Hi everyone,
I been learning japanese for about a year now. So far there have been steps in my learning journey that have been tough to take at first but eventually turned into great investments… immersion it’s one of those, I struggled so hard for months and now has becomed a plesurable activity that always gives me a surprise in terms of new words, different connotations of known vocab or grammar, etc… (or just getting the plot of my show).
Well, going monolingual was one of those pending steps during my entire first year, I tryied halfway through and failed miserably… the neverending spiral of new words and unending branching really hit me, so I desisted. I mean, I wasn’t reading much then , so If I was struggling with the most basic of materials to read it was logical that a dictionary didn’t probe to be any easier.
After this last months of really making reading into an habit, I decided to give monolingual vocab cards a go again. And it was like … I was able to get the deffinitions, not only in Sanseido (kids dictionary) but in actual adult dictionaries.
So yeah, I started working on it, and thanks to the kind help of another WKnian I was able to transform my cards for vocab, to carry now the japanese definition, instead of the english translation.
Now, I will like to ask some questions to all people here that have taked this step.
How deep would you let the branching go? I mean, I have a collection of dictionaries (using the qolibri program) and sometimes there’re a couple of definitions that will contain 1-2 unknown words. In that case most of the time there’s another dictionary with a simpler definition or just using another synonim that I know. If not I then make an extra card for the new word, and fortunatly there’ll be no more branching (so far I won’t go too deep and I’ll keep the english translated card If I see that the monolingual card would mean much more than an extra 1-2 words). 9/10 times I’m getting a deffinition that don’t involve branching.
Would you just use pictures or similar (just the kanji), if the deffinition proves too much a hassle for a simple concept?
Any extra benefit in revising my previous cards? So far there’re thousands of mature cards in there. So far I’m adding new monoligual cards or changing the ones that I’m failing when reviewing, as to get some extra workup for those.
Any tips or thoughts you can provide?
Cards are looking like this so far (back side, front should be just vocab and example sentence)
So far one of the benefits I see in this transition It’s related to english not been my mother language. Sometimes I was making wrong assumptions of what a kanji word meant based on my so so understading of some not well known english word. So after seeing a couple of weird matches of context for that word I finally realized that the problem was about that in the first place…
Anyway, I will love to hear of anyone that has done this already, or planning or maybe tried and came back to tranlations.