Wanikani very unforgiving for typos in japanese

Wanikani is sometimes very unforgiving for accidentically hitting a key.

I accidentically hit “u” before 'y" key (they’re next to each other) so I got this wrong, but in my head I said “Kyuu-mei”

It can be so frustrating. I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and better luck next time?

Does this also happen often with you guys?

At least I am glad it is forgiving for English mistakes. My English is not always that great.



Yes, all too often I have exactly the right answer in my mind, and something goes wrong with my keying and I hit the ENTER key just a bit too quickly.

Such is life in WK-land.

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This was actually a deal breaker for me. My friend told me about a phone app called Tsurukame. It has a few features, but if you get it wrong due to a typo you can click ‘I got this right’ button and move on. I only do my reviews on this app, but I still try to do my new lessons on my computer so long as im not pressed for time. Has worked great for me so far. Highly recommend it.


Yep, but so is your average IME. If you type くゆうめい, it’s unlikely to suggest 究明 as a possible kanji option. Mine’s giving me 区有名.

You can get IMEs with built-in autocorrect, and it can sometimes catch common typos, but generally you need to be pretty accurate.


The difference is that if you don’t see the kanji you’re looking for in the IME, you can retype it, then select the proper kanji that pops up(which is what everyone who’s typing it WOULD do in real life). If you mess up in wanikani due to straight mistyping, wanikani assumes you’re a buffoon, and knocks the card down a bunch of stages, wasting unnecessary time.

I almost got 宝くじ incorrect today because I typed たからじ(even though I said it entirely correctly in my head, and know exactly what it’s reading is), realized my mistake milliseconds before pressing the enter button, and that made the difference between a card I know being burned, and me needing to unnecessarily waste time reviewing something I already know.

If I have more than one mistype in a review session, I’ve started refreshing the page to start over, but maybe I should find a script(like the one posted below) that allows undo instead. It bugs me that wanikani doesn’t trust it’s users enough to not to cheat.


If I’m doing a mistake simply because of a typo I just close the tab and retry. As far as I understand it doesn’t count it as a mistake then and you can retry. Just make sure not to abuse it for normal mistakes :smiley:

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I also have this app, but I prefer typing on keyboard because I even make more mistakes on a phone.


That looks nice, but I did not pay money for an application just so I have to patch their bugs with 3rd party software.


That is even more absurd. The test is if you know the kanji 宝 is read たから. the くじ is literally in the question, so it does not make sense to give a penalty because it is obvious it is a typo.

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It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. And that’s not a joke the way it usually is - it’s was deliberately designed that way. But it was also designed to be modifiable with third-party scripts. You paid for that feature too.

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It was deliberately made so that if you your finger slips it means WK thinks you did not remember the kanji and have no possible way to correct it, even though you can cheat anyway by googling the kanji before answering, and have the option to add synonyms?



Sure you do. The next time the review comes up.

Only for the meaning, not the reading.

Or, for an alternate interpretation, it’s a teaching philosophy (that you evidently don’t share).

Mind you, I installed Double Check looong ago.


This was actually a feature they added and rolled back:

The logic in this comment would’ve solved that issue though so not sure why they didn’t just do that

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yeah does my head in