ATTENTION: USE THIS SCRIPT RESPONSIBLY as it can easily lead to you being overwhelmed with both reviews and lessons over time.
The purpose of this script is to just do away with vocabulary items on you current review queue. Press the new ‘消’ button on the button shelf and your queue will be left with only kanji and radicals, if there are any, otherwise the button will be disabled. You can refresh the browser to have all the items back.
The queue is not reordered, randomness is kept among the remaining items.
It does not group reading and meaning together.
I have been using this script for some time because reordering scripts were a bit too much overkill for only such a simple functionality, so I figured it might also be what someone else is looking for and decided to share it. For more flexibility, there are already other great scripts that allow for a finer customization of the review queue.
Standard Firefox, latest release. I don’t use Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey outside of trying to get this to work.
The error is just the usual “missing JQuery” one: that $ is undefined.
It’s not important, so don’t worry about it. The real answer for my situation is that I just have to get all the vocabulary things done before I finish leveling up as they want me to do anyway. It just sucks having 100+ things to write down in my notebook before I can start the clock on the actual stuff that helps me get to the next level.
Are you seeing the error in the browser console or on the Tamper- or Greasemonkey editor? Because the warnings in the editor can be ignored without issue