Visual Guide on How To Install A Userscript

First, double-check that TamperMonkey itself is enabled. When on the WK dashboard, the TamperMonkey icon should be black instead of grayed out, and when you click it, it should say ‘Enabled’:


Most likely, this is all okay so far.

Next, open the Javascript console (press F12 and click on the Console tab), and post any errors you see there to the forums. The most likely case is that your browser’s privacy settings are locked down too tight (which is common for Firefox users), so you will see some errors about scripts not being loaded. If that turns out to be the case, let me know what browser you are using, and I can probably tell you what settings to adjust… or if you are comfortable easing the privacy settings own your own, you can do that. (There isn’t any actual privacy concern with any known scripts… it’s just that the privacy settings don’t allow scripts to save settings and data into the browser database, so they can’t do their job).

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Wow thank you so much for the assistance i am so unfamiliar with anything script related T.T
So I double checked on wanikani and the icon is black and tampermoney is enabled on the website. It says the open framework is on and active as well as the dashboard plus & the ultimate timeline, but there is no change on the website. I am using the most current version of google chrome. When i check the console messages via F12 on the wanikani page, this is the message i get:console error

wow ok i just opened wanikani for like the 5th time after redoing everything and now its just working hahaha. Not sure what happened but it looks like everything is operating as normal now! Thank you again for the quick and detailed help!! This is my first time commenting on any forum and i am very grateful that the community is so welcoming :sob: :heart:


Not sure if Im in the right place but is anyone having trouble with greasyfork? I just updated to Monterey 12.1 and suddenly Greasyfork isnt opening on any of my browsers (safari, chrome or brave) and I cant install any new scripts. No idea what has changed. Any suggestions?

Not any more!

You had a whole month to steal post 69…

Does uninstalling and reinstalling Greasyfork work?


So I was just using the links to download userscripts. No app/extension downloaded for it. I think I figured it out though. Used a vpn and Greasyfork worked like a charm. No idea what happened that caused this hoenstly. Never had this issue before

Thank you for the help though!

Hi! I seem to have a similar problem to what the previous user had, tampermonkey is working, scripts are enabled but heatmap simply doesn’t wanna show up on my dashboard…
I made a screenshot, maybe you’ll be able to help me with this?
Thanks in advance!

It can be installed on mobile (Android) in 2022.

But despite the guide on GreasyFork ( >> Scripts on top right), I can’t get it to work on Firefox - it just refuses to install extensions that are not compatible with Firefox for Android.


And Chrome, the default browser on most Android, isn’t even mentioned.

Changing to “Desktop Site” for Firefox makes “Add to Firefox” appear; but it downloads the Extension instead of installing. As for Chrome for Android, I can’t install the extension either in default mode (the button tries to add to Chrome on another device) or in desktop mode (the button disappears).

I was recommended Kiwi Browser, and there was already Extension / UserScript built-in to the app. However on trying to install a script on GreasyFork, some web browser extensions are being recommended - so I installed TamperMonkey (from Chrome Extension Store, nonetheless). Now the script is working without problems.

I am trying ViolentMonkey on Kiwi right now. (It’s available for Firefox Desktop too, but I have too many extensions / scripts / data to move.)

What do you use to install UserScripts?

0 voters

Anyone using UserScripts on mobile / tablet?
  • Firefox for Android
  • Firefox for iOS
  • Chrome for Android
  • Chrome for iOS
  • Kiwi Browser (for Android)
  • Safari (for iOS)
  • Others (please tell below)

0 voters

Big Title

Internal Anchor Test

Title 1

Title 2

Hidden in details

Title 3

Link to hidden

Not exactly obvious, but IDs are autogenerated too.

HTML code

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I tried to install my first userscripts today. I did steps 1 and 2, I installed Wanikani Open Framework and Anime Context Sentences. When I go to the Wanikani website, I see that both scripts are running, and they aren’t running on other sites.

Some of my questions: What should I expect to see? Should my Wanikani dashboard look different? When I do a review, should I see something new before I submit an answer, or only after? Do I need to enter an API token somewhere? Do I need two API tokens?

This is Safari Version 15.3 (17612.

Anime Context Sentences should add a new section below the context sentences provided by WaniKani. During reviews, you should be able to see the section after answering a vocabulary question, opening the item info (F or clicking the eye button), expanding it (Space or clicking “Show All Information”), and scrolling to the bottom. The section should also appear during vocabulary lessons in the “Context” tab, and on vocabulary item pages under “Context” near the bottom.

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Thank you for letting me know what to expect. Unfortunately I don’t see any of that. I also tried to install Anime Context Sentences and Wanikani Open Framework on Chrome, but not changes there either. Next I tried installing Keisei Semantic-Phonetic Composition on both Safari and Chrome, and no Keisei Semantic-Phonetic Composition changes.

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Can you check your browser console for any error messages?

Thank you for the help. I closed safari, restarted safari, went to Wanikani and did a practice review. Here are the error messages:

None of these errors/warnings are related to the missing sections. Can you check if you get other errors/warnings on a vocabulary item page?

It might also help to check if WaniKani Open Framework and WaniKani Item Info Injector are correctly inserted into the page. For this, type wkof into the console, hit enter, then type wkItemInfo and hit enter again. If both are available, the result should look somewhat like this:

I clicked on your “a vocabulary item page” and I can see the anime context sentence information!

A few minutes ago I did my reviews, and I didn’t see the anime sentences. I have zero reviews at the moment, so I can’t check.

Here are the current errors:

and the wkItemInfo:
Screen Shot 2022-05-31 at 4.17.17 PM

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maybe my recent lessons/reviews were too recent (I haven’t gurued the kanji/vocab), that’s why I don’t see see any Anime sentences?

So at least on item pages, Anime Context Sentences works? During reviews, the section should appear here:

This section is only available for vocabulary reviews, and for some words, no anime sentences are available, in which case it should display “No sentences found”. If the section is still missing the next time you are doing reviews, check the browser console again for any errors.

For the lesson quiz (the short review at the end of each lesson batch), the WaniKani team has recently updated the layout, and injecting the Anime Sentences section does not work there yet, so don’t expect the section to appear in the lesson quiz currently.

Extra study, however, has the same layout as the review page, and Anime Sentences should also appear during extra studies – in case you want to further test if the userscript works while not having reviews available.

Thank you Sinyaven. Everything is working now. Maybe I was just didn’t see the “Anime Sentences No sentences found.” messages. Or maybe logging out of Wanikani/restarting the browser/computer did something. Your link to the vocab page for 中 really helped.

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