and understand it, while referencing the vocabulary list, asking questions, and learning more grammar.
You won’t feel like you’re actually reading until you’ve worked through enough native material to start recognizing vocabulary and grammar.
The goals are 1) to learn the most common grammar, as this will help you the most in future reading, and 2) to acquire more vocabulary along the way.
Repeat this enough times, and eventually, you’ll reach a point where you feel like you’re actually reading.
I wouldn’t recommend bothering with this for manga that has furigana when you’re still at the N4 level or below in grammar and vocabulary.
If you can get it working, it’s great. I use Mokuro + Migaku for all my manga reading, including material with furigana. It makes lookups quick and easy.
But this has a major downside: the quicker and easier a word is to look up, the more likely you are to forget it just as quickly and easily.
Early on in reading, I believe it’s better to go slower, to pick apart the sentences, figure out the grammar, and get to know the vocabulary words.
Once you reach a point where you already know the highest frequency words in the material you’re reading, and the unknown words are ones you’ll likely only encounter a few times a year at best, then I think Mokuro + Yomi-chan or Migaku becomes worth using for manga that has furigana.
As mentioned above, and by others, 「ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん」 is the easiest manga we’ve gone through and is highly recommended for that reason.
Give it a try and see how it goes.
If the material doesn’t interest you, or if you finish it and are looking for something to continue reading, my number two selection is 「レンタルおにいちゃん」. For this one, the preview on BookWalker covers almost 30 pages and the first three weeks of the book club.
Thanks, dude, the book is within my price range, yea i think i watch her she seems easy to follow along to. The process for bunrpro for was doing up to 2-3 grammar points a day i felt that i wasn’t being tested on my grammar but my memory i was remembering the sentences instead of the grammar points and it was also kinda boring. For me the material i am going to watch is mainly tv shows and maybe Ln but i am planning to live in Japan so just knowing 2k words might help and i keep seeing how good it is and for vocab Anki has been the best so far
Hey dude, I have a question: is it effective and worth doing? I am so fed up that i will probably suck it up and just force myself to do it but since you are up to chapter five, how much better is your grammar? Are you taking about buying the book or are you still going to use the website? and i have a free pdf if your interested
He has 2 playlists for the live streams; the full live streams with all the rambling and audience interactions, and a second one where it’s been edited to only have the actual lesson bit.
Is it effective and worth doing…how much better is my grammar? Hmmm…
I’m NOT really serious into grammar yet. I just do it on the side when I come across something that I want to look up. Hence, my attempt at Genki 1 did NOT go very well (and not very far into it as well).
Then I read Akasheila’s post about online tools using Tokini Andy. Here’s what I like about it:
It’s easy to follow and understand. At times Genki 1 can be hard to follow, but then maybe it’s because I didn’t commit to it like I should if I were REALLY serious about learning grammar.
I remember conjugation of verbs in Genki 1 was confusing and hard to follow, but Andy san made it REALLY simple and easy to understand. One example is that Genki 1 calls ‘ii’ (good) an irregular verb in which you have to replace the first ‘i’ with ‘yo’ and then conjugate from there; but not explaining that you can use the regular ‘i’ adjective conjugations. It just goes on to say how to conjugate which made it seem like you need to learn another method of conjugation for ‘ii.’
But Andy san (right or wrong) says that ‘ii’ is mainly used in conversations and that the ‘actual’ adjective is ‘yoi’ which you can then conjugate like a regular ‘i’ adjective! SIMPLE!!!
He will, at times, provide reasons / background on why something is the way it is.
He personable so it’s easy to keep listening to him.
Here’s what I don’t like:
His episodes are VERY long (over an hour each and some close to 2 hours!).
A LOT OF TIME is taken up by his side stories (he LOVES to talk!) and addressing his subscribers live. It would be okay if all his subscribers would address the lesson at hand but many times they go off topic!!!
Then Pembo posted about how he has two versions (live and an edited version to remove all the live chats). So I took time to study his short version and then I compared it with his live version (same lesson).
Hmmm, 39 minutes versus 1 hr and 44 minutes…which would you like to study from? THANKS Pembo!!!
Unfortunately, there are times when his subscribers DO ask a relevant question that he did not (would not have) covered in his live streams (and hence, the edited version).
For example, in (onaka suita!), Andy san said that technically you would need a ‘ga’ after ‘onaka’ but in conversations this is often omitted. So someone asked why not ‘wa’ instead of ‘ga?’
His answer was that ‘watashi wa’ is implied in front of ‘onaka.’ Hence that person is the topic and ‘stomach’ is the subject, hence the ‘ga.’ EASY right!!! But this just goes to show you how little I know about grammar!
So for me, I think it’s worhtwhile and I intend to keep going thru his lessons right through the end of Genki 2. BUT, it’ll be a LONG time before I actually finish it.
THANKS Pembo!!! I will listen to the edited version from now on even though I will miss out on some worthwhile content. The time savings is just too much to ignore.
This theory is somewhat undermined by the fact that you can say お腹はすいた in some sentences. (More generally, there is no rule that there can be only one は in a sentence, so it isn’t the case that the implicit 私 has taken that slot and prevented お腹 from being は marked.)
Here’s some random tweet:
and from a random blog post:
が is the default here (and so it’s what you want if you just want to say “I’m hungry!”), but は is available to be used when you want the usual contrast or shifting of emphasis that it does. (You’ll notice both these examples are “I am hungry, but…”)
(My general は vs が advice is that it’s tricky, so don’t worry about it much; eventually you’ll get enough experience of seeing it to get a feel for it. It’s a grammar topic everybody needs to come back to multiple times as they go through beginner and intermediate.)
The reality is, andy is no expert and even if he was…explaining things to beginners typically involves some simplifications. The fact that theres all this wa vs ga stuff out there is more a sign of the desire of beginners to fully conquer it from the get go and proof of the inability for all other explanations to fill that demand. It’s usually just that people settle on the explanation that makes the most sense to them regardless of if their understanding is actually correct or not.
I know its not what people wanna hear, but its really an inevitability that you’ll need to revisit it so might as well not fight it.