Thread deleted

I’ve deleted my post as I feel it was quickly resolved by the good people here.
Thank you everyone for helping with this! Much appreciated.



It seems you’ve made your decision, but I wish you’d stay at least for the book clubs, as I’ve done.

It’ll be lonely for sure, but good luck with your future studies. :slight_smile:

いつか、また会いましょう. :smile:


Will people mind if I use the bookclubs without a subscription? You are okay, you are a contributor… you answer questions and your knowledge of manga and stuff is amazing. But I just need help all the time, only ever ask questions and, often ask the very same again and again due to my glacial pace. If people won’t mind, I’d love to stick around the bookclubs. What do you think?


Of course no one would mind! The option exists for a reason, and you remember what everyone said in the book club, you’re part of the community as well. If no one asks questions, no one can answer them. :slight_smile:

I haven’t always been a contributor, in fact, I also left for a few years before coming back and using what I learned during that time, but it’s not necessary to just leave if you just focus on learning someplace else and coming here to do some reading practice.


I know we haven’t spoken before so I can’t give direct input about you personally, but I don’t think anyone would hold it against you for sticking around without a subscription. You obviously gave WK a fair shot and aren’t just here to self-promote or complain about the site being too slow, so I honestly think you’re fine.


yet :eyes:
Marcus was playing the long con. :joy:


The community is about the community, you won’t be out of place here even without a subscription


I’m pretty sure the Tofugu staff made the forums public in the hopes that people would come for the forums and then get exposed to Wanikani itself that way. To that end, I think it’s just better for Tofugu the more people join in, paying WK users or not.

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I just wish I had something to promote! lol!
Seriously, thank you everyone. That really puts my mind at rest.
My subscription runs out in a few days and I was really worried about it. Thank you.
I don’t want to create a long thread all about me me me so I’ll see if I can delete this now.
You have helped me a lot.
And it was good just getting it off my chest too. Thank you for listening!


You know, I still struggle with asking questions and stuff irl, most of my knowledge is theoric, and even then I get stuff wrong sometimes. :joy:

I would recommend a more traditional approach to learning, with a teacher and stuff, if you’re able and think that’s a good idea. It worked wonders for me, having that accountability and milestones in learning.


I’m obviously way late to the party, but I just wanted to say that not only is anybody welcome on the forums, you in particular have been an extremely valuable member, initiating and running two book clubs which were obviously very valuable to many people here. I hope you continue to participate.

I said something similar on another thread a while back, but although I kind of wish I’d known about WK from the start of my studies, I’m also kind of really glad I had a solid foundation of grammar before discovering it. I think you’re probably right to take a step back and focus on that (and speaking! It sounds like you want to be able to speak Japanese, but you’re focusing all of your efforts on reading Japanese).

It’s a rather all-consuming study method, and it’s easy to focus on it to the detriment of all the other skills involved in learning a language.


I’m sure you already know this, but there are other SRS programs which you can customize to use shorter intervals (I’m assuming this might be the problem). You might want to try a few of those as I still think SRS is the way to go in the early/intermediate stages of language learning.

I swear I’m not trying to promote, just offering some thoughts :sweat_smile:

That said, no one would mind you staying a part of the WK community / bookclubs ^^


Thank you both so much.


We haven’t interacted a lot, but I hope you’ll stay active on the forum. Even though I don’t say much in the yotsuba thread, your meticulous analysis of sentences makes me learn a lot, even as a passive lurker.

And (I’m sorry, but) I looked at your deleted message, but I don’t think there is any harm/shame in finding out that WK as a system is not fit for you or your goals. At least good luck on your further endeavours, I hope you’ll find a method that works for you.


Thank you, that is very kind of you to say that.

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Didn’t you essentially start the Absolute Beginner book club yourself? Think that alone gives you the right to stick around, even if you weren’t also keeping half the threads going with your contributions. :stuck_out_tongue:


I am also in my fifties, and on the slow learning path here.
I hope that you keep participating in discussions here. Anyone who is seriously interested in Japan and Japanese truly enriches the community.
Best of luck with everything!


Again, the people here are just so good. Thank you so much Belthazar and RoseWagsBlue.


I also read the message after you deleted it, couldn’t help myself. I hope you’ll stay around the forums even after your subscription ends. They are available to unpaid users for a reason. :slight_smile:

Whether you stay or not, you’ll be remembered as a great contributor to the community. Running two book clubs as successfully as you did is no easy feat, so I hope you’re proud of what you’ve accomplished there.


Speaking for myself, I actually learn a lot more when I answer other people’s questions than when I get an answer from someone else. Answering a question forces me to reorganise the knowledge in my mind. As they say, if you can’t explain it, you don’t understand it yet. So perhaps by asking your questions, you’ve indirectly helped many people yourself.