OMG it’s (also) me.
I have to keep putting books back on the shelf (either physical or digital) as my eyes are too big for my proverbial Japanese stomach.
Ohhh that’s awesome news, I hadn’t checked it out yet as I have already bought a few Ja games and not finished them but have been meaning to.
I’d love to know how you’re finding the game, both in terms of Ja difficulty and generally how it compares to your expectations.
I initially started by combining a few vocab sheets from series to find the subset of words which either appeared in all of them, or which seemed like they’d be common enough that it was worth learning them.
I also added words which I wanted to know even if they were kind of rare, for example 城 しろ castle and 塔 とう tower - as I want to consume fantasy media and I expect these to come up.
Beyond these, I probably wouldn’t recommend SRS-ing all the words, as many of them are likely to be pretty rare - possibly only occurring one time even within that series - when I have tried to do this the words have tended to not stick very well, so they chew up an inordinate amount of my time as I keep failing their reviews (until I either suspend them, or create a specific memory device for them if I really want to keep them).
When reading deathnote physically I have the vocab sheet open on my ipad next to me, if reading digitally you might be able to split your screen and have them open side-by-side.
Tonight I read the first third of the directions for a どんぶり recipe from my 食戟のソーマ cookbook. It is taking a really long time because I want to make sure I don’t mess up any of the steps due to inaccurate translations. I learnt a couple new words involving cooking processes.
I hope we get to see pictures! Wonder if the どんぶり is on the “easier” side? With it being at the very beginning of the story arc is all. Actually, they get pretty technical right away now that I think of it.
Happened to come across this manga series at Kinokuniya yesterday. I’d love to read it but when I saw volume 34 I thought about how much physical space those would take up. yikes.
Would really like to hear your thoughts on the cookbook though, I always make space for those, and following recipes in Japanese has been tons of fun.
Hey, I’m people! Not sure I’m usual tho. Anyway, I make one translation pass without help, then I start looking up words and grammar through Jisho and Google, and for whatever I can’t figure out through those (usually contractions, colloquialisms etc.) I look them up in the vocab list where they are usually explained and listed together with the standard expression (at least in the よつばと! one). As for grammar I’m not able to figure out I ask about that in my study log when I post my translation attempts. I find this to be an effective and enjoyable study method even though it makes me a rather slow reader. I definitely feel like I’ve improved in these last 20 days
I have created new dictionaries. The WK dictionary should now update itself every week (not your installed version, the file that you can download will update). However, to make it easier to maintain I have switched the type of tags to these seen below. One benefit is that you don’t need to install a whole new dictionary, just the tags.
実証実験 - proof of concept
店舗 - another word for store - I looked into it and this is more of a written-use word whereas 店 is spoken-use (文語 vs 口語)
屋号 - trade name
数ある - numerous
ニーズ - needs/requests
Weirdly I learned 城 from a non-fantasy movie (恋の罪/Guilty of Romance) and 塔 from a crime drama (桜の塔).
Which goes to show that even the seemingly ‘unlikely’ words will still pop up all over the place
Read today’s world folktale, which is Little Red Riding Hood!
Amusing to read this in Japanese, it was a little bit easier reading too since I knew how the story goes, so could second-guess some of the sentences.
Since Nioh 2 was a little too kanji heavy for me I tried Resident Evil VII out in Japanese last night, while it was easier it kinda has the opposite problem in that almost everything is in katakana. I didn’t feel completely lost though, but it took awhile to work out what English words some of the katakana even meant.
☆ Learnings ☆
New Words
ビロード / びろうど「天鵞絨」ー Velvet たった一人「たったひとり」ー Only One; Just one person ジョキジョキ ー The sound of cutting with scissors よっこらしょ ー Heave-ho! ; Alley-oop!
Forgotten Readings
似合う「にあう」ー (To suit)
Forgotten Words
上等「じょうとう」ー First-Class; Superior; Excellent
Hope to see how it turns out too! I’ve found following the recipes in Japanese fun, just hope to find one that I actually have the stuff to make it with.
I am super late, my first appearance was around week ago, but today I finally think I am able to properly tackle this reading challenge. I noticed people use here some sort of calendars, so I copied one. I’ll probably reply to post if I find a really interesting article, but for now I am reading Satori and easy new, so it is not very fun to discuss. Anyway, yomichan with all kinds of dicts is installed, so I am looking forward reading like a pro, lol. Winter 2022 Reading Challenge
So, I’ve installed it, and it’s working great for whole words! That said, when I click on an individual kanji as you’re describing, I seem to only be taken to a page that says “no results found.” Perhaps you have something installed that I don’t, or my settings are a bit off?
Nonetheless, thank you very much for creating this, updating it, and bringing it to our attention right here @Kumirei
January 30 update:
Today I finished reading 時をかける少女. Overall, I quite liked the book, and had a fun time reading it, even though it wasn’t exactly easy. I guess I really caught the flow a few chapters in, after I stopped looking up every unknown word – before that it was more tedious than enjoyable.
From what I heard, in terms of language complexity this is one of the easiest Japanese books known to humanity that isn’t aimed at elementary school kids, and as such providing some entertainment value. Considering that it was still quite challenging for me, I’m wondering if there’s anything else I can read that’s around this level. One plausible option seems to be また、同じ夢を見ていた (it’s actually rated a bit easier than 時をかける少女 on both Natively and jpdb), but from some reviews I’ve seen I’m not convinced that I would like the story and/or style…
Anyways, I think I’ll first read some manga for a change of pace, and research my options in the meantime.
Oh that’s good to hear! When we read it in the book club ages ago, the participants did not like it as much, if I recall exactly, mainly for the storytelling which was a bit unbalanced (sometimes nothing would happen for ages, and then all of a sudden everything felt a bit rushed, and of course also a bit far-fetched and wrong, as always when talking about time travel). So I’m happy to hear that you were happy with it.
(In the hope that I mis-quoted you correctly here ) One of the easiest books that I know of that is geared towards adults would be コンビニ人間, I guess? We read it twice already in the Intermediate Book Club, so you can get a lot of support from the threads if you like.
Also, I’m currently reading The Little Prince (this version, to be precise). It may look like a children’s book, but in fact it is very deep. (In case you don’t know it yet.) Still, the language is not complicated (I posted a few screenshots a while back in this thread).
I also thought that Night Market (from the Intermediate Book Club) was not that difficult. It’s classified as “fantasy horror” or something, but it was not a scary shocker story where you are afraid to go to the toilet at night after you read it (I would have dropped it in that case, that’s for sure!). The two stories that are contained in the book are told in a quite detached style, which I found very nice to read but others found it disengaging. All depends on what you like
(Speaking of which, are you interested in certain genres or types of book?)
日本語: I reread a few pages of 伯爵と妖精 31 to keep myself in the flow, because I think today (day 30) is the day!! And then I read some of DEATH NOTE 1 and からかい上手の高木さん 17. Also I feel like a page of きみの名は, because I was trying to find where I left off in that many months ago. I was not as far along in it as I thought.
中国語: I read an intermediate entry on Mandarin Bean, one page of 擅长捉弄的高木同学, and a bit of 孩子最爱读的中国民间故事.
Updated my last post with a vocabulary list for ドメスティックな彼女 vol.2 some words are probably NSFW but if somebody sees you browsing the list by accident and asks dumb questions. Just tell them you need to learn the vocabulary for the JLPT.
Okay well, today I continued reading the third volume of the Eden’s Cage manga 90 pages. But it’s just a generic action manga. I will drop it once I finish the third volume. Next I read some texts in the Kanzen Master N3 Reading book.