I was considering this one as my question, but surprisingly a lot of people seem to know it so maybe its actually somewhat common.
I have 鞦韆 (swing) from this manga:
I’m failing to find any context sentences though. Weblio doesn’t seem to have any and I’m too much of a beginner to search beyond that.
Leebo set a deadline
4/13 1:00PM Japan
4/13 4:00AM UTC
4/13 0:00AM EDT
I have added a note to the OP
It also showed up in ご注文んはうさぎですか, which I mentioned on the forums a while ago. So yeah, maybe it is actually somewhat common.
Pfft, now leebo will look like a noob if he doesn’t know it :3
Also am I the only one who thinks the title should maybe be different? I usually don’t pay attention to threads with japanese titles because it’s the japanese only section most of the time which I don’t bother to read. Had it not been for leebos thread, I wouldn’t have found this one because I was ignoring it
Maybe having a title that would catch people’s attention would get leebo more questions in this thread.
Something like ‘Stump Leebo question thread’?
Yeah, I mean I can only speak for myself but that certainly caught my attention when I read it.
I just assumed people wouldn’t post in his original thread as time went on, so this one would be the only one showing up in recents
Hopefully the new name works well enough.
Waits patiently for people to come
Im curious how much leebo will actually get, though. I mean, I know he has a higher level than me, but some of these questions were pretty tough lol. Hopefully the entire video isnt him being stumped.
Anyone have a good source for sentences?
I just type the word + 例文 in google. Usually weblio is what I end up using tho
I love this site: http://yourei.jp/
Gee, thanks. I wonder why I didn’t try that before
Ohh, I should start using this. It seems like a better version of http://jp.wordmind.com/ without the english translation
I’ve had it bookmarked for years, I might have seen it on Tofugu’s Japanese resources newsletter at some point. It’s been a great resource so far
I’m reading the great book Breaking Into Japanese Literature and some of the sentences below, all from Ten Nights of Dreams by Soseki, utterly stomped me. But I don’t know if the average native person can read that stuff easily or if it’s actually super hard. Let’s see if it stumps Leebo
Difficulty : Hard
藁沓 = わらぐつ
鬣 = たてがみ
鞍 = くら
鐙 = あぶみ
篝火 = かがりび
焔 = ほのお
Difficulty : Impossible
楫枕 = かじまくら (The whole thing is a sailor song by the way)
瓣 = はなびら (modern way of writing seems to be 花びら)
Last one just for fun :
洋琴 = ピアノ
Ok, since I have 5 minutes, here’s one that would not stump a native, but would definitely trip up a Japanese learner:
It looks like it would be read せおって (since it’s not only valid, but also the most common reading for those kanji), but nope. I’m an evil person.
All of these seem really good submissions, but there is a limit of one per user, so you (and everybody else) should narrow it down to your favourite by Friday, I think.
Whoops didn’t know that. Well, the first one, then.
Maybe I can ask my bestie @Anthracene to post the second one though