^ this. I always need to remind myself that it’s ok to get things wrong and it just helps to give me more time to properly study.
I have a very bad habit of submitting the reading instead of the meaning and then quickly hitting enter. Even the scripts cant save me
But I do use the reorder script. I get the kanji and radicals done before vocab. And try to finish the pile up before bedtime.
Is this ok?
They can! Double-Check can fix both of these issues individually! It has a feature for detecting meaning/reading mixups as well as a mistake delay. There’s also a feature for automatically going to the next item if you answered it correctly, which would save you from double tapping enter
Yes, that’s perfectly acceptable, haha
Though I’d advise doing vocab before kanji, in general, since it is there to reinforce the kanji you’ve just guru’d upon level up. Also, not sure if you mean you do all your lessons on the very first day? No harm in that if it’s not burning you out, but there’s really no need - doing 30 or so lessons a day for three days will have the same effect ^-^
I do use that script but in my case it’s more of “trigger happy fingers” - during an answer I say (out loud) the answer, type “it”, hit enter to see that it’s wrong. Then I have to look and see and wo and behold - I wonder how I typed that, lol…
Why the obsession with 0/0???
I’m sticking to just doing constant number of new lessons (independent of the type) and I never have 0 new lessons - by the time I reach less than 50 I usually manage to level up and bum - new radicals/kanji/vocabulary gets unlocked. But I’m not stressing about it
Two factors, I think:
- Self Dicipline: hitting a streak of 0/0 every level means you’re consistently getting done on time
- Speed: If you’re doing for 7 day level, and you don’t cheat by taking your kanji before you’re vocab, then you really should be 0/0 just before you level up.
Other bonus factor, comradeship;
A lot of us do this thread:
I just took 円 from Master to Apprentice because I incorrectly answered “yenn” for the meaning twice consecutively. The sense of bewilderment is almost indescribable.
You can be disciplined without hitting limits? Doing constantly and consistently x items daily is also a discipline?
AFAIR it’s quite difficult to hit 0/0 if you are not speed-learning, and I’d say that majority here are not striving at doing 7day level (and often if they do then they quickly get burned)?
It’s simply two different approaches. Nothing is wrong with either of them, as I see it.
The fact that we have many threads dedicated to hitting levelling targets, I’d argue that there are enough people that are striving to level quickly that it’s is relevant, even if it’s not the majority. Arguably, going for 0/0 is the same as doing consistent and constant x items a day, it’s just the x is derived from the number of total lessons you receive upon level up divided by three.
Like you, I never see 0 lessons. I aim to see 0 reviews on 99% of nights
Yass. Finally. Thanks for the script suggestion. Works like a charm.
For me at least, it’s not difficult to hit 0/0 but still go slow. I use WaniKani’s setting “Shuffled” for lesson ordering. That way I get some radicals, some kanji and some vocab each time I do lessons. Since I usually have some kanji left, I don’t guru the last batch of kanji on my level before going through the last of the vocab, and I easily hit 0/0. If you do WaniKani standard ordering radicals/kanji/vocab it might be more tricky to get 0/0 every level since you might not have finished all vocab before guruing the last kanji and levelling up. I got that once, levelling up before I was ready, and I learned my lesson. “Shuffled” lesson ordering is what saves me right now.
Actually this is predominant behaviour. I’m on level 8 and I was at around 30 new lessons but unlocking new kanji new vocab started to be added.
But - I don’t mind it at all, and having mixed vocab from previous level brings IMHO a little bit more of a challenge.
I thought “Double-Check” was my friend. “Oh, yeah of course I meant that…”. But at level 21, there were dozens of reviews, that I couldn’t even recognise. I was drowning in 200-300 Reviews every day, that took 2-3 hours. It was devastating. I gave up and it took me two months to reset to level 11 and do it right. Now, I no longer cheat and use the “Expected Daily Number of Reviews” for the number of lessons I do to prevent a flood of reviews.
And with “Review Order” in “Single Mode” and Lightning Mode, reviews only take half the time.
I don’t know if this is script abuse but whenever I get something wrong in my reviews, I keep doing it wrong until it is the only review left. Then I cut the tab and open it again so that I don’t lower it’s level. I quickly check the correct answer and then do that one review which is left but correctly this time. This has almost become a habit and I can’t seem to lose it. But I’m trying.
One that is script abuse is maybe using rikaikun to check the reading and/or meaning.
Try using BISHBASHONCE instead shortly after the review.
I used to do the same before I discovered bbo.
What’s the difference between this and regular BISHBASHBOSH?
Thankyou, it seems really nice way to remember the ones I get wrong. I doubt I will ever forget 他所 now.
It only makes you type the answer once per item (unless you get it wrong).
Funny I got a new like on this the very day I turned level 60
So can confirm, despite my ups and downs, I did climb the top!
And no, didn’t reach 60 before my 4 year mark… I am close to my 5 year mark (but hey, made it just under 5 years! )