I’ve never entirely understood these little flags they invariably hand out to place-getters in sports day episodes. Like, what do you do with the things? Just stand around awkwardly for a few minutes, and then… hand them back again, so they can be given for the next race? At my school athletics carnival, we just had someone at the start writing down the names of the people in each lane, and at the end there was a teacher with a stopwatch for each lane, and they’d write down the times on the same form, which would then be sent up to the scorekeeping booth (where I worked each year in lieu of having to run - I’m with Sengoku on that one) where we’d enter them into a computer program that’d generate the list of who made the finals.
I don’t think I’m sufficiently interested in Tanihara to watch him having dreams about Miyamura being philosophical. Good thing it’s a pretty short, and apparently one-shot, chapter.
Also, he didn’t just bully Miyamura in school, he let the school rabbits die from neglect? He just got upgraded from “he can die in a ditch somewhere, for all I care” to “go die in a fire”.
Ok, that was pure “plot that would be resolved immediately if any of the characters just said something”, my least favourite kind of plot, and the worst part was that it turns out there was zero reason for Miyamura to be acting so shifty most of the time. Making up excuses to avoid going home with her so that he could go shopping instead was one thing, but to be so pointedly avoiding her in school as well is something else altogether.