Another question, I thought I’d ask you seeing as we do the cards the same. When you answer, do you try to answer in the Japanese definition, or just the English equivalent? eg. if the card says “特大”, do you answer “特別に大きいこと(もの)” or just “very big”?
you mean like when I answer outloud or in my mind before pressing the anwser button?
If thats the case, then I will go with either the english or spanish (L1) equivalent.
I’m not anywhere close to think in japanese like I do in english, and outputting in japanese It’s not what I’m aiming right now; maybe when I had worked more on speaking I could try to actually anwser in japanese though
Sorry I’m a little late to the game, but a couple of comments from trying the monolingual cards for a little over 4 months now.
(1) I started with just pictures…but quickly found part of speech (I use several grammar terms: 他動詞、自動詞、名詞、形容動詞、形容詞、副詞) and definition was important even for my basic cards. I ended up having to go and add this to a bunch of cards because I started getting a lot of similar words and a slightly different definition or the part of speech would be the only way to differentiate.
(2) Another important thing for me, was having an audio only card for each note. I used Yomichan to automatically create the basic card, or to download the audio if Yomichan couldn’t pull it from Jisho (which actually uses the audio from wanikani) or japanesepod.
It’s great to hear others doing things slightly different. Yeah the part of speech reference it’s great to have it at hand , specially for me are the 自動詞ー他動詞 mention on verbs.
As for audio , I’m doing sentence listening practice with this. I’ve setted so the same day or maybe the next day I do my new vocab lesson I’ll have a +1 sentence for that word.