Day 26: January 26th
Time spent: 24 min
Today’s color: 憲房色 (けんぼういろ) - I would characterize this as sort of a red-brown. The book characterizes it as black with a hint of orange. This is kind of an aside gripe, but it seems like this book and the internet do not always agree on what these words refer to, because the link above is closest to what the color looks like in the book, but internet sources having it looking much closer to the orangish-black description, like this. What is the truth
Today’s color was actually named after the famous dyer in Kyoto who invented it: 吉岡憲房 (according to the internet, his name is read as よしおかけんぼう…or よしおかけんぽう what is the truth)
Some good words
- 考案 (こうあん) - plan; device; idea; design; contrivance; conception; invention
- 兵法 (へいほう) - art of war; strategy; tactics
- 師範 (しはん) - instructor; (fencing) teacher; model
- 剣法 (けんぽう) - (art of) fencing; swordsmanship
- 大切にする (たいせつにする) - to cherish; to treasure; to prize; to set a high value on; to take good care of; to look after
- 色濃い (いろこい) - marked; pronounced; showing a strong tendency (towards)
- 代名詞 (だいめいし) - synonym; classic example; pattern; byword; representative
まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 6 min
Today’s reading talked about 福寿草 (ふくじゅそう) - pheasant’s eye (species of buttercup, Adonis ramosa). It blooms right at the start of spring. Apparently it is poisonous and looks a lot like フキノトウ, an edible delicacy, when it’s first sprouting, so uh…be careful lol
What else did I read?
お前、タヌキにならねーか? Vol 1
Amount read: 10 pages
Time spent: 19 min
The chapter today made me teary-eyed, the whole thing was just so sweet. Today, instead of こがね丸, we get Old Man Tanuki helping someone out (I don’t think he has a name yet, they’ve just been addressing him as 長老). But it was so sweet because he finds this little girl lost in the woods and apparently tanuki can shapeshift into different people (not just take on one specific human form), because while they’re waiting out a rainstorm together under a tree, Old Man Tanuki shapeshifts into the form of her dead mom to comfort her and give her a hug It sounds kind of weird when I say it like that but it was really heart-warming in the manga
Good words
- ちゃっかり - shrewdly; smartly; calculatingly; astutely; cunningly
- サービスタイム - happy hour
- 真っ青 (まっさお) - ghastly pale; pallid; white as a sheet (can also mean deep blue/bright blue)
- 辿る (たどる) - to follow (road); to pursue (course); to follow up; to follow (hyperlink)
- クリームシチュー - chicken and vegetable stew with bechamel sauce or fresh cream
Ohhh, handsome! Not exactly what I was picturing but