Jumping in for the off-month!
I technically started this challenge on September 1, but have been too busy until now to set up my home post .
Sept |
月 |
火 |
水 |
木 |
金 |
土 |
日 |
Week 35 |
Week 36 |
Week 37 |
Week 38 |
Week 39 |
= Japanese
= Japanese and Spanish
As usual, I’ll be attempting to listen to something in both Spanish and in Japanese every day! I’m attempting to listen to and/or read something in both languages every single day this year, and haven’t broken the streak so far. Let’s see if I can keep it up for another month. (I’m bad at remembering to update my chart, though, so don’t expect it to necessarily be accurate…)
I’ve been trying to go out on walks at least a few times a week, and I listen to podcasts (in both Spanish and Japanese) while I’m walking, so most of my deliberate listening practice will probably be happening then.
What I'll be listening to in Japanese:
I’m currently listening to the 日本語の聴解のためのpodcast, which is still a bit above my level, but I’m catching more and more of it. This will be my main focus, probably.
On days where I can’t go on a walk, I have a few options:
I’m working through 新完全マスター 聴解 N4 right now, in preparation for moving onto the N3 practice book soon, so I’m counting that book for the purposes of this challenge (even though it’s below my level).
When I finish that, I’ll probably try re-listening to 日本語の聴解のためのpodcast episodes after reading the transcript to them. I don’t look at the transcript when listening for the first time (since I listen while walking), but I think it could be beneficial to try listening to the episodes a second time when I know what words I’m listening for.
I’ll also be listening to plenty of pro-wrestling stuff, as usual. I will NOT be counting my regular wrestling watching habits for the purpose of this challenge! My aim right now is to try to engage with more content that is actually within reach of my current level of listening ability.
I’m on the fence about whether or not I’m going to count the WaniKani film club picks for this challenge. They’re not within reach of my current ability, and many of them I’m watching with English subs anyway, but I do pick up some things, and it’s at least a different sort of practice than I’m getting on my own with the kind of media I’m watching regularly…
What I'll be listening to in Spanish:
I’ve been listening to Radio Ambulante, which is an NPR podcast meant for native speakers. So far it has been going pretty well! It’s only getting easier for me. I still have plenty of episodes left to listen to, so it’ll keep me plenty busy.
On days where I can’t go for a walk, I’ve been watching Bob Esponja (the Spanish dub of SpongeBob SquarePants). I started trying to watch this show I believe at the end of last year, and I’m happy to report that my listening ability has improved immensely since then! I might move on to something a bit harder at some point, but for now, the language in this show is at a good level for me.