📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

Reading Update: 10月1日〜4日


:red_square: 授乳
:orange_square: 月刊少女野崎くん3

I…forgot to read yesterday. :sob: I woke up this morning and stared at my volume of 野崎くん, trying to remember what I (didn’t) read the night before. It sucks that I couldn’t go through the challenge flawlessly, but I’m not going to let this dampen the rest of it. After all, I’m still reading way more regularly than I ever have in Japanese, and I don’t want to give that up just because I’m feeling a little sorry for myself.

授乳: Finished reading the section for Week 2. Things are definitely starting to get interesting: the dynamic amongst each family member (father, mother, and daughter) is peeking out from the surface. The narrator has a deadpan, unbothered humor to her. A couple of lines that got laughs out of me: (regarding the value of the tutor her mother hired)「まあ私のお金じゃないし」and (after going through some thoughts she has about her mother) 「私は父の下着をたたみ続ける母の横顔を見ながら、わけもなく、母が同い年のクラスメイトだったらきっといじめてるなと思った」. I’m going to push myself to get through more of this book this week.

月刊少女野崎くん3: I’m going to be honest…I haven’t gotten all that much farther into the volume compared to my last update. :pensive: I wasn’t feeling well this past weekend, and by the time I (mostly) remembered to read something, I’d only make it through a panel or two before putting it down and going to sleep. I guess it’s unrealistic to think that moments like these won’t happen in life.

Vocabulary (mostly in hiragana, as it turns out)

わけもなく: without cause; without reason
がらんどう: empty, hollow, bare, vacant, deserted
のっぺらぼう: smooth, flat, lacking bumps and dents (there’s also a 妖怪 named this if you want to read about it in this wiki)
逆上 (ぎゃくじょう): going into a frenzy, flying into a rage

Here’s to a great week of reading, everyone! :muscle:

:house_with_garden: (click for home post)