📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

Count me in! Thanks for taking over the organization of this thread @DIO-Berry !

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What I'm Reading
  • Teasing Master Takagi-san
  • Shadows House
  • Orange Light Novel
  • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie
  • Behind the Supermarket, Smoking with You
  • This Art Club Has a Problem!
Progress Report
  • January 1st
    • This Art Club has a Problem! - Part of Chapter 3 - p81-102
  • January 2nd
    • Shadows House - Chapter 147 - p70-86
  • January 3rd
    • Shadows House - Chapter 148 - p87-102
  • January 4th
    • Behind the Supermarket, Smoking with You - Chapter 26 - p49-76
  • January 5th
    • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie - Chapter 5-6 - p27-38
  • January 6th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 149 - p103-119
  • January 7th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 136 - p1-18
  • January 8th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 150 - p120-136
  • January 9th
    • Behind the Supermarket, Smoking with You - 書き下ろし - p77-98
  • January 10th
    • This Art Club has a Problem! - Chapter 4 - p103-126
  • January 11th
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 4 - p121-126
  • January 12th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 137 - p19-34
  • January 13th
    • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie - Chapter 7-8 - p39-54
    • Behind the Supermarket, Smoking with You - Chapter 26 一前 + 一後 - p99-114
  • January 14th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 151 - p137-152
  • January 15th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 152 - p153-168
  • January 16th
    • This Art Club Has a Problem! - Chapter 5 - p126-150
  • January 17th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 153 - p169-192 Volume 14 Complete! :tada:
  • January 18th
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 4 - p126-132
  • January 19th
    • This Art Club Has a Problem! - Chapter 6 - p151-178 Volume 1 Complete! :tada:
  • January 20th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 138 - p35-50
  • January 21st
    • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie - Chapter 9 - p55-64
    • Orange Light Novel - End of Chapter 4 - p133-134
  • January 22nd
    • Behind the Supermarket, Smoking with You - Chapter 27 - p115-144
  • January 23rd
    • Shadows House - Chapter 154 - p1-21
  • January 24th
    • Orange Light Novel - Start of Chapter 5 - p135-139
  • January 25th
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 5 - p139-144
  • January 26th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 139 - p51-68
  • January 27th
    • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie - Chapter 10 - p65-78
  • January 28th
    • Behind the Supermarket, Smoking with You - Chapter 27 一前 + 一後- p145-161
  • January 29th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 155 - p22-38
  • January 30th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 156 - p39-54
  • January 31st
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 5 - p145-148
  • February 1st
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 5 - p149-150
  • February 2nd
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 140 - p69-84
  • February 3rd
    • Behind the Supermarket, Smoking with You - Chapter 28 - p162-198 Volume 3 Complete! :tada:
  • February 4th
    • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie - Chapter 11 - p79-87
    • The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy At All - Part of Chapter 1 - p1-18
  • February 5th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 157 - p55-70
  • February 6th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 158 - p71-86
  • February 7th
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 5 - p151-153
  • February 8th
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 5 - p154-155
  • February 9th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 141 - p85-100
  • February 10th
    • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie - Chapter 12-13 - p88-100
    • The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy At All - Part of Chapter 1 - p19-30
  • February 11th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 159 - p87-102
  • February 12th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 160 - p103-120
  • February 13th
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 5 - p156-158
  • February 14th
    • Orange Light Novel - End of Chapter 5 - p159-166
  • February 15th
    • Orange Light Novel - Start of Chapter 6 - p167-169
  • February 16th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 142 - p101-116
  • February 17th
    • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie - Chapter 13.5-14 - p101-114
  • February 18th
    • The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy At All - Part of Chapter 1 - p31-46
  • February 19th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 161 - p121-136
  • February 20th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 162 - p137-152
  • February 21st
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 6 - p170-175
  • February 22nd
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 6 - p175-182
  • February 23rd
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 143-144 - p117-160 Volume 16 Complete! :tada:
  • February 24th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 163-164 - p169-192 Volume 15 Complete! :tada:
  • February 25th
    • Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie - Chapter 15-16 + おまけ - p115-144 Volume 1 Complete! :tada:
  • February 26th
    • The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy At All - Part of Chapter 1 - p47-62
  • February 27th
    • Orange Light Novel - End of Chapter 6 - p183-192
  • February 28th
    • Orange Light Novel - Start of Chapter 7 - p193-198
  • February 29th
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 7 - p199-203
  • March 1st
    • The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy At All - Part of Chapter 1 - p63-74
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 7 - p204-207
  • March 2nd
    • Shadows House - Chapter 165 - p1-20
    • Orange Light Novel - Part of Chapter 7 - p208-211
  • March 3rd
    • Shadows House - Chapter 166 - p21-36
    • Orange Light Novel - End of Chapter 7 - p212-224 Volume 1 Complete! :tada:
  • March 4th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 167 - p37-52
  • March 5th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 168 - p53-68
  • March 6th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 1-3 - p1-21
  • March 7th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 4-8 - p22-51
  • March 8th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 9-12 - p52-75
  • March 9th
    • Gal & Dino - Chapter 1-15 - p1-15 Volume 1 Complete! :tada:
  • March 10th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 13-16 - p76-99
  • March 11th
    • The Promised Neverland - Part of Chapter 1 - p1-18
  • March 12th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Part of Chapter 17-19 - p100-117
  • March 13th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Part of Chapter 20-23 - p118-141
  • March 14th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 24+Omake - p142-179 Volume 1 Complete! :tada:
  • March 15th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 25-27 - p1-21
  • March 16th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 28-31 - p22-45
  • March 17th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 32-35 - p46-69
  • March 18th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 36-39 - p70-93
  • March 19th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 40-42 - p94-111
  • March 20th
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 43-45 - p112-129
  • March 21st
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 46-48 - p130-147
  • March 22nd
    • Ashita wa Doyoubi - Chapter 49-52 - p148-168 Volume 2 Complete! :tada:
  • March 23rd
    • When will Ayumu Make his Move?- Chapter 1-2 - p1-23
  • March 24th
    • When will Ayumu Make his Move?- Chapter 3-4 - p24-40
  • March 25th
    • When will Ayumu Make his Move?- Chapter 5-6 - p41-58
  • March 26th
    • When will Ayumu Make his Move?- Chapter 7 - p59-67
  • March 27th
    • When will Ayumu Make his Move?- Chapter 8 - p68-78
  • March 28th
    • When will Ayumu Make his Move?- Chapter 9 - p79-86
  • March 29th
    • When will Ayumu Make his Move?- Chapter 10 - p87-96
  • March 30th
    • Shadows House - Chapter 169-170 - p69-104
    • The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy At All - End of Chapter 1, start of Chapter 2 - p75-100
  • March 31st
    • The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy At All - End of Chapter 2 - 100-118
    • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Chapter 145-146 - p1-34