Slightly NSFW Wanikani reviews

Hey guys! I’ve been meaning to make this post for a while. I work in a Japanese office on a shared computer, and it has happened on more than one occasion that slightly questionable words have popped up in my review stack that I had completely forgotten about.

Now, obviously none of these words could be considered unforgivably rude, but Japanese people are generally more conservative at work, and I always feel shocked when words like “避妊 contraception,” “肉欲 carnal desires” and “浮気 affair” or “植生 procreation” appear brightly on my screen for the office to see. I’m just wondering if anyone has any similar experiences. None of my coworkers have ever commented on my vocab, to be clear.

I suppose the solution to this would be just to not learn the vocab in the first place, but wanikani doesn’t exactly make it easy to filter out lessons and I still have not figured out how to use userscripts on my work computer where I do the majority of my studying haha.

I am in a similar situation, working in a Japanese school staffroom. No one really bothers to look, except on rare occasions. The only times anyone has ever commented were one time when I just left 葬 sitting on the screen without completing the review, and a teacher said こわい!, and another time when someone asked what I was studying and the next 3 reviews to come up were coincidentally 美人、愛人、鼻血

She seemed to find it funny.


Yeah, the whole idea of being turned on causing your nose to bleed is SO Japanese, ne?

I’ve totally left 銃殺 on my screen before which, as an American, might have freaked a few people out haha. “Oh God, what is he planning to do to us?!”


Worst case scenario, imagine 乱交 showing up on the screen… =p


I had 乱交 show up at work, but I work in America so nobody knew what it was. And I just answered it with an accepted typo so that it wasn’t logged that I was typing the actual answer on a work computer.

YES!!! Orgy was definitely one that was full on NSFW.

Totally fine here in Melbourne.


I get your point. But I’m happy WK teaches those words. To be able to (fully) understand a language you also have to know these kind of words, imo. And as long as these words are at that kind of “level”, I don’t think there will be any severe consequences.


My exchange student laughed hard at 一夫多妻.


I’m actually super nervous about this word because I keep confusing it with 混乱.
I can already see myself using the wrong word in a real conversation.


When 金玉 came up I found myself rushing through it in case my children saw. (not that it’s a particularly dirty word in English, but I just discourage them from talking a lot about people’s private parts…that and they only know a few Japanese words, so they have a small pool to draw from when they try to show off their language skills to other people, and I would be quite embarrassed if that happened to be one that they chose…)

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