A word list is available at Kitsun.io and FloFlo.moe. Both websites also have a built-in SRS to help you go through it. (Please have a look at their WK threads: Kitsun and FloFlo if you aren’t familiar with them!).
Learn the required vocabulary needed to read “I Want to Eat Your Pancreas” in Japanese with Kitsun’s built-in SRS. You must be logged in to use the deck.
Learn the required vocabulary needed to read “I Want to Eat Your Pancreas” in Japanese with Floflo’s built-in SRS. You can learn the words in order of frequency in which they appear in the book! You must be logged in to use the SRS.
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Sooo after seeing you guys’ discussion in the other thread, I ended up purchasing this one with my order too! Not quite sure when it’ll arrive yet though since I got it through Tenso and it’s my first time buying anything through them…
I couldnt get the version thats pictured above, apparently its the only book out of 7 i ordered that cant be delivered to where i live… had to get what i assume is the furigana version… fingers crossed i ordered the right thing
Good question. Because my first impression was that there won’t be any schedule arranged… which tbh sounded cool to me. I can just come and share stuff about the book without feeling pressure to keep up with others.
Not incredibly hard but I had to use the dictionary a fair bit I guess. I think I was about level 36 or something like that when I started reading it. I struggled a bit through the first half but breezed through the rest after I got more used to reading. I had also been living in Japan for 7 months or so at the time. Overall the writing is quite straightforward so as long as you know the words (through a dictionary if need be) understanding it is not too difficult I think.
I went on to read 6 more books after that and am currently halfway through Norwegian Wood by Murakami Haruki. It gets easier very quickly the more you read. JLPT reading comprehension sections also become very easy.
Thanks, idk why I didn’t check the nomination post, didn’t even cross my mind.
It looks like it could be a little tricky for me judging by the first few pages. Looks a little harder than 時をかける少女 which I only want just able to get the gist of it.
I like that it’s out on kindle so I can look up unfamiliar vocab easily though. Still a maybe, but definitely one day!