WaniKani glitch?

After I got to level 3, the first review after I learn a lesson is about 4 hours, while it used to be 1 hour. Is this a system glitch or something?

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Nope, unfortunately for you, it’s just a sign you’re graduating to the big leagues. The first two levels are sped up to try to encourage people to stay. Level 3 and on, your first one comes at 4 hours.


Are you sure you’re not possibly confusing reviews from older levels cropping up after one hour? The default SRS interval for a newly learned item is 4 hours, as explained in the WK Guide (scroll down to the section “Hold on, I have to WAIT?”)

Edit: Nope, you’re not confused about anything, as Shadkat and Leebo explained. :slight_smile:

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aaaaah, I didn’t know that. Thank you for clarifying. ^^ Hmmm
 did I never notice that in the first few levels? I’m not very perceptive.


The first review comes after 2 hours for levels one and two, not 1 hour, basically the wait times are halved.


It’s been so long since I’ve done the first levels that I’m not sure about the details anymore but it’s something like that. Someone else might slide in here to clarify better :sweat_smile:
edit: Like Leebo three seconds before I hit send.


But it can feel like 1 hour if you do your lessons towards the end of the hour.


Sure, the method of calculating any next review time starts with removing the minutes from the time the lesson or review was done and then adding the applicable hours.

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