Genki Study Buddies - 「皆さんはGenkiを勉強しています」

Just tried it, it’s great! Attempting to sync it with my phone now so I can study during my commute. Thanks :slight_smile:

Ah, thanks! I looked at memrise but had trouble choosing a course that felt right, I’ll look into this one!

I find the one tailored for Genki 1 that I use very useful. I learn the words in Memrise and then move on to Renshuu to learn them with the kanji I know off here.

You’re welcome! Just make sure to thank Hine and eninny if you see them. It’s all their hard work (and mostly hinekidori’s, from what I understand). It’s great on my phone. Hope you like it too.

Finally completed chapter 4 after a challenging week. I’m going on vacation for the next two weeks, so I won’t be checking back in until after that. Thanks again for checking in!

Alright! New round!

@AnimeCanuck - Sorry things have been so busy. Hopefully it’ll get better and you won’t feel so overwhelmed. Just go ahead and let me know when you want your next reminder.

@Arcon1ous - Have you gotten part of lesson 1 done? Learn anything worth mentioning. Moving can be super stressful, I know. I’ll check in with you on the 10th to see how progress is.

@Gossepojk - Good job on finishing lesson 6! Keep up the good work. I’ll check lesson 7 progress next Monday.

@Hsinz - You mentioned you were trying to finish lesson 4 before 4/1. How goes the progress?

@SpicyDragon - Sorry you were feeling unwell last week. Did you get those Lesson 1 exercises done? Also, did you end up going on vacation mode?

@Sylph - Checking in. Did you get lesson 5 completed this past week?

@tiamo - Welcome! You get all of Lesson 1 complete?

@chezmax - I saw your grammar points and info. Good progress. I’ll check in next week to see how lesson 2 went!

@jomteon - Have fun in Tokyo! I’ll check back next week to make sure you start Genki II!

@skylarshu - Great job on finishing lesson 4! I’ll check back with you in 2 weeks to make sure you start lesson 5. Have a great vacation!

I’ve been on vacation mode, did not finish the exercises. Let’s reschedule that goal for completion due next Sunday.

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I haven’t made any progress at all, I got super busy :slight_frown: I have my finals now, so im gonna push it to the 20th of April ( i would put my stuff on vacation mode but my subscription is expiring soon anyway).

Hopefully by the time i give my next feedback, i will be done 5 as well


Regarding speed, I was reading recently that people doing Japanese at college do one book in a year, and at university take half a year to a year per book. Half a year (a chapter a week) is for people doing degree in Japanese. Genki themselves recommend 200 hours to do both books.

How would you say that course compares to this one: Genki 1 - by caleb.warwick - Memrise
I ended up picking up that one originally because it seems to be laid out in order of the book (also the one you linked is missing the introductions and such which I thought was weird)

Thank you so much for the motivation @alexbeldan !

Yes, I finished Lesson 1 and am doing the Lesson 2 workbook exercises. I could probably go a bit faster in these early levels, but I use another primary resource.

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Mine is divided into chapters and each chapter is divided into verbs, nouns, adjectives and other, so it’s 41 sections in total.

A bit late, but I just finished Lesson 5! @alexbeldan
I think this is where it gets interesting. See you tomorrow, て form.

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I see.
The one I’m using is broken down by each lesson chapter. Also the one you’re using seems to be missing the first lesson with the greetings and also numbers which is kind of a bummer to me. :slight_frown:

But as long as the one we pick for ourselves helps us, right?

@alexbeldan I’m going to finish Lesson 1 by Saturday evening!

I FINALLY finished lesson 1. I took way too long but I haven’t had a lot of time the past two weeks (level 6 on Wanikani is also taking me way too much time). The grammar is ingrained in my brains, still forgetting some vocabulary though.

On to lesson 2 tomorrow!


Oh, I did’t notice it was missing that, I already knew those when I started using it. Try both, see which you like best. I learn the words in Memrise first and then on Renshuu.

I’m majorly late joining this party but is anyone here just about to start Genki I? I had been studying Japanese two years ago until a family bereavement and a subsequent major change in my responsibilities meant I had to give up classes and study as I was so busy with other things. I was up to lesson 8 but would have forgotten everything apart from being able to read kana.
Joining Wanikani was my first step back into Japanese study and I am loving it but Really missing more comprehensive study.

I would love to do a bit of refreshing with Genki before meeting with my Japanese teacher and classmates again. My dream is to save up for another trip to Tokyo for the 2020 Games (yes I know, Tokyo + Olympic Games price hike in any host city = lots of penny saving for moi! :wink:).

Having study buddies would be great for me to keep me motivated and help me not feel so isolated (sometimes self-study can be quite lonely :frowning:).

Lucy x

No problem. Glad to have you. I will be starting lesson 1 next Monday.

Also, to everyone else, long day yesterday, I’ll give you an updated reminder on Monday for your current lesson.

Welcome to the group, Lucy! There are some links to notes in my OP, and I’ve been adding my thoughts about different lessons here and there.


@alexbeldan @AnimeCanuck fab, thank you both x