Yesterday I shared a link to a conjugation quizz. I rarely use it and decided to just try it again. I failed miserably. I was not even able to put a verb in its ます form properly…
(just to give you an idea of where I am in my Japanese studies I understand enough of Harry Potter to find it an enjoyable read).
You remind me of an other one. I bought some children book a few months ago. My 2 year old found them and asked me to read them… It was the first time I pronounced words in Japanese after 2 years and a half of studying. I did not know what I would sound like. Very embarrassing.
Wow, thank you so much for this topic and story. I realized that I have the same problem too (although I am only on chapter 9 in Genki 1).
Can you recommend some app or resource for practise? I found Japanese Conjugation Practice , looks nice. Anyone know any conjugation practise resource?
Shadowing. I used to do a fair bit of it but don’t anymore. I said in my study log that I’d make a plan to fit it in more this week so I’m working on that.
Writing real sentences. I try to fit in a fair bit of handwriting/kanji stroke practice but I barely ever write. I should keep a journal but don’t.
I used to write a weekly diary to practice my proactive recall for vocab, grammar and kanji but quickly feel out with that after being in on and off lockdown since March. There’s only so much you can talk about workwise and what you do without leaving your house ;_;
I think the thing I’m working on the least is vocab outside of what WaniKani gives you… I am slogging through Genki at snails pace, but it’s better then not doing anything at all