Blacklisting words / NSFW / Another 金玉 thread

I need to know how to blacklist some of these words off my screen. I don’t care if you keep it in the database or whatever. I just don’t want to see it on MY screen.

And in advance, I appreciate everyone’s eagerness in jumping into the peanut gallery, but I really don’t need a rehash of this or this or one of the other 200 posts about SFW requests that have devolved into a spammy mess of 4chan leftovers.

I am interested to know if anyone has resolved this problem and if so how. I would like to know this so that I can choose not to renew my subscription if the situation doesn’t change. I live/work in Japan and I don’t need my coworkers to be questioning what it is that I am doing every time I need to practice Japanese. Please keep your responses relevant. If you have nothing that helps, please just move on.


TBH I don’t see any NSFW in wanikani.


This [Userscript] WK lesson cherry-picker
Granted, it’s a rather labourious option, you have to actively pick every single vocab you want to learn. And it won’t remove any of the words that are already in your reviews.


How about when you learn something you consider nsfw, just for the next couple of days do your reviews on your phone or at home. You can also see when the next time it will show up for review on the kanji page for it, so you can plan it in advance. There isn’t that many to begin with, I assume you’re talking about 金玉 since you’re around that level. I don’t recall anything else.


Picture this: you’re studying AlligatorCrab, a website that teaches you English. You’re at work doing reviews, because you’ve got nothing better to do, and you’re fortunate enough to work in an office that lets you do that. Unbeknownst to you, the office loudmouth has approached from behind you. Suddenly, he exclaims, for the whole office to hear, “WHY IS THE WORD TESTICLE WRITTEN ON YOUR SCREEN?”

It may not be offensive, and it may not be strictly NSFW, but it’s certainly embarassing, and it’s really not necessary for WaniKani - which is a kanji-learning website, not vocab-learning - to use it as an example, out of all the other words it could be using.


That is just a part of the anatomy, no issue there, imho.
Even more in Japan.


That sounds strangely specific.


Why do you let yourself be bullied by an office loudmouth?


He’s not a bully, he just has no inside voice.


WK doesn’t offer it natively at the moment and there’s no third party work-around, but I believe some previous threads have had the admin team acknowledge the request and look into ways of making it available.

To the knuckle-dragging “offended?!” dogwhistlers, a personal vocab blacklist on a private education platform is not an unreasonable request. If you genuinely can’t conceive of an embarrassing situation caused by having “testicles” in bold letters on your monitor in a public place, then congratulations on finding yourself in such tolerant and open circumstances, but I’d gently encourage you to think an iota beyond the end of your nose.


Japanese people don’t care that you study the word for testicles. They have problems of their own and the world does not revolve around you.


I have the opposite issue, I live in Japan, work in an open space, do a bit of wanikani everyday in plain sight, but none of my coworkers ever said anything about it… I kinda thought some of the interesting words of WK would spark some discussion but none at all. :sweat_smile:


Thanks ochamame. It is really laborious and frankly doesn’t seem worthwhile considering I also have to pay money for this lol

Anyway, I’ll leave be leaving this thread up for 24 hours and deleting it since there seems to be no actual solution to my problem.

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All the more reason to burn those balls fast.


Thanks for the suggestion. I might have to do this until the sub expires so I’ll just have to suck it up for now and just do the reviews at home.

You could get a timeline script that shows the items youre gonna review the day. If 金玉 is there, you can save the time it comes up and leave the reviews from that time above at home.

I thought it was funny. It was David Beckhams nick name.


For people on the English side I still think the synonyms thing is probably the easiest workaround. If the absurdity of those suggestions didn’t make it obvious, you could always go with something more bland like “male anatomy”, “nsfw”, and probably also “kintama”.

Probably the next best thing would be requesting or making your own userscript. This ties into hibernate functionality, so maybe other people would be interested in it as a leech management tool and not just an anti-nsfw tool. As far as I know, nobody has made a script for this yet and WK really doesn’t seem to care about enhancing user functionality after all of these years.

I’ve seen some lifetime members export the WK content body for use in their SRS platform of choice which would be a chance to filter out undesired terms.

Let’s not forget this thread.
It’s the weekend, I’m going back to juvenile mode in 3… 2… 1… 金玉.

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I have quickly thrown together a userscript that adds a checkbox “Filtered” to every WaniKani item (in lessons, reviews, and on item pages). When starting a review that contains checked items, a popup asks whether the checked items should be removed from this review session. I hope this script prevents threads with requests of this kind from turning into dumpster fires in the future.


Oh my god, a saviour emerges.

I genuinely wish I could pin this thread, but thanks so much friend. What a true gem.

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