So, I haven’t read that (as I’ve said, I haven’t read much of anything!), but I’ll mention as a first book, I’ve been having an overall reasonable time with Zoo 1, and it sounds like all of Otsuichi’s work is probably written on a similar level. That said, this is some stuff deep in fairly dark horror territory so… if you don’t want to deal with unpleasant and violent topics, steer clear. Beyond that, most of what I have any (secondhand) idea about are all visual novels, though.
It’s too cold in my poorly insulated apartment to believe in the summer vibes as hard as I try, haha. Most of today was fine; I had a few frustrating instances of missing a little bit of a sentence that changed everything, or in the time spent working out a sentence or doing my Anki mining, getting a little lost from the thread of the conversation such that I thought the subject was the opposite, and had to read back later when I realized the people were doing the reverse of what I thought each said they would. Proof that I have a long way to go, but I’m understanding on the whole.
That is, until I made a mistake. This VN has presented me with a lot of little choices that I think are mostly for flavor (I’ve heard in general it’s not hard to get the routes you want so I figured the arbitrary looking choices aren’t accumulating unintuitive points on me behind the scenes or anything). Today, while the protagonist was wondering what to do in downtime, I could choose between homework, strength training, or writing a song. Out of curiosity how that would go, I chose the song. So, he started coming up with lyrics:
I’m being slightly overdramatic for impact, but lines like this certainly had more unknown fancy words than usual (shoutout to 七色, (なないろ), the seven colors of the rainbow). I was coming up on the end of my reading time anyway so I suspended midway and I’ll fight through the rest of the lyrics tomorrow, haha.
Besides that one, the interesting word of the day is 煙たがる (けむたがる), which can mean both “to be sensitive to smoke” and “to dislike the company of someone / to consider someone a nuisance.”