Re Zero book club home thread

Next week is up Re Zero Volume 1 Week 7

How long would you like to have a break

  • 1 Week
  • 2 Week

0 voters

Edit: Just realize 57 people voted on the the poll about wanting to read along. Never expected that many people to vote.


Especially since we donā€™t have 30+ people reading along :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™m stalking along.


Iā€™m aiming for the stars by hitting 2 Week. Maybe that will give me some time to catch up :thinking:

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Same :smiley:

By the by, how far along are you?

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Chronologically Iā€™m so very behind, like I need 20 pages to finish chapter 1. But Iā€™ve been reading some small parts of each week to keep up with the story (thatā€™s all the time I have each week). I do need to backtrack and continue reading from where I left off. But I feel thatā€™s impossible so I might jump a bit ahead.

We seem to have gone at this very much the same way, hahaā€¦ Except I only read ā€˜aheadā€™, so to say, when we have the discord sessions, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve stayed until the end once. :thinking:

Since we seem to be the 2 people who consistently vote how behind we are, I was very curious. :smiley:

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Any news about the new thread? can I start reading?


We were supposed to wait? :eyes:


I donā€™t know? I usually vote in the poll saying I am reading along and then I start reading.
(Maybe Iā€™m just too much of a Loyal Good type character)


But if you start reading before the poll, you can vote that youā€™re ahead. :grimacing:


But it feels wrong! I donā€™t want to be ahead!
Woe is me!


I usually start reading on the day the schedule says(so Mondays for re:zero) regardless of when the topics are posted(well, not for all the book clubs, Iā€™m not fast enough to read all the ones that start on Saturday on the same day while also reading some SAO, but then thatā€™s because Iā€™m reading other books and not because Iā€™m waiting)


humā€¦ yeah so humā€¦ I kinda forget to do the topic. Iā€™m gonna do it now. Srry for it I was sure I did it for some reason.

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New week is up sorry for been late


I know that iā€™m kinda late to ask this but I was wondering. Right now there is 20 volume of Re zero out without counting the ova. This could take some time to read them all and might get long after a while. I was thinking, if people wants, we could transform this thread into a dual reading. For exemple we read Rero volume 1 then Konosuba volume then Re zero volume 2 etc. This could create a kind of fresh breeze of change. Iā€™m thinking of Konosuba because itā€™s close to Re zero and both of the author make reference to the other but it could be something else.

Another option could be to take a bigger break from time to time but I fear that would kill the thread.

Iā€™m thinking about doing this because we will have a face past and we will increase in speed with each book. We are already only 8 left reading with 2 behind soā€¦ If they donā€™t like the second book they will be able to catch up while the other can continue at a good speed while changing style. I know this bookclub can be a huge time and energy investment so I was thinking it could be nice for people only reading re zero or the other to have some air and if you will read both it will give you some variety. If we do all volume in one go it might block some people from reading other things and since people mentioned Konosuba but I never saw any bookclub about it. I could just do another bookclub about it but Iā€™m scared people would just be too busy to go. I would be happy if you could tell me wha you think about this idea. Iā€™m not even sure myself about it but I thought I could just ask and see where it goes. I donā€™t especialy mind if you are against or for it. just thought that people might get tired of reading the 20 volume in a row.

Since this club is nothing without you here I will do a poll about it. Iā€™m not sure I will get lot of support for it but hey worth the try.

  • Only Re zero all the way
  • Re Zero and another

0 voters

I was wondering something else how many people are actually reading this thread? And since voting is easier and less stressful than actually writing.

  • I read this thread and read the book
  • I read this thread but do not read
  • I read this thread and plan to start reading soon
  • I read this thread and plan to read later on

0 voters

Lastly iā€™m sure I donā€™t think I need to say it but whatever the result of the poll are I highly recommend starting to order Re Zero volume 2 to be ready if we start in 2-3 weeks. Hope to see you all for the next book.


So, I didnā€™t vote in your first poll since I do not have a strong opinion about it.
Iā€™m reading other books on the side, so I have enough variety already if we chose to just keep going with that one series.
On the other hand, while I do like it and plan to keep on reading, Iā€™m not so crazy about the story that I need to read more right this instant. So taking time to read another series in between is fine too. :woman_shrugging:

One thing, though. Iā€™ve been pretty much living under a rock my whole life when it comes to light novels and anime. The only thing Iā€™ve heard about Konosuba is that thereā€™s a part where they are stealing panties?!? Honestly, I donā€™t really like ā€œfan serviceā€ and the like, so Iā€™d rather avoid that series if it involves stuff like that :confused:


Donā€™t worry, it also includes a character getting drunk from time to time. :unamused:

I didnā€™t like the Konosuba anime because of the fanservice, and the jokes just didnā€™t hit for me.

Except for Megumin. She was awesome.


I also didnā€™t vote for the first poll because I donā€™t really feel one way or the other (I already read all currently out Konosuba volumes, so I wouldnā€™t be reading along).

It does have a fair amount of fan service, so Iā€™d say youā€™re making the right call.


Ooookay. Well.

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