oooh, thank you for pointing it out, I must have missed that! Fixing it now!
Thank you so much!
what a perfect mnemonic, i shall never forget the meaning to this now
thank you both windupbird and chrisosaurus for your input, and I will definitely keep all that in mind! maybe I need to find that one extra light read for myself too heheh
i think you put it so eloquently, this is precisely what I’m hoping to achieve through all of this!
September 10th 大海原と大海原 I read 6 pages (containing text) to finish up chapter 2 (the 3rd chapter) =O
A chapter in 2 days is unbelievable, although I was very very very heavily helped by a bunch of pages being very simple to translate.
Absolutely loving the story and difficulty, 5 of those 6 pages flew by, and the other was filled with a character making very complex sentences I still don’t fully understand. You win some you lose some.
Isn’t it just?? There’s also animated versions on YouTube, which is how I came across it. The characters speak all in ます/です form (because it’s a workplace) so it was one of the first bit of native content I was able to really engage with, as I’m studying via traditional textbooks (Minna No Nihongo). I wish it was better known because it’s perfect for learners.
Ha ha the novel I read this summer had a lot of elderly men and I just kind of…skipped their bits and focussed on the verbs that told me roughly what they were saying (usually complaining!). This is one of the reasons I prefer prose to manga.
I have totally done this both with elderly men and at times where the author has decided to have a character talk in katakana. Just resign myself to having a vague idea of what that character is on about lol.
@fustian_garb@sycamore - I’m glad I’m not the only one that sort of unfocusses their eyes and doesn’t bother looking up old-man-speak as long as I know what they’re saying.
In 逆転検事2 there is an elderly monk character. I got to learn that there is a personal pronoun that is solely for Buddhist monks to use. His every text-box made me feel like I knew nothing at all, and I’d just groan the moment there was the hint I’d have to talk to him.
In 逆転裁判1there is a character that’s supposed to be an American. A lot of katakana English that I had to read out loud to make the penny drop on what he was saying.
Now in 逆転裁判3there is a character with a somewhat similar shtick, only it’s katakana French.
I mainly read from the library. So my 積ん読 pile is the entire library. :"D
I do have some unread stuff though that I bought before I realized that I don’t like storing books. (I’m weird like that. Move across the globe twice in half a year and maybe you’ll become like me as well.)
I like that Shigetou 「繁藤」is ‘Overgrown Wisteria’ if you translate it literally.
It was going okay, but then I went to look up where it was located and got distracted looking at pictures of Kochi prefecture, wow that place is beautiful!! THOSE BEACHES… THOSE RIVERS with rocks… and TREES!
At least I managed to get some reading in before that… now back to daydreaming about the sands and waters of Kochi.
I attempted the one in the summer and far too much happened that led to the challenge being derailed for me. I was already trying to read every day in September, so when I came across an autumn version of the REDC, I knew I had to give it another go.
I finished Barakamon volume 3 while waiting for a table at a ramen restaurant. The person waiting in front of me was reading Haikyuu haha
名残惜しい : reluctant (to part)
贖罪 (しょくざい) : atonement
僻む (ひがむ) : to be prejudiced
順応力 (じゅんのうりょく) : adaptability
入り浸り (いりびたり) : frequenting
仙人 (せんにん) : mountain man (esp. a hermit)
絆創膏 (ばんそうこう) : adhesive bandage
丁稚 (でっち) : apprentice
Ahhh I love 逆転裁判 so much * I might play it again tonight * I guess you already finished it but if you’re ever wondering what the katakana French means, feel free to ask me!
What did I read: 暁のヨナ , chapter 34, for the bookclub, 29 pages again. just ~20min today, because I only went through the chapter without looking everything up- my eyes are closing on me… will look up words tomorrow…
Also, during my lesson today, read passages from Pepper’s website page will link tomorrow!
What I learnt:
more words tomorrow, now sleep is calling :sleeping:
Was somewhat sick for most of this week (not terribly so, but that annoying level where you’re not quite sick enough to justify not working but sick enough that working leaves you with minus energy for the day), but somehow I managed to keep up my 30mins ハリーポッター賢者の石 before going to sleep each night at least. Probably because it’s become quite a nice routine
Today I was feeling mostly better and had some more energy so I read the first volume of the manga ブルーロック.
non-spoilery thoughts about it
It’s a football sports manga, but instead of being like the usual “teamwork is everything!” sports mangas it’s more like a “only the best shall survive” shonen style individual tournament arc. I pretty much just read it a) cos I got it free on Bookwalker, b) cos there’s an anime adaptation thats recently been announced, and c) cos a friend wanted to read it and asked my opinion of it and I was like “well I haven’t read it but it’s free so give me a sec (I mean more like a few weeks since he mentioned it haha) and I’ll let you know”. The description I ended up giving to that friend was that it’s “kind of like a cross between ハイキュー and chunin exam arc Naruto”. I wouldn’t say it blew me away so far but it was enjoyable enough, and I have another free volume of it so I’ll read that too and see if it hooks me. That is the nice thing about the first few volumes of series being free so often on bookwalker, gives you a chance to read a decent amount before deciding if you like it enough to continue.
Got to inform you that your descriptions of ハイ☆スピード! have endeared it to me enough that I’ve finally finished setting up my tenso account with the intention of doing an order at some point to get it (seeing as it doesn’t seem to be available on mandarake or cdjapan or digitally). I was already aware of it before and had wanted to read it cos I like free but the hassle had put me off. But it sounds so cute!!! Of course, that will give me an excuse to get other things “to make the order worth it” which is a nice but dangerous thing.