Summary post
I ended up not having any time at all to update this thread, haha, oops!
But on the plus side, the reason I didn’t have time was because I was busy listening to and reading Japanese!
Here’s how September went for me:
Sept |
月 |
火 |
水 |
木 |
金 |
土 |
日 |
Week 35 |
Week 36 |
Week 37 |
Week 38 |
Week 39 |
= Japanese
= Japanese and Spanish
Perfect score! Since I wasn’t counting the Japanese I listened to during wrestling shows and while doing my translations, things got a bit dicey at points haha and I only got in a couple minutes of listening practice those days, but I did manage to listen to at least something every single day.
I finished a lot of Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling show translations! I finished translating their experimental 8.17 Inspiration show, their 8.26 summer show, some various other shows: 9.03, 9.09, 9.10, 9.16, and the 9.18 Nagoya show with Reiwa AA Cannon’s last match. (I also just finished the 9.23 show, though technically in October, haha, so I’m not counting it in this roundup).
The wrestling stuff is more exciting than the podcasts and 新完全マスター 聴解 exercises, so I’ll talk about some of the fun things I’ve encountered there over the course of September.
Here’s a photo from the Inspiration show on August 17. This was Shoko Nakajima and Miyu Yamashita’s 10th year debut anniversary, so they did a singles match to celebrate it, then talked for a while on the mic afterward.
They talked about a ケンカ backstage at a 結婚式プロレス event haha, which was a fun translation discussion in the pro wrestling thread. Then Shoko said what might be my favorite line I've had the pleasure of translating this year:
「 赤井沙希選手の言葉を借りるなら、花は美しく咲いたまま終わるって方もいるんですけど。私はもう枯れて土に還って腐葉土になるまでやってやろうかってタイプなので。私は腐葉土を目指すレスラーなので(笑)。長い道のりの中間なのか、まだ序盤なのかもしれないし。そんな気持ちで見ててほしいと思います」
“If you take a leaf from Saki Akai, it’s better for the flower to end while it’s beautifully in bloom. But I’m the type who intends to keep doing it until I’ve withered and died and become humus. I’m a wrestler who aims to become humus.” (laughs) “I might be in the middle of a long journey, or I might still be at the opening stage. That’s how I want people to see it."
Wanting to keep her metaphor intact, I made the mistake of translating 腐葉土 as “humus” instead of a word like “mulch” or “compost” or something, and then I learned the hard way that most people are not soil enthusiasts and “humus” is not in fact a word in most people’s vocabulary…
Another fun translation experience was the August 26 show. The show overall had a summer theme, and the match pictured below had a stipulation where the wrestlers were allowed to use outside items as long as they were summer items. Here’s Mizuki pinning Pom Harajuku in a pool with a watermelon on her face and Shoko’s soft vinyl kaiju toys strewn about the ring… (Shoko argued that the kaiju counted as summer items because they would often show kaiju films in the theater during summer).
The wrestlers in the match after this discovered the “お疲れサマー!” pun, and I was like “oh no how on earth am I going to translate this?” only to then find out that the opposing team independently discovered the same pun…
Thankfully, the WaniKani film club discord helped me out, and someone, I believe it was @DIO-Berry, came up with a translation for “お疲れサマー!” I also discovered that wordpress supports ruby, so I was able to manually code in the pun as furigana on my translation blog to make it a little more obvious:
“Thank you summer for your hard work!”
As far as listening I was doing specifically for this challenge goes, I listened to a whole bunch of episodes of 日本語の聴解のためのpodcast (totally didn’t keep track of the actual numbers…) while going on walks, though didn’t end up listening to any of them a second time.
Overall, I think my listening comprehension of that podcast did in fact improve over the course of the month! It’s still kind of hit or miss, and some episodes that touch on subjects where I’m missing more vocab tend to be more “miss” than “hit”, but it’s getting easier to catch the parts that I do catch.
I also didn’t quite finish the 新完全マスター 聴解 N4 book, which was my go-to listening practice on the days where I couldn’t go for a walk. I’m close, though. For the most part, it’s pretty doable and is solidly below my level, but sometimes I’ll get tripped up over random simple stuff . It’s wild how I can sometimes listen to a wrestling promo in native media and comprehend it pretty well and then get tripped up by an N4 trick question…
I’m hoping to finish that book soon-ish, and then will probably do the N3 one in December for the off-month after the fall listen every day challenge.
I didn’t count any wrestling stuff for the purpose of this challenge, but I did actually have better listening comprehension for the last DDT show I watched, to the point where it surprised me! I think maybe I might’ve just fried my brain by doing too much wrestling translations…
As far as listening in Spanish goes, there’s really not enough to report to bother hiding it under a cut. The month went very well! Radio Ambulante is just getting easier and easier to understand, and Bob Esponja is now very doable, to the point where I’m considering moving on. Though I dunno, it’s also kind of nice to have an easy, low-effort show, haha!
I’m not joining the fall listen every day challenge for the main challenge period, but I’ll be over in the fall reading challenge, once I get my home thread set-up there!