📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

:cherry_blossom:April 6:cherry_blossom:
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I was going to read more of the dictionary today, but I had other things I had to get done since Easter is coming up :upside_down_face:. シズク is probably my favorite character so far, and his expressions always make me laugh. Plus sometimes he’s doing random stuff in the background during cutscenes. His voice was a bit tough to get used to as he speaks more like a normal person and less like a character in a video game (mumbles, slurs words, and speaks quickly). A lot of video game companions can get annoying (glances at Navi from Ocarina of Time), but シズク remains funny and engaging so far. I hope that doesn’t change.




The storms are on a weekly schedule here in Texas, it seems. Every Thur and/or Fri, there has been rain, ever since that storm that made the utility pole right outside the shop lean dangerously. (That’s long since been fixed, by the way—replaced and the snapped phone line fixed soon after the neighboring telephone-only poles went down, and those two have long since been removed, but still not replaced despite the little flags and spray paint marks indicating plans to. It’s been what, a month, almost?) (Actually, there was just a thunderstorm Tues/Wed night, and I think that’s the first time we’ve got rain outside the schedule.)

I forgot Tatami Galaxy is starting on Saturday. I’ll have to decide whether I’ll start it on time and slow down on Summer Cider or start it late and continue trying to finish Summer Cider within two weeks. tbh I’m a bit scared of people complaining about this book too since it’s also supposed to be a wild ride, though I don’t know if it’s magical realism (really all I know about it is a friend likes the anime, and when I told her about この本を盗む者は and that the next pick is Tatami Galaxy, her reaction was that she was excited for me to read it but hoped the club didn’t complain about it too lol—and also that she found a Chinese translation of この本を盗む者は and wanted to read it).

all 42 pages of サマーサイダー ch 3, leaving off on pg 152

So in 2.43, the breaks that weren’t just a single line would be demarcated with an asterisk *, but in this book, an image of soda pop bubbles is used, suiting the title. Until now, they were just the outlines, but in this chapter, they’re shaded in grey. Also, the POV character has changed from Mizu to Miura! I wonder if we’ll get a Megumi POV chapter too, then. It’s looking like it’s a thing that Kabei-sensei writes in first person with female POV characters and third person with male ones. (Actually, now that I think of it, I can’t remember if she did the same with the short stories from Itoko’s and Ibara’s POVs…) When I translate, I’m sticking with one or the other.

Honestly, I’m not seeing how there’s a 三角関係——this even made me look it up on Goo to make sure it does just mean “love triangle,” and it does. One leg is Miura/Mizu, and you’d expect the other to be Megumi/Mizu, but there’s… nothing. Sure I’m not even halfway through yet, but still, the summary says that “at the center of their love triangle lies the secret to the mysterious death of their homeroom teacher last year,” so you’d still expect there to at least be something. Honestly there’s way more support for the other leg being Megumi/Miura, but considering that would be gay… it ain’t likely. I generally don’t care for love triangles, so I’m not mad about it not being a big thing, I’m just a lil confused.

Okay so now a couple people have said that Megumi likes Mizu, but there’s been nothing from Megumi himself so far to indicate that. The first person to say it was a teacher, and I didn’t put much stock in it since she’s an outsider, but now Miura’s saying it. I hope we do get either actual indication from him or him denying liking her at some point, because right now I’m just sorta like, “Uh, okay then.”

I actually wasn’t sure I’d finish this chapter today since I’m tired from work. But lately I’ve been reading in EN (sometimes a lot) on top of whatever I’ve been reading JP, and today I just cut that out and somehow managed it. I need to find out what happens, it’s killing me only being able to read ~45 pages a day.

Some vocab of note:

アブラゼミ [n.] large brown cicada (Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata)
面映ゆい (おもはゆい) [い-adj.] embarrassed; self-conscious; abashed; bashful
暗黙の了解 (あんもくのりょうかい) [expression, n.] tacit understanding; unspoken agreement
観音開き (かんのんびらき) double doors opening from the center. This got furigana in the book, but not the びら part.
夜盲 (やもう) [n.] night blindness. Short for 夜盲症.
顰蹙を買う (ひんしゅくをかう) [expression, ア五] to be frowned upon; to invite frowns of disapproval; to displease; to disgust
跪く (ひざまずく) [自カ五] to kneel
ふいにする [expression, する-verb] to lose completely; to waste; to let slip away
ニケツ [slang, n., する-verb] riding double (on a bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)


Curious what the complaints might be. Do you have any details? (note that I haven’t read any of it yet - will probably start today, I feel a bit of a responsibility as the host, you see- but I’ve watched a few episodes of the anime and it looked like a lot of fun). Not sure if I’d call it magical realism, probably not, but it does have some elements, it seems.


No, I don’t know anything about it, it’s just that when I told my friend who is familiar with it about この本を盗む者は and how some people in the club complained about it being fantasy/magical realism despite presumably knowing from the concept that that’s what it is and then that we were reading Tatami Galaxy next, her reaction was along the lines of, “Hm, well I hope those people don’t complain about Tatami Galaxy too if they decide to pick it up,” which immediately worried me. Not about my own enjoyment of the book, but that this will be the second in a row where I ignore the club and read it on my own, if she felt the two similar enough, whether by vibes or whatever else


:cherry_blossom: :tulip: 4月6日 :tulip: :cherry_blossom: (Home Post Link)


  • 四月は君の噓 ch 6

Word(s) of the Day:
囁き(ささやき)ー whispering
賢明(けんめい)ー wise; sensible; well-advised; intelligent; sagacious; prudent​
前代未聞(せんだいみもん)ー unheard-of; unprecedented; unparalleled in history (unparallelled); record-breaking
音符(おんぷ)ー musical note
殴り合い(なぐりあい)ー fist fight


Ah, okay, I see. Thanks for the extra info. :+1:
Why ignore the club if you still want to read the book though? Some people will like a book and some people will complain about it, that’s absolutely normal and more or less happens every time. Looking forward to reading with you!


:books: :blossom: softlyraining’s blossoming book stack :cherry_blossom: :open_book:

April 6th

:orange_square: NANA 1 (57% → 62%)

Another tiring day, and another tiny read.


We set up a discussion thread for the book, and we discussed dream 2 in detail, if you’re interested in having a look and/or participating? I‘ve meanwhile finished the book but I was so busy that I didn’t manage to comment. Will do so next week, probably.


FWIW, my complaint was not “it’s fantasy” (I like fantasy fine) but that this specific book had a particular choice of structure and focus that I felt rendered a lot of the book rather low-stakes and didn’t line up with the parts of the story that I was interested in. A different book with the same concept might have been a lot more interesting to me.

As it happens, I’m not reading Tatami Galaxy with the club, but in that case it’s because I read a bit of the sample pages and didn’t much care for the writing style. (Also I currently have a pretty big backlog so I don’t want to make it bigger by doing another physical-book order just yet…)

I think the other thing about the book clubs is that I view them as a chance to expand the horizons of what I read so I’m not just buying more books by the handful of authors I know I’ll like. Sometimes that means I’ll end up reading a book that turns out not to match my tastes; but sometimes it means I get to enjoy something I’d likely never have picked up on my own, like おばちゃんたちのいるところ. I try not to get repetitive with complaining about something in the club threads – once I’d said my bit about where I didn’t get on with the book in the week 4 thread, I stopped participating in the following threads unless I had something positive to say.


7 Apr

世界から猫が消えたなら 30% - 32% (4 pg)

Slightly bigger read today after missing a few days.


:cherry_blossom: Mitrac’s home :cherry_blossom:

I bought this monolingual children’s dictionary: 新レインボー 国語辞典(こくごじてん) (New Rainbow Elementary Japanese Dictionary). It arrived yesterday and I’ve been totally absorbed since.

First I read the manga that came with it まんがで分かる 国語辞典(こくごじてん)つかい (かた). I was so amused by the idea of learning to use a dictionary with a cute alien super hero leading the way :joy:

In addition to just using it… Flipping through, there are loads of fun things to discover.


Find some here!

This morning I discovered a cute drawing and description of an 糸電話 いとでんわ telephone made from two cups and string :thread:

There are little disambiguation cartoons and descriptions throughout. For example, for のぼる, there are pictures, descriptions and an example sentence for each of these:
登る: (やま)登る to climb a mountain
上る: 階段(かいだん) 上る to mount stairs
昇る: 朝日(あさひ) 昇る Rising sun

At the bottom of each page there is a fun fact, quiz, etc. For example, page 1005,
漢字(かんじ)クイズ #13

The answer is on the next page:
:page_facing_up: (あお)


Apr 4
First I read the daily ten pages of ボッコちゃん.

Played more Ciel no Surge DX unlocking a bunch of cutscenes.

The game plays in a world different from ours. The people live on a floating structure. They can’t live on the ground because it’s poisonous they wouldn’t survive. イオン in the past was some kind of holy maiden sent to the lowest level of this floating structure. She managed to make some friends there all seemed to be going fine but some kind of earthquake happens and it seems one of her friends died. Living on the lowest level was dangerous イオン is now thinking what she can do to rescue her friends.

I think the game is interesting and all but it’s probably very long I expect it to be around 100 hours or so. Maybe I should take a break from it and play something shorter.
I also read some manga magazines.

5692 pages read


7th april

home post

have finally gone back to kiki, my goal for this challenge, and man, i’d forgotten how much harder it is to read stuff in kana that’s usually in kanji! i’ve been spoiled by all these kanji heavy manga :joy: read 20 pages or so, which tho it took me a while and i kinda want a nap now, was actually pretty good for me. was a lot easier in the last five, ten pages or so.

words that stood out: 魔法瓶(まほうびん) (thermos flask. fantastic word!), 腹巻(はらま)き (stomach warmer. the whole chapter was full of them), and (きし)ぺき (also 岸壁(きしぺき), quay, wharf, cliff-like wall).







:cherry_blossom: :tulip: :blossom: April 6-7 :blossom: :tulip: :cherry_blossom:
Home Post

6th: nothing
:speech_balloon: Komi-san 2 : 5 chapters
:white_flower: Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar : 1 section
:books: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield : ?? → End

I finally finished rereading The War of Art which I’ve been nibbling at for like a month. I think the middle section is probably the best part, or is it part of the first section? Anyway, the third section have the least use for me now.

Mostly I’m glad to be done so I can read a new (to me) Seth Godin book that I suspect is on a similar topic: The Practice. I bought it late Feb/early Mar and have been waiting to finish TWoA to read that.

Read a few more chapters of Komi-san volume 2. This series is fairly dense. It wasn’t even a month ago I read my first full manga volume in a day, and I couldn’t do that with a Komi-san volume (right now), because 5 chapters was about the max I could read at once. It is also one of these things that I like reading in small doses, but if I binged it, it would probably get old.

Meaning, I might have to find another thing to read casually along with it, for when I’m caught up with Loopers or don’t feel like reading Loopers. (I’ve decided to temporarily stop reading BU$TAFELLOWS, reading two VNs at once just isn’t working for me.)

Hopefully I’ll pick up some easy (read in English/Swedish) fiction reading tonight.


home post

today’s reading:
ハピネス pg 66-102

over halfway done with this volume! i actually tried to pace myself more, but i have a goal set for 15 minutes of reading each day. which means i had to keep going even when i felt i had read enough. it does feel pretty good though knowing i can read so many pages in such a short amount of time! (even though happiness is pretty calm on the dialogue LOL shh)

New vocab

Word Reading Example Meaning
早退 そうたい 早退しようかな。。 leaving early
めまい あ ごめんちょっとめまいが dizzy
殴る なぐる 今。。殴った? to punch/hit
舐める なめる なめたい to taste/lick
やるじゃん 勇樹ぶんなぐるとか。。やるじゃん! You rock!
だっせー だっせー! lame/uncool

Because I don’t want to see people complaining lol, especially if it’s something like them not liking the genre, rather than about the difficulty or something that’s actually wrong with the book (like things handled poorly). Actual criticism, sure; complaining-complaining or general negativity… I’d rather stay away

If it’s just a few people, that’s probably fine, but it seemed like there were several with この本を盗む者は (though it may also have just been seeing several posts in a short amount of time making it seem like more, idk. I’m also not exactly in the habit of paying much attention to usernames and am bad with names besides), and I just. didn’t want to deal with that, and would rather read it entirely on my own even if it meant taking longer to figure some things out than it might have had I not stayed away from the club threads

It’s either that or become demotivated, basically. Sometimes people not liking something I like will fire me up, but I can’t count on that, and even when it does, I tend to do it mostly in my own corner (and it also doesn’t necessarily go anywhere, like with me taking forever to get through 2.43. Conversely, though, I have written over half the fics for it in AO3…). Plus the type of emotional dysregulation I have means I feel things more strongly, which also means I’m more affected by others than most people


Frootlooper Spring 2023 Home Post


Hello all! This is my first time joining one of these. I’m really trying to read more since I have a massive backlog and can’t seem to stop buying more. :laughing:


  • Catch up with チェンソーマン
  • Finish キノの旅1
  • Read at least 15 more manga
  • Choose and start a second novel
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4月1日 - 4月6日 Summary
Home Post

I’ve gotten a bit nuts with how much I’ve been reading the last week. I read nine manga and most of a chapter of キノの旅1. Not sure what prompted this, but I’m happy for it. Not sure how long the motivation will last but I figure I should just go with it for now. Just listing what I read for now. This post would be so long if I added my thoughts on each volume :sweat:

4/1: 幸色のワンルーム 4
4/2: 幸色のワンルーム 5, キノの旅1(pages 16-25), レンタルおにいちゃん3 (pages 0-108)
4/3: レンタルおにいちゃん3(pages 109-finish), レンタルおにいちゃん4(pages 0-37)
4/4: レンタルおにいちゃん4(pages 38-finish), マギ6(pages 75-130), キノの旅1(pages 25-31), 蛍火の杜へ (pages 0-57)
4/5: 蛍火の杜へ (pages 58-finish), チェンソーマン8, マギ6(pages 130-finish), マギ7(pages 0-39), キノの旅1(31-40)
4/6: チェンソーマン9, チェンソーマン10, キノの旅1(40-44), となりの怪物くん1(pages 49-89)


7/4 4 pages Spy Family

Well, haven’t quite finished my own club’s reading for the week, but I’m flying back to Australia over the next few days so I should catch up.