Next story! This one’s about summoning the old man of the mountain by lighting a bonfire and singing songs. So far it doesn’t exactly explain why they want to summon him, so I can only presume that he is some kind of mountain wizard.
I finally caught up with the ABBC and even read the manga until the end.
It means I’ve read my first entire manga !!!
I’ve bought the volume 2, and I’m planning on reading it soon because I enjoyed a lot this first volume and the dynamic of the couple.
I have finished Harry Potter! I’m so proud of myself! My first finished novel in Japanese
I don’t think that I’ll continue with other HP books when there are tons of interesting books by Japanese authors. A year and a half ago I became a fan of 本好きの下剋上, and I’ve already read several chapters of the webnovel. So I’ve bough first two books of the series. I don’t plan to re-read first chapters, but I want to read all extra chapters and then continue the story. And I’m waiting for the spin-off that is coming out in July
But it is yet another story which plot I know, so I want to try and read 狼と香辛料 in parallel to experience reading a story which is completely new for me.
February 25th!
2 chapters and the おまけ of 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん today - finishing off volume 1.
I’ll probably read volume 2 at some point, since the small chapters are nice for squeezing in on days where I dont have much time, or want to read a little more after reading something else but don’t want to commit to starting another longer chapter.
Feb 26th!
This weeks BBC assignment of 気になってる人が男じゃなかった today. I’m enjoying this one, its fun.
Got to read a bit on the train back from work. Downside with wearing contact lenses: Can’t just take them off like I do with glasses to avoid straining my eyes.
Read the first 2/3 of this week’s IBC, up to the end of chapter 1. Page count is an estimate based on the percentage and the total word count. The first half of this part was difficult, with the character descriptions having a lot of unusual vocab and many of the names not having furigana. Also since last week ended mid-chapter, it also took a bit to get context back.
However, the second half of what I read was much much easier, thankfully. The first half had me wondering if I was biting off more than I could chew with this as a second book (though Natively doesn’t think it’s much harder than 本好きの下剋上 - I guess that’s the benefit of all the priming I had for 本好きの下剋上 )
I read a chapter of 小さな森のオオカミちゃん, but I had an emotionally exhausting day so I’m not sure any of it really processed. Might have to read it again tomorrow.
The mountain man is summoned and this guy is huge, like several people high. He gives the towns-people a challenge, if they manage to catch him (he only appears in smoke) then he’ll help them. With what he doesn’t say, so he might use mountain magic or he might just stand there in the fire laughing like crazy.