πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 β˜ƒβ„

Jan 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土 ζ—₯
Week 00
Week 01
Week 02
Week 03
Week 04
Week 05
Feb 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土 ζ—₯
Week 05
Week 06
Week 07
Week 08
Week 09
Reading plans

Most important for me just get into habit of reading each day, at least 30 minutes.

First I’ll finish the current peak of BBC which is the first volume of manga ζ₯΅δΈ»ε€«ι“, and I’m half way thru.
After that, we’ll see.