Any time that I can find to work on the app is going toward finishing 3.0 so that it’s ready when API v2 goes live. So, unfortunately, probably not.
Hi there.
On iOS beta 11.3 keyboard does not reappear after entering word correctly.
Apologies if this has already been discussed… anyone else have mobile allicrab go blank all of a sudden? I’ve logged out and logged back in, nothing is working anymore. @cplaverty
When I refresh the screen it says “failed to update data. The data couldn’t be read because it is missing”
I’m on an iPhone. There doesn’t seem to be any problem with my actual WK account (web dashboard looks normal) I’ve logged in using my account info and my API 2 key
If you are using a self build version, there are some keys that changed and therefore the json is not valid anymore.
A few answers earlier here there was a solution posted.
Can you link to the message with the answer? Looking through them I’m actually not finding anything that solves my problem. (Sorry if it’s obvious and I’m just not seeing it)
It is this one
Hi! I was wondering why my stats on AlliCrab are off and if there’s anything I can do to fix it?
Real Stats:
On iOS 11.3, there’s an annoying ‘bug’ when the keyboard dismisses after every review. Are there any plans to fix this? Thank you for the great app by the way!
I would still love to use AlliCrab with the Anki mode script or (even better) having a textfield where I can add my own scripts. So I was trying to build it and deploy it to my own device. But it seems that without a developer account I’m just out of luck, right? I got it to build and run but then it fails with “Can’t find group shared directory for group identifier” and as far as I understood there is just no way around this, not even without using fastlane.
I’m seriously tempted to pay the 99$ for a developer account just for this but that seems very… unreasonable.
EDIT: Never mind, I forgot that I still have a developer account
I tried to include a couple of my favorite scripts and these are the results. I’ll be updating this list as time goes on and I test more of them:
- Anki mode script: I have a slightly modified version with buttons which I included and it seems to work: Wanikani Anki Mode (irrelephant mod with buttons) - Source code
- Reorder script (I’m using my slightly modified version that you configure once and afterwards it will just apply your settings and start out in collapsed mode: Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 (irrelephant mod) - Source code). Just had to comment out line 331 which is "$(‘#version’).text(“v” + GM_info.script.version);” to make it work.
- Installing Wanikani Open Framework works as far as I can tell
- [Userscript] WaniKani Lesson Cap loads data via open framework, settings dialog works, score is calculated but the available lessons are either + or - Infinity. But it is usable.
- [Userscript] WaniKani Super Burn Happy Script - Celebrate your burns! animation works partially (confetti is raining from top left corner instead of from the center), no sound; probably not worth including it
- [userscript] Level-Up Celebrator! - #60 by denko doesn’t create errors, --could not verify yet if they work correctly-- but unfortunately doesn’t seem to work. Leveling up is not as fun without it…
- [Userscript] Dashboard Progress Plus works
- [Userscript] WaniKani Show Specific SRS Level in Reviews works
- [Userscript] WaniKani Lesson Filter works
- A little script I once made (based on an existing script) to always show the info of an icon after answering it: WaniKani Always Show Item Info - Source code works but makes everything a bit “jiggly”
- [Unsupported] [Userscript] WaniKani Review Audio Tweak (reupload/fixed) seems to work
- [Userscript] Wanikani Review SRS/Level Indicator works
Thanks a lot @cplaverty for building this app and making the source code available, it was obviously a lot of work. You can’t imagine how happy I am today. I’m finally going to get rid of my crappy Android device that I had to carry around just to do reviews with the Anki mode
Let me know if there is anything else I should do. I usually don’t submit Github pull requests and I guess the changes are so simple that it wouldn’t help much but I’d be happy to submit one if it helps.
Yes, I would love to have this in the app. Is @cplaverty still around??
What about this script?
Didn’t test more than 10 reviews or so but yes, seems to work.
I didn’t include the scripts properly with nice descriptions and links yet but if @cplaverty was interested, I could clean that up and prepare a pull request or something and maybe those scripts could find their way into the beta TestFlight version?
This is driving me mad as I now have to tap into the input box before typing every answer. Input on the iphone keypad is already much slower than typing on my computer, so if it’s not fixed soon, I might end up switching…
Sorry for the extended absence, but I’ve been very short of time lately. I don’t expect this to improve until June at the earliest, so until then AlliCrab is on hiatus.
Apologies to all the people who have mailed me and posted here that I haven’t responded to.
I hope all is well. Best of luck with whatever you’ve been busy with.
Are you going to release version 74 of the beta to Test Flight? I saw you updated the API URL in that version, so I figured I’d check.
PSA: We’re changing the URL for API v2 —you’ll find all your favorite endpoints at!
The structure of the requests and responses stay the same, so update those base URLs and you’ll be good to go. We’re supporting traffic to the old endpoints for a couple weeks while everyone makes the transition, but we’ll be tearing down the existing URLs on April 18.
That change is in 73, which I released yesterday to TestFlight, and 74 will be the next version. With v3 I’ve started bumping the version number immediately after submitting versions to the store so I can distinguish whether I have a test flight version or a dev version installed on my phone.
Thanks @cplaverty!
In the beta I got an issue where a jitai font wasn’t displaying for 岐阜. I thought you resolved that bug a while ago, but I guess it’s back.