So, i am pretty new to WaniKani and am a little confused about how reviews work.
How do reviews stack up? I know that they come slower at the beginning but i hear of people getting 200 reviews every day and don’t know how that works. once a review is available, does a clock automatically start counting down until its time for the next one?
Do reviews cover only the lesson you are on or everything you have learned so far?
So you do a lesson of an item, and then that item gets put on a schedule. You won’t have more items than you have done lessons for, so a basic way to control the amount of reviews, is to pace your lessons.
Yeah, every item you do lessons for has a timer for reviews. The more you answer correctly the longer and longer the interval becomes, until the last interval of 4 months, after which the item is “burned” and no longer appears in reviews. People who get hundreds of reviews get them because they do a lot of lessons in a short period of time, or they let the reviews pile up by not clearing them regularly.