📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 6 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

お月様の唄 :crescent_moon: :musical_note:
Progress: page 18/35

The forest spirits tell the prince of upcoming floods and droughts so he may help save and prepare the kingdom.

Words Found in the River

口止め「くちどめ」ー Being forbidden to mention [something] to others; ordering someone to keep quiet [about something]; gagging; hushing up
溜息「ためいき」ー Sigh


Feb 6

More history manga. Finished the first chapter which covers time until yayoi. Fairly simple language. Would need some look ups to get everything super well, but I don’t expect to remember the details of Paleolithic period in Japan anyway so not sure I am missing much. Will definitely look up stuff for later time periods.

I am liking it so far. The Kofun portion made a lot of the info interesting by connecting it to a made up family and village. And the intro pages suggest this is a format that will continue. Although I think they will use actual historical people too.


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:frog: かえるくん、東京を救う, Super Frog saves Tokyo, short story by Murakami Haruki, 1 difficult page :sweat_smile:


:heavy_heart_exclamation: Sakura and Suzuki on Satori Reader, ep. 22 to 27.
This series is really cute and fun, even if there’s no big twists.


that looks correct to me! 引, but the strokes are not lined up very well. (it also makes sense in that line, i think, if it’s the sort of scenario i’m imagining)

aaaaaaaaaaaa I still do this sometimes too :laughing:


so glad to hear you enjoyed the Hotel Matsuepurna (sp??). I started reading it in the Harta magazines when those came up almost for free. So far I really liked it, but I haven’t prioritised it, so maybe I’ll get that out again!


Feb 6, Tue of Week 6 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.5 [162-169/258]

  • STEINS;GATE (VN) Ch.10

Words of the day
  • 技術革新(ぎじゅつかくしん) = technological innovation. Revolution is 産業革命(さんぎょうかくめい).
  • 紡績(ぼうせき) = spinning (textile)
  • 織機(しょっき) = weaving machine; loom. Product is 織物(おりもの). The (advanced) machine is 紡績機械(ぼうせききかい).
  • ()() = Flying shuttle - Wikipedia (for weaving). Different from ()() (= sparks; repercussions). Simply written ()びひ in context.
  • 四神(しじん) = Four Symbols - Wikipedia. Consisting of 玄武(げんぶ), 朱雀(すざく), 青龍(せいりゅう), 白虎(びゃっこ).
  • 立憲君主制(りっけんくんしゅせい) = Constitutional monarchy - Wikipedia. That is, there is 君主(くんしゅ).
  • 薄幸(はっこう) = unfortunate. Diluted ((うす)い) is practically lacking.
  • 蔵相(ぞうしょう) = Minister of Finance. Uses the reading like 宰相(さいしょう) or 首相(しゅしょう). He got 罷免(ひめん) for not doing 徴収(ちょうしゅう).
  • 万有引力(ばんゆういんりょく)法則(ほうそく) = law of universal gravitation. 万有(ばんゆう) is all creation, like 万物(ばんぶつ) or 森羅万象(しんらばんしょう).
  • 正当化(せいとうか) = justification. So I am always right :point_right:
  • 大挙(たいきょ)して = in a large group; in great numbers. From 大挙(たいきょ)する.

Book highlights

ジョン・ケイ = John Kay (flying shuttle) - Wikipedia / John Kay (spinning frame) - Wikipedia. Inventors only 30 years apart.
ルーベンス = Peter Paul Rubens - Wikipedia
ベラスケス = Diego Velázquez - Wikipedia
レンブラント = Rembrandt - Wikipedia
ロココ様式 = Rococo - Wikipedia, Late Baroque. I have no idea about this one.
サンスーシ宮殿 = Sanssouci - Wikipedia :synagogue:
ラヴォアジエ = Antoine Lavoisier - Wikipedia. The book uses ラヴォワジエ.
ジェンナー = Edward Jenner - Wikipedia, creator of world’s first vaccine, smallpox vaccine
デカルト = René Descartes - Wikipedia. Just the pronunciation.
グロティウス = Hugo Grotius - Wikipedia
ホッブズ = Thomas Hobbes - Wikipedia
モンテスキュー = Montesquieu - Wikipedia
ヴォルテール = Voltaire - Wikipedia
アントニオ・サリエリ = Antonio Salieri - Wikipedia

球戯場(きゅうぎじょう)(ちか)い = Tennis Court Oath - Wikipedia (テニスコートの(ちか)い)
革命暦(かくめいれき) = French Republican calendar - Wikipedia (French Revolutionary calendar) :calendar:. Looks interesting, but it’s no more.
ネッケル = Jacques Necker - Wikipedia
ミラボー = Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau - Wikipedia
ラ・ファイエット = Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette - Wikipedia
ジャコバン派 = Jacobins - Wikipedia (Jacobin club)
ロベスピエール = Maximilien Robespierre - Wikipedia

I prepare both meanings in advance in my mind, and whatever reading to fit the meaning. But of course I might fail a contextless SRS.


I read seventeen level one stories.


2月5-6日 | Home post

  • 夜カフェ 1 (7.32% → 17.00%)

Yesterday I was distracted by a new toy and did not read much – I bought a fairly cheap Android tablet to use for reading, and I spent some time configuring Kiwi Browser and Yomitan. Today, I actually used the tablet for its intended purpose instead of just playing with the settings (I was trying to configure Yomitan to work with pen input) and finished chapter 2.


Home Thread // February 6th, 2024

Today, I read two more chapters from Aryn’s rescue, again :slight_smile: I plan to do an NHK Easy article tomorrow, perhaps the one that trunklayer posted in the TIL thread? :thinking:



:previous_track_button: Previous | :house: Home post | Next :next_track_button:

Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-06 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部1 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 12
:page_facing_up: 16 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 50m

So it turns out spending an hour on a train with barely working internet is great for focus. Who knew?

Also I finished my last real piece of work in my current job today and I don’t start my new one until March, so I may have more time for Japanese once I’m back from my trip this weekend…


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月6日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Dialogs: Train Station 2 episodes Finished
:railway_car: 阪急電車 1% 61% 15 new words
:kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん 1 chapter 111/261

Waw super cool that you got it working :smiley:


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 6 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VI (50% → 54%)

Snail pace continues. I’ll tell myself Rome wasn’t built in a day. At least I’m keeping my streak/habit going.

Big relate! :raising_hand_woman:


Feb 6

Home post

Second reading from Quartet chapter 6.

Page 14 15 16 of 同じ夢. Thanks to my sick brain I probably won’t catch up with the book club this week but I’m gonna get as close as possible.

Started playing Spiritfarer in Japanese, never realized how much those spirits like to talk… Gwen I have to take your popcorn out of the oven before it burns please stfu.


Feb 4th!
Today I read a chapter of 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん.
Afterwards I started reading 気になってる人が男じゃなかった, I’ve only read the first 18 pages since that was the BBC assignment for this week, but it seems fun so far.

Feb 5th!
Chapter 157 of Shadows House today.

Feb 6th!
Chapter 158 of Shadows House today - I want to keep reading, but I need to be patient since not much more has been published yet!

(Home Post)


:japanese_ogre: February 6 :beans:

Seasons :snowman_with_snow: was about 淡雪 which is the snow that melts easily, or the snow much of Japan got on Monday lol

Smoking :smoking: was great! It feels almost seasonal. It’d’ve been more seasonal if I read on time with the club lol. I’ve got a thought or two to post in the club thread.


6 Feb | Home

Title Type Natively Progress
:shallow_pan_of_food: ダンジョン飯2 manga 30 59/195 (53 → 81%)
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 17% - no change
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 10% - no change
  • Another two chapters of Dunmeshi 2. I’m not sure if it’s just more practice from the novel-reading, or familiarity since I read this earlier, or just these particular chapters being easier, but I found them a lot smoother to read through than I was anticipating (in that I read two chapters instead of just one). Imagine that.

3/2 12 pages 気になってる人が男じゃなかった (finished week 1), 6 pages ふしぎ駄菓子屋(finished week 2), aDoIG あまり

4/2 3 pages ふしぎ駄菓子屋 (finished week 3), 4 pages また,同じ夢を見ていた, 10 pages おじさまと猫, aDoIG ば〜ほど

5/2 3 pages また,同じ夢を見ていた, 19 pages 舞妓さんちのまかないさん (read weeks 7+8)

6/2 4 pages また,同じ夢を見ていた (finished week 1), 7 pages Spy Family, aDoIG ばからかand べきだ

Overall a good few days. I’m up to date with quite a few clubs and catching up with others. I think I’ll finish all my manga on time this week, leaving また,同じ夢 and the dictionary to work on. Plus 本好き LN volume 2, which I’ve had no time for with the various clubs.

I have a horrible feeling there’s another club starting soon which I’m planning to join, and can’t even remember which one.


:man_walking: back to my home post

:star2: 02月06日 Read: Progress:
:candy: ふしぎ駄菓子屋 2 pgs 27/148 pgs
:crossed_swords: The Three Musketeers [eng.] chapters 18-19 209/704 pgs

Two pages with no lookups of fushigi sweet shop. Actually understood the gist and felt really good since there was a lot of vocab repeated from earlier in the story. I’ll go back over it with lookups later though.


Home post

Feb 6

  • ARIA chapter 20, which finishes volume 2!
    This chapter was set during the Venice Carnival, which apparently is also happening right now! So it was a pretty timely read. Now that the season in the series is synced up with my season in real life, I might read it in pace with that (like I’m doing with Skip and Loafer) Although that would mean I’d only get to read (I’m guessing) ~1.5 more volumes of ARIA this year…so I might change my mind on that
  • スキップ・ビート! half of chapter 64

7th feb

home post

ouran chap 45 down, just one more left in the volume! i don’t know if it’s just this arc but i feel like i’ve doing wayyyy fewer look-ups than i used to in the earlier volumes. on the other hand, (けもの)奏者(そうじゃ) threw a bunch of bee-keeping terminology at me so ig it balances out :joy: finished that now, interested in reading more! it’s definitely aimed at a teenage-YA audience (aka not me) but the world-building is interesting and clearly has a lot of thought put into it. might check out the original books too to see the differences (tho i’m betting those’ll be less accessible). another ten pages or so of the bakumatsu book (will probably translate one later)

today’s nhk articles were this one and this one, plus the entries on っぽい and (らい)in aDoIJG

words that stood out: bees edition

隠密(おんみつ) - clandestine, stealthy, or (in this case) spy (for a daimyo, shougun etc.)

分封(ぶんぽう) - swarming, hiving off
王台(おうだい) - queen/royal cell of a bee hive
()っことす - to drop, to lose, to fall. ()とす but 関東弁(かんとうべん).

thanks! :pray: i’m mostly used to her handwriting by now but sometimes she’ll throw me a curveball :sweat_smile: