ホリミヤ ・ Horimiya 🎀 👓 Reading Club [reading volume 9]

Welcome to the ホリミヤ reading club!

The Absolute Beginner Book Club read through volume one of this series.

This offshoot reading club is to continue reading this ongoing series together through scheduled reading. This series has many volumes, so there’s a lot of material to read!

What is this series?


Where can I buy it?

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Character Gallery

(Note: Artworks shown here are from the Hori-san and Miyamura-Kun series.)

Name      Image First Appearance
堀 京子
Hori Kyoko
Miyamura Izumi
吉川 由紀
Yoshikawa Yuki
堀 創太
Hori Sota
奥山 有菜
Okuyama Yuna
石川 透
Ishikawa Toru
堀 百合子
Hori Yuriko
井浦 秀
Iyura Syu

Discussion Threads

Volume 1 Threads

Vocabulary Lists


Chapters range from 20 to 30 pages, and text density tends to be reasonably consistent from one chapter to the next. If you’ve survived volume 1, you know what to expect from volume 2.

This is an offshoot of the Absolute Beginner Book Club, which completed volume 1 in a bit over three months, so it’s best to use that as a baseline when deciding the reading pace.

How many pages of ホリミヤ can you comfortably read in one week?
  • 1–10 pages
  • 11–20 pages
  • 21–30 pages
  • 31+ pages
0 voters

This :point_up_2: poll is anonymous!

Do you already have a copy of volume 2?
  • Yes, I already have a copy of volume 2.
  • No, but I plan to buy digitally.
  • No, but I plan to buy from a physical store.
  • No, but I plan to buy a physical copy online.
0 voters

This series is not 試し読み-friendly! The preview for volume 2 only has one page of content.

That means we must wait for everyone buying a physical copy to have it in hand unless some readers don’t mind catching up after their physical copies arrive.

What are your preferred start dates for volume 2?
  • December 23rd
  • December 30th
  • January 6th
  • January 13th
  • January 20th
0 voters

Shameless plug:

My personal Japanese-learning website has ホリミヤ frequency lists for the first three volumes.

By marking words you know, you can gauge how “readable” a manga volume is based on the overall number of words you can read and how many sentences you’ll need to look up one or more words in. (Grammar doesn’t factor into the stats.)

If you knew only the 160 highest-frequency words from volume 2, your stats would look like this:

You’d recognize all the words in one out of every four sentences. (Granted, those include many one-word sentences.)

You can also filter the frequency lists to a page range, letting you see your highest-frequency unknown words within, for example, “next week’s pages” in case you want to start learning them in advance.

This is a tool I wrote for my personal use. It’s provided online in case anyone else can benefit from it. All progress is stored directly in your web browser. And sometimes I break things on it. Also, totally not tested on mobile devices. :skull_and_crossbones:


Strangely I’ve felt that later volumes get a bit tougher later on, at least I’m personally on volume 6, and it feels a bit harder


I was getting fairly impatient by the end of the club so I won’t match the schedule, but I will probably read parallel or so and check in once in a while


Looking forward to reading along with this, thanks for setting it up @ChristopherFritz!


I was planning to catch up on this manga reading by the absolute beginner book club, and I think would love to keep reading it after (I already know I love it because I saw the anime and read the manga in english).

So I might join here when I’m done with volume one if it’s ok :slightly_smiling_face:


This is an amazing tool. Thank you so much for making it.

One thing I noticed, 足りる is listed as “insufficient” but Jisho lists it as “to be sufficient” (たりる - Jisho.org)

Not sure if it’s because the book only uses it in its negative form or if it can mean insufficient in certain contexts?


I’m a beginner myself, but I have noticed these vocabulary lists tend to provide the base form of verbs along with their contextual meanings for the manga in question (which is super helpful).

In this case, a quick skim of the first page of volume 2 does indeed use the negative te form 足りないって.

Page 1 Contextual Dialog



Quick note for your learning, that’s not the te-form, that’s another form of the quoting particle (と). と and って are interchangeable, but って is more informal/casual/colloquial.


Thanks for the correction! That does seem to make more sense in the context there if I’m interpreting it correctly. Something like “we don’t have enough manpower”.

I’ll read up on the relevant sections again.


Just to add more info for you, ない’s て form is なくて, not ないって, so that can help you identify in the future. :blush:


I didn’t even catch that; thanks for pointing it out!

It’s basically what @MikeyDC65 noted, as you can see in this screenshot showing the parts my code extracts:


It shouldn’t be too hard to fix when I have a chance, then I’ll regenerate the site and that will probably catch other words with a similar issue.

Edit: This is now resolved!


Mark your calendars! We’re starting volume two on January 6th!


Great timing - that’s the day I fly to Japan!

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I definitely won’t finish the first volume in time but I’ll catch up with you later ! :muscle:


There are definitely certain chapters that felt like hitting a brick wall when I read through them last year. There’s a kind of nonsense or non-sequitur talk they do sometimes (especially when 宮村 and 仙石 are talking to each other) that’s pretty hard to follow, but then by the next chapter it will go completely back to normal. Usually it’s not, like, plot important stuff though, at least

I even noticed that with one of the chapters in vol 17 when I read them over the summer though


Volume 2’s thread is up.


I am so happy you continued this. ありがとう! I recently bought physical copies of all the volumes of ホリミヤ, and they are sitting on my desk. I am going to start with Volume 1 at my own pace for the time-being or maybe try and find a partner : )


I plan to get a volume three thread up this weekend.

Are you planning to continue reading Horimiya?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Which reading speed are you most comfortable with?
  • One chapter across two weeks.
  • Two chapters across three weeks.
  • One chapter per week.
0 voters

I’m looking to keep the pace as close to 1 chapter per X week(s), but I also want to respect faster readers while not leaving behind first-time readers who are utilizing Horimiya to help build up reading ability.